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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 285.1: Luring Ink With Saint Energy, Consolidating In The Void (1)
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“Congratulations Master, on your great achievement.”

At this time, Zhou Weiqing looked shocked. He went up to Long Shiya and bowed respectfully to his master. Long Shiya’s breakthrough came at a fortuitous timing, as it would greatly benefit his future plans. Moreover, as a disciple, naturally Zhou Weiqing would feel happy for his master who had just fulfilled his lifelong desire.

Long Shiya looked at Zhou Weiqing, smiling so hard that the fats on his cheeks had squeezed his small eyes, making them look like they had disappeared. “The wisest thing I have done in my entire life was taking you in as my disciple, hahahaha. Heavenly God - I have finally become a Heavenly God! Watch me scale up Heavenly Snow Mountain and beat the crap out of Xue Aotian that old bloke, wahaha!”

Long Shiya was certainly not blowing his own trumpet - he possessed six mighty attributes, and he had just broken through to the Heavenly God Stage. He certainly would not get outdone by Xue Aotian, who was a Mid-Level Heavenly God.

At this time, a faint gasp was heard, “Old brother Long is sure lucky! I’m still not good enough - the final part of the breakthrough is too difficult.”

A blackish gray light flickered and Demonic Emperor Wu Yunyue appeared next to Zhou Weiqing and Long Shiya. His cultivation base was originally already lower than Long Shiya’s, and he was severely injured not too long ago. Even though he had recovered from his injuries, ultimately, he did not successfully break through to the Heavenly God Stage with the help of Zhou Weiqing’s Saint Energy, unlike Long Shiya.

However, as far as the Peerless Sect was concerned, Long Shiya’s breakthrough alone was sufficient. Even the Mainland’s number one Saint Land, Heaven’s Expanse Palace, did not have a Heavenly God keeping watch over it! Long Shiya’s presence alone was enough to act as a deterrence against the other four Great Saint Lands, securing the Peerless Sect a foothold in the Mainland.

Long Shiya pointed at the jade dragon, who was still struggling to escape, and asked Zhou Weiqing, “What is that? Why is its energy that intimidating? Is it a Heavenly God Stage Heavenly Beast that you brought back?”

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Zhou Weiqing shook his head and replied, “It is not a Heavenly Beast. Master, father-in-law, could you please help me set up a protective formation? I will explain everything to you after I have completed my tasks.”

As he spoke, a silver light on Zhou Weiqing’s body flashed. In the next moment, he had appeared on the ground once again. He embraced Duan Tianlang, who was in the midst of dying, and started channeling Saint Energy into his body, allowing him to restore his physical strength.

At this moment, Duan Tianlang might be extremely weak, but his mental state was especially good. He muttered, “I did it, Weiqing. I have succeeded! This is the Consolidating Ink for the eleventh piece. I am positive that this dragon-shaped Consolidating Ink can even surpass the eleventh piece of the Boundless Infinitum Set. It is in the form of a dragon after all! Don’t worry about me, you should hurry up and start consolidating. Lure the dragon into the scroll within the void.

Zhou Weiqing was slightly puzzled, “Senior Uncle, how should I do it?”

Duan Tianlang closed his eyes. After recovering some mental strength, he opened his eyes abruptly and light radiated from his pupils. “Lure the ink with your Saint Energy and consolidate it in the void. The sky is your scroll, the jade dragon is your Consolidating Ink, and your Saint Energy is your Consolidating Pen. Go. The eleventh piece of Legendary Sets have always been a substance taking on different forms. As long as you’ve succeeded consolidating, drawing it into your body as soon as you get the chance to, you will be able to possess its power immediately when you’ve reached the ideal cultivation base. Do you understand?”

Zhou Weiqing carefully dissected Duan Tianlang’s simple sentence, repeating to himself “Lure the ink with my Saint Energy and consolidate it in the void”. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He was enlightened. Firstly, he channeled pure Saint Energy into Duan Tianlang’s body, allowing him to gradually recover. In the next moment, Zhou Weiqing grabbed the blueprint and re-emerged in mid-air.

At this moment, Long Shiya and Wu Yunyue were not the only two people in the sky. Every single cultivator from the Peerless Sect that was at least of the Heavenly King Stage, including the six Heavenly Kings that were originally from the Heavenly Demon Sect and Zhou Weiqing’s wives, were present.

Only Long Shiya and Wu Yunyue were oblivious to what Zhou Weiqing and Duan Tianlang were up to. Without any instructions from Zhou Weiqing, Shangguan Xue’er and Tian’er were already taking charge. The group of Heavenly Kings quickly dispersed, forming a large circle surrounding the perimeter. Far from them, the Consolidated Equipment was neatly arranged, seemingly calm despite the chaos, protecting Zhou Weiqing.

Originally, the three Shangguan sisters were planning to return to the Heavenly Jewel Island’s Heaven’s Expanse Palace to complete the next piece of Consolidated Equipment. However, they decided to stay instead, for Zhou Weiqing’s sake. After all, Long Shiya and Wu Yunyue were in secluded meditation previously. Furthermore, it is not known how long it would take Zhou Weiqing to complete consolidating. Safety was the number one priority. What would they do if people from the Blood Red Hell took the opportunity to attack them?

