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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 289.2: The Grand Tournament Begins (2)
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Was the Blood Red Hell that easily persuaded? They don’t seem to even have the intention to avenge for the death of their Max Level Heavenly King powerhouse?

Zhou Weiqing looked pensively at Fen Tian. On the other side, Xue AoTian opened his mouth.

“Since nobody has any objections, in that case, before the end of the Grand Tournament, the Peerless Sect will be temporarily considered as a Saint Land. However, according to the rules of the Grand Tournament, if the Peerless Sect finishes last, then at the end of the tournament, the Peerless Sect will not be considered as a Saint Land. Zhou Weiqing, do you understand?”

Zhou Weiqing smiled, “I understand.” With his current status as the Sect Leader of the Peerless Sect, naturally, it was not appropriate for him to bow to his father-in-law in front of so many people. Moreover, all three of his father-in-laws were currently present.

Perhaps it was because of Zhou Weiqing’s appearance that the other four Saint Lands had calmed down a lot. The earlier state of mutual extreme hostility had completely vanished, except that faint hostility between the Heaven’s Expanse Palace and the Heavenly Snow Mountain could still be detected.

Fen Tian turned towards Xue AoTian and said, “Mountain Lord, since things are as such, let the tournament begin. Since you are the Lord of the Heavenly Snow Mountain, naturally, you are the host of this year’s tournament too.

“Alright.” Xue AoTian nodded and slowly walked out to the center of the open space.

The open space of the peak of the Heavenly Snow Mountain had a large area. Even though it could not be compared to ZhongTian Plaza, despite having hundreds of people standing on it, its center still had several thousand square meters of space.

Xue AoTian’s powerful gaze swept through the crowd and said in a deep voice, “Just like before, this Grand Tournament will be adhering to the old rules - the tournament will be held in the sky. Firstly, let me make this clear, if anyone destroys even a piece of grass or a tree in my Heavenly Snow Mountain during the tournament, don’t blame me for being relentless and heartless.” As he spoke, he intentionally looked over towards Shangguan Tianyang.

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Shangguan Tianyang did not even look at him at all. He acted as though he did not hear Xue AoTian’s threat.

Xue AoTian continued, “In view of the new addition of the Peerless Sect in this Grand Tournament, let me repeat the rules once again. According to the rules, each of the Saint Land will send out ten participants in the first round of the tournament. The order will be decided via drawing lots. The representatives will take turns to fight against each other. The loser gets eliminated, and the winner will proceed to challenge the next person. Once all ten representatives of a Saint Land get eliminated, it will be disqualified. All the Saint Lands will be ranked according to how fast they get eliminated. The top two Saint Lands will have to go through another battle, where there is no limit placed on the number of participants. The winner will be declared as the number one Saint Land. There are no rules with regards to the battles. The winner will be the king.”

The rules of the Grand Tournament might sound simple, even simpler compared to the Heavenly Jewel Tournament that was previously held in the Heavenly Jewel Island. However, it must not be forgotten that the participants of the Grand Tournament were not that young, and there were no restrictions with regards to the cultivation base or any rules pertaining to the battles themselves. One could well imagine how dangerous it would be.

With mutual conflict and hostility amongst the five Saint Lands, there was bound to be some enmity. During the Grand Tournament, nobody was going to hold back. Deaths would be nothing out of the ordinary. Several lives were bound to be taken during this tournament.

Before Zhou Weiqing arrived, he had already heard the rules from Wu Yunyue. Hence, he was not shocked. A mischievous smile remained on his face, as though he did not care about the impending bloodshed.

Xue AoTian shouted in a deep voice, “Every Saint Land, you may send out your first representative. Step into the arena at the same time to draw the lots.”

After Xue AoTian’s sentence, five figures appeared on the arena at the same time. It was apparent that every single Saint Land came well-prepared.

To everyone’s astonishment, the first representative from the Heavenly Snow Mountain was the Tiger King, Xue AoYing. As for the Passion Valley, it was one of the two Valley Masters, Yun Ruoyu. One-on-one battles were disadvantageous for the Passion Valley. This was the main reason why the Passion Valley had never been able to enter the final round of the Grand Tournament.

On the other hand, the Heaven’s Expanse Palace sent out an unidentified elder, who looked like a Heavenly King. Compared to the representatives of the other Saint Lands, he seemed like a cannon fodder.

As for the Blood Red Hell, their representative was a gloomy elder who was tall and skinny. He was a Heavenly Emperor.

Lastly, the first representative of the Peerless Sect was the previous Sect Leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, or otherwise known as the current Deputy Sect Leader, Wu Yunyue.

