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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 289.3: The Grand Tournament Begins (3)
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There were two ways in which Zhou Weiqing could successfully complete his Spatial Travel. One of which was via coordinates, if the distance was long. The other was to travel to a particular spot within his field of vision, similar to the Blink Skill. However, at his current cultivation base, the space ripples that occured when he was engaging in the Spatial Travel was extremely small. Even a Heavenly God would not be able to detect it, unless he was deliberately paying attention to it.

Before, Zhou Weiqing intentionally fell behind the other leaders to mislead them into thinking that he was much weaker than he actually was, and that it was impossible for him to overtake them. Thus, they did not take any notice of him. Zhou Weiqing waited till they were fighting against each other at the front before he used Spatial Travel to get ahead of them.

Zhou Weiqing had made use of the four leaders' psychological inertia to his advantage. Before the establishment of the Peerless Sect as a Saint Land, none of the leaders of the Saint Lands had specialized in the Spatial Attribute, let alone grasping Spatial Law.

The first thing that came to all their minds when they saw Zhou Weiqing playing with the five stones in mid-air was: How is this possible?

However, the truth was right before their eyes - regardless of how Zhou Weiqing did it, he was indeed in possession of all five stones. According to the rules of the Grand Tournament, they were not allowed to launch any direct attacks during the drawing of lots. Hence, they were unable to snatch the stones from him.

When the leaders of the four Saint Lands were dumbstruck, Zhou Weiqing waved his right hand and shouted, “This is for you, catch it properly.” Four rays of light shot out at the same time towards the four leaders’ location.

Based on Zhou Weiqing’s cultivation base, the distance was not considered far. Before the act of waving his hand was completed, the four stones had already appeared before Xue AoTian, Shangguan Tianyang, etc. Instinctively, the four leaders raised their hands and each of them caught a stone.

Upon looking at the stone in their hands, Passion Valley's Huang Xingyun almost collapsed in anger. The red stone is in his hand, which meant that Passion Valley was the first to enter the first round. Fen Tian was not any better - he had caught the orange stone. That was to say that the first battle was to be held between the Blood Red Hell and the Passion Valley.

Xue AoTian had caught the yellow stone, hence the Heavenly Snow Mountain was the third to enter. Shangguan Tianyang, who was all smiles, had caught the green stone. He nodded his head towards Zhou Weiqing who was in mid-air, expressing his satisfaction. He had a sudden realization that his bratty son-in-law who had snatched his three nieces was actually not as hateful as before.

Xue AoTian looked rather calm, as though he had already anticipated Zhou Weiqing’s actions.

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Naturally, Zhou Weiqing had his intentions for doing so. In his eyes, the Heavenly Snow Mountain and the Heaven’s Expanse Palace were equally on intimate terms with him. It did not matter who was placed last. However, the representative of the Heaven’s Expanse Palace was only a Heavenly King - it would not bode well for them if he were to go first. According to the rules, the Saint Land that lost its first participant had to send in its second one to wait in the battle line. Hence, the longer one stayed on, the better.

With a mischievous smile on his face, Zhou Weiqing had descended to the ground. He held onto the blue stone that meant that the Peerless Sect was the last to enter. From the look on his face, he looked as contented as he could be. He had absolutely no intention to hide the emotions in his heart.

Earlier, when the Peerless Sect had just arrived at the venue, most of the people were looking down on them. After Ling Dang had finished off the Blood Red Hell's powerhouse, coupled with Zhou Weiqing's performance during the drawing of lots, nobody present dared to look down on them anymore. After all, the Peerless Sect had already taken in the remaining members of the Heavenly Demon Sect. Not to forget, they also had the Six Ultimate Heavenly Emperor on their side, together with Ling Dang, whose cultivation base was still unknown. Most importantly, they could not tell what Zhou Weiqing's cultivation base was as well.

After the rest of the leaders had descended to the ground, their respective subordinates had gave them a detailed explanation of how Zhou Weiqing managed to get hold of the stones earlier. Since all of them were one of the top powerhouses in the world, they naturally could tell that Zhou Weiqing had grasped the Spatial Law. It was an ability that only a Heavenly God powerhouse could master, under normal circumstances! However, Zhou Weiqing was still very young. Could he actually have made a breakthrough to the Heavenly God Stage?

Everyone felt that it was impossible, including Xue AoTian and Shangguan Tianyang. However, even if he was not a Heavenly God, he was still a difficult opponent just by virtue of the fact that he had grasped the Spatial Law.

Xue AoTian said in a deep voice, “Since the drawing of lots is over, let us begin according to the order that had been decided upon.”

The average age of the powerhouses present at the Grand Tournament of Saint Lands was more than 70 years old. Furthermore, everyone was very familiar with the rules of the Grand Tournament, hence there was no need for anyone to oversee the battles.

The tall and thin powerhouse of the Blood Red Hell and Yun Ruoyu of the Passion Valley slowly walked out towards the center of the arena.

Zhou Weiqing walked back to the Peerless Sect with a huge smile on his face. Long Shiya chuckled as he looked at his precious disciple, and Little Witch gave Zhou Weiqing a thumbs up. However, the rest of the four women did not look that happy. Shangguan Bing’er had a rather neutral look on her face compared to the three Shangguan sisters - they looked somewhat angry and had ignored his presence entirely.

At this time, the battle in the arena had began. The two figures soared up into the sky at the same time, like two arrows shooting into the air. Everyone looked up accordingly.

All the previous Grand Tournaments were held in the air. This was also the reason why all the powerhouses that took part in the tournament were at least of the Heavenly King Stage. If the battles were held on the ground, based on their destructive power, the amount of damage and destruction caused would be too great. Hence, it was safer for the battles to be held in the air. Even so, they could only fight at the altitude of at least a thousand meters.