Zhou Weiqing was in mid-air once again. He did not consolidate immediately upon seeing the jade dragon. A light flashed in his eyes - the Astral Light on his body suddenly intensified. Rays of enormous light beams, approximately two meters in diameter, started soaring from his body into the sky. They were the Astral Feedback that were created via his Saint Energy - not for cultivation but restraining purposes.

Within a few seconds, a bright golden light beam that was ten times bigger than Zhou Weiqing’s light beam shone down from the sky, landing directly on the jade dragon’s body.

Intimidating Saint Energy ripples erupted within a small area in the sky, transforming into a massive golden light ball. Its effects were focused on the jade dragon’s body.

Upon impact, the lively and active jade dragon immediately became docile. It became dispirited and listless after being enveloped by the golden starlight in the surroundings, unable to move a single step.

Seeing that, both Wu Yunyue and Long Shiya couldn’t help but gasp.

Amongst the people who were present, the both of them had the most powerful cultivation base - their senses were the most vivid compared to the rest. Even the new Heavenly God, Long Shiya, was taken aback the moment he felt the power of the attack that came from the sky. Even though after becoming a Heavenly God, he was not subjected to the restrictions of Zhou Weiqing’s Celestial Territory to a certain extent and possessed his own Celestial Territory at the same time, he was still completely shocked at the might of Zhou Weiqing’s Astral Celestial Territory, as well as the rate at which his power was increasing at.

Originally, Long Shiya wanted to pass on his skills and experience of breaking through the bottlenecks within the Heavenly Emperor Stage to Zhou Weiqing. However, from the looks of it, it did not seem necessary. His precious disciple had already reached the Max Level Heavenly Emperor Stage within such a short period of time, and even possessed Saint Energy. It seemed as though Zhou Weiqing’s current power might have even surpassed his own. He had nothing to worry about with regards to Zhou Weiqing advancing to the Heavenly God Stage.

After Zhou Weiqing had perfectly bound the jade dragon, Zhou Weiqing had quietened down. He held onto the design of the Consolidated Equipment Scroll that Duan Tianlang had completed with his blood, sweat and tears, and closed his eyes.

The Saint Energy’s light had vanished, leaving behind specks of starlight, coupled with the Astral Celestial Territory. Only cultivators who were at least of the Heavenly God Stage could clearly sense the constant intimidating fluctuations of Zhou Weiqing’s will around his body. The power of his will even surpassed that of the new Heavenly God, Six Ultimate Heavenly God Long Shiya.

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The design flew out Zhou Weiqing’s hand and spread out before him. Zhou Weiqing’s will rolled it up, not allowing outsiders to see the design clearly - all they could see was a blurred image.

Gradually, strange changes started appearing on Zhou Weiqing’s body. Specks of starlight began appearing as well, without the dazzling light rays of the Astral Saint Energy, except pure starlight. The starlight slowly gathered behind Zhou Weiqing and gradually became an illusory shadow that was formed out of starlight.

The shadow was not the Demon God this time. It was Zhou Weiqing.

When it first appeared, it was not huge - it was approximately the same size as Zhou Weiqing. However as more starlight gathered, the shadow got bigger and bigger. The weirdest thing was that there were no energy ripples emitting from the shadow at all. Instead, only glorious bright gold could be seen.

It was everyone’s first time seeing such an odd transformation, especially the gradual shaping process.

Long Shiya was the only person who could sense the abnormality of the shadow. After all, he was the one who taught Zhou Weiqing. At that time, he had told Zhou Weiqing that if one day, he was able to use his own figure to form a Heavenly Skill Image, he would have truly mastered the Six Ultimate Skill Manipulation Formation.

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing’s shadow was not simply just a Heavenly Skill Image - even though it looked somewhat like an illusion, yet at the same time, it seemed to have a corporeal existence. Every single starlight used was Saint Energy that was compressed under high pressure. The reason why there was absolutely no leakage was because it was too pure. The might of the shadow was definitely worthy to be deemed as intimidating - it was even more terrifying than the Demon God that Zhou Weiqing summoned.

Perhaps, the Demon God might be more powerful, however the shadow of Zhou Weiqing that was entirely condensed by his Saint Energy had the ability to fight on its own.

Terrifying energy ripples circulated in the air. Zhou Weiqing’s cultivation base increased and the dense Saint Energy ripples vanished in an instant. At one glance, it looked like an ordinary person suspending in mid-air.

The shadow behind Zhou Weiqing kept growing till it reached five meters before stopping. It remained behind him and the continuous channeling of starlight made it appear clearer and clearer. Ultimately, it became an enlarged version of Zhou Weiqing. Even its clothes were exactly the same. If not for its enormous size, it was practically impossible to differentiate between the actual person and the shadow of energy.

Upon seeing it, Shangguan Xue’er’s mouth twitched. “Did this fellow give himself a twin?”

However, she stopped talking immediately, because Zhou Weiqing’s actual body did not move, while the five-meter shadow behind him took a step forward. In an instant, it swallowed Zhou Weiqing. The physical body and the energy had entirely merged.