Judging from the first participant of every Saint Land, apart from the Heaven’s Expanse Palace, the other four Saint Lands had planned to gain the upper hand with power by sending out one of their strongest powerhouses.

According to the rules of the Grand Tournament of Saint Lands, after the order had been decided by the lots, the party that lost would lose the eligibility to continue taking part in the competition. The Saint Land that lost its participant will have to send in another one, till all ten of its participants had lost. A method as such was considered to be rather fair. If one wanted to continue staying on the arena longer, he or she would have to go all out and put in his best effort.

Xue AoTian looked at all five participants of the first round. The leaders of the other Saint Lands had slowly walked out too.

Without a doubt, under such a system, it was more advantageous to have a later turn in the first round of the tournament. The people deciding on the order of the battle were the five leaders. What was meant by ‘drawing lots’ was actually the battle of strength and power. In the previous tournament, the Heavenly Snow Mountain managed to go last in the first round of the tournament because of Xue AoTian’s power. Hence, it managed to enter the final round without much mishaps.

Xue AoTian stretched his palm, and within it were five stones of different colors - red, orange, yellow, green and blue.

“According to the colors of the rainbow, the person who gets the red stone will be the first to enter, and the person who gets the green stone will enter last. Listen to my command.” As he spoke, he flicked his wrist and the five stones in his hand transformed into five rays of light that soared into the sky.

The five stones gathered together as they soared to the sky. Based on Xue AoTian’s cultivation base, the five stones had completely vanished in the blink of an eye.

All five leaders, including Zhou Weiqing, exchanged glances and in the next moment, Xue AoTian shouted, “Start!”

The five figures, each representing the five leaders of the five Great Saint Lands in the Mainland, soared up to the sky almost at the same time.

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The first person who made a move was Huang Xingyun of the Passion Valley. The surrounding air got violently distorted for a moment and a layer of distorted light appeared in mid-air. He zoomed past, while the rest of the people felt as if their bodies condense and that everything in their surroundings seemed to slow down.

However, no one was falling behind at this moment. According to the rules of the Grand Tournament, no legendary set was allowed to be equipped during the process of drawing of lots. Direct attacks were not allowed to be launched either - only binding type of techniques were allowed to be used.

A ball of bright golden light erupted from Xue AoTian’s body. It seemed as though he did not see the time lag at all - his body flashed and soared up into the sky. At the same time, a powerful pressure erupted from his body. The dense golden light caused the entire sky to change its color.

Heavenly Spirit Celestial Territory - the Celestial Territory that Xue Aotian had grasped upon entering the Heavenly God Stage. Once he unleashed the Celestial Territory, an endless powerful pressure descended from the sky. Huang Xingyun of the Passion Valley, who was initially in the lead, immediately slowed down, while Xue AoTian brazenly soared up into the sky.

“Boundless Infinitum,” Shangguan Tianyang shouted. He made a circle with his palms and milky white Heavenly Energy formed a giant vortex beneath him. A terrifying driving force erupted, pushing his body forward, in pursuit of Xue AoTian.

“Nirvana Heavenly Pride,” shouted Fen Tian. A condensed black light appeared and something strange happened next. Xue AoTian’s Celestial Territory actually got torn, causing a hole to appear. Immediately after, the space surrounding his body rapidly darted off. His body flashed, overtaking Shangguan Tianyang, catching up with Xue AoTian.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing was still right at the back.

Huang Xingyun was slightly anxious after being overtaken by the other three people. He shouted angrily, “Cage of Time.” When it came to binding techniques, nobody else present was more well-versed than him! After all, he possessed the Time Attribute.

A series of distorted light in the air formed an enormous cage before descending from the sky, engulfing everyone within it. At this moment, the distorted light seemed to be solid. Even though it was significantly weakened within the Celestial Territory, the binding effect was still fairly apparent. At least at the very moment this technique was used, every single one of their speed was reduced. At this moment, the five stones in the sky had already started descending.

“What are you people fighting for! They’re just a couple of stones.”

Just as the five leaders were using all their might and power to fight each other, suddenly, a sluggish sound was heard in the sky. The leaders of the four Great Saint Land - Xue AoTian, Shangguan Tianyang, Huang Xingyun and Fen Tian turned their heads around. They were dumbstruck to find that Zhou Weiqing already had all five stones within his palm. He was throwing them around, playing with them.

The four leaders, who were soaring into the sky with all their might, were entirely stunned. They had no idea when Zhou Weiqing had appeared above them. Based on their cultivation base, it was impossible for them not to notice if anyone passed them by. However, they absolutely could not feel anything!

In truth, it was easy for Zhou Weiqing to arrive first. He used Spatial Law - he was able to rely on his Spatial Attribute to get to the front.