Even a Heavenly King powerhouse was not able to see what was going on in the air, at the altitude of a thousand meters, from the ground. After about a few blinks of an eye, sounds strong violent auras clashing could be heard from the sky. Loud rumbling sounds were heard. Every single time a sound was heard, the earth seemed to tremble accordingly.

Terrifying energy ripples continuously fluctuated in the air.

Although a Heavenly King might not be able to see what was going on clearly, it did not mean that a Heavenly Emperor could not. The weather today was exceptionally good. Zhou Weiqing lifted his head up and saw an evenly matched battle.

Indeed, it was evenly matched. Yun Ruoyu was one of the two Valley Masters of the Passion Valley. Undoubtedly, she was powerful. Her opponent was equally powerful as well. The Blood Red Hell Heavenly Emperor had been using his Destruction Attribute without holding back, the moment the battle had started.

Without the Destruction Attribute, his cultivation base could not be compared to the Max Level Heavenly Emperor, Yun Ruoyu. However, the moment he engaged in his Destruction Attribute, it had immediately neutralized the upper hand that Yun Ruoyu had previously secured with her Time Attribute. After a series of blows exchanged, from the looks of it, Yun Ruoyu had slowly started to fall behind. The dense Destruction Attribute within the air had made it strenuous for this Valley Master to withstand. She was clearly at a huge disadvantage.

Looking at the battle that was ongoing in the sky, Fen Tian looked extremely proud. On the other hand, Xue AoTian still had the same expression on his face, seemingly unaffected by what was going on. However, the Passion Valley’s Huang Xingyun looked extremely worried. The strongest powerhouses of the Passion Valley were the pair of husband and wife, Huang Xingyun and Yun Ruoyu. If Yun Ruoyu could not last through the first round, he would have to immediately send in the second participant to wait behind the battle line. In that way, it was disadvantageous to the Passion Valley. Moreover, the might displayed by the Blood Red Hell had shocked everyone.

Shangguan Tianyang’s facial expression was the best proof - he looked extremely grave. It was undoubtedly genuine. He knew the Blood Red Hell very well, but he had never seen the man that Fen Tian had sent out. The power of this Heavenly Emperor had far exceeded his expectations. Even though Shangguan Tianyang was confident of winning, if Fen Tian had more powerhouses of the level as that man, it was uncertain if the Heaven’s Expanse Palace could still maintain its position as the number one Saint Land in the Mainland.

Without a doubt, the Heavenly Jewel masters that were able to participate in the Grand Tournament were in possession of at least eight pieces of their respective Legendary Set. It was also the case for the two powerhouses that were currently in the air - they were equipped with nine pieces.

“I admit defeat,” said Yun Ruoyu reluctantly. Immediately after, the two figures descended onto the ground.

In the Grand Tournament, once the battles had started, they would only end when one party was dead, unless either one of them had chosen to surrender.

Yun Ruoyu looked rather battered up - there were at least ten black battle marks on her Legendary Set that were left behind by the Destruction Attribute. Even her hair was in a mess. She was gasping for air and she looked very pale.

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The tall and thin Blood Red Hell powerhouse looked arrogant. He placed both hands behind his back and did not make a single sound. From the looks of it, he seemed to despise the Passion Valley.

Fen Tian laughed out loud and said to Huang Xingyun, “Valley Master Huang, it seems like it's impossible for the Passion Valley the be ranked above the Blood Red Hell.”

Huang Xingyu snorted coldly, “The tournament had just begun, it’s too early for you to say that.”

As he spoke, he waved his hand. A Heavenly Emperor behind him emerged and joined the battle line.

According to the order based on the lots drawn, the next to enter the arena was the representative of the Heavenly Snow Mountain, the Tiger King Xue AoYing. There were no breaks in between each battle in the Grand Tournament. Otherwise, it would give a strong powerhouse ample rest to last till the end.

The continuous battle style could at least weaken the strong powerhouses with a high cultivation base.

“After you,” shouted Xue AoYing. A series of intense white light erupted from his body. Within the white light, there were also a dozen of black patterns. Coupled with his thunderous roar, it seemed as though he had transformed into an enormous tiger, soaring into the sky.

Similarly, the Blood Red Hell elder soared into the sky once again. In a blink of an eye, he had risen to an altitude of a thousand meters once more.

The atmosphere within the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain had become a lot more tense the moment the Grand Tournament had officially commenced. The rhythm of the battle was extremely fast, and the participants of the tournament were very strong. In the first two battles, the participants were all Heavenly Emperors. Every single Saint Land wanted to gain the upper hand by suppressing each other with power. Hence, they sent out strong powerhouses to represent themselves, just that the leaders of the Saint Lands had no intention to take part in the battles yet.

The Heavenly Emperor of the Blood Red Hell was wearing a dark red armor. He had no weapons, but his armor had fully covered his entire body. As his body flashed, it stirred up a series of blood red images in the sky.

The Legendary Set that the Tiger King Xue AoYing was equipped with was a lot more dazzling and beautiful. A snowy white armor had fully covered his entire body. On top of the snowy white were streaks of dark blue patterns. There was the head of a tiger on both his shoulders as well. He was holding a weapon in both hands, the two tiger palms appeared to be exceptionally huge. Indistinctly, the air surrounding the tiger palms shown traces of being torn apart.

As the younger blood brother of the Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord Xue AoTian, one could well imagine how powerful Xue AoYing was. Furthermore, the combat experiences of the Wan Shou Empire powerhouses were cultivated from a young age. The moment both powerhouses had soared up to the required altitude, the Tiger King had launched an attack immediately without any hesitation.