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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 275.3: Spring Arrives for Little Fatty Zhou (3)
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Looking at the both of them bicker, Zhou Weiqing put away his ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set. He looked up to the sky and took a deep breath. The clouds immediately surged across the sky as he inhaled.

This was the power of a Heavenly Emperor powerhouse - he was the emperor on heaven and earth.

Zhou Weiqing bade farewell to his master and Senior Uncle before running outside in search for a spacious and empty space to adapt to the changes of the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set. He did that till the sky turned dark, before returning to his dwelling.

He looked for something to eat at random; the five women were still nowhere in sight.

Could it be that Yuehan did not gain any benefits from the Saint Energy? Impossible. Given her mere Seven Jeweled cultivation base, it should at least have helped her attain a break through to Eight Jewels!

Zhou Weiqing was thinking about this as he walked back to his room. When he opened the door and entered, he was overwhelmed by extreme happiness.

All three Shangguan sisters were actually present in the room. They were sitting together, whispering about something.

When they saw Zhou Weiqing, the three of them blushed immediately. Shangguan Xue’er hurriedly stood up and grabbed Shangguan Bing’er. Both of them speedily left the room.

Zhou Weiqing naturally understood their intentions, and hence he did not stop them. After they left, he shut the door.

Shangguan Fei’er sat there with her head lowered. At this moment, she did not look like Heaven’s Expanse little demonic girl. She was so shy that even her neck went red.

Zhou Weiqing was not anxious - he removed his outerwear and placed it one side. Afterwards, he casually walked over to her before sitting down.

“Pretty girl, what are you doing!” Zhou Weiqing laughed cheekily.

Shangguan Fei’er wriggled her delicate body a little, dodging his arm that was about to be placed around her. “Don’t touch me. Stop bothering me.”

Zhou Weiqing chuckled, “Didn’t you look for me to be bothered by me? Fei’er, I have waited this day for far too long. Don’t you worry about it, I will definitely be very gentle.”

Shangguan Fei’er lifted her head and looked miserably at him, “Master, will you really be very gentle?”

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The blood of the beast was boiling! Zhou Weiqing’s desire had climbed to its peak almost in an instant the moment she called him “master”. He actually pounced on her.

Shangguan Fei’er laughed as she rolled over, fully displaying her flexibility by escaping from Zhou Weiqing’s attack.

“Wait a minute.” Shangguan Fei’er stopped Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing blinked his eyes and moved closer to her once again, “Can we not wait any longer, Fei’er? I can’t take it any longer.”

Shangguan Fei’er snapped, “Looking at your perverted face! Tell me, did you jump Little Witch’s bones the entire night?”

Zhou Weiqing subconsciously nodded.

Shangguan Fei’er scoffed and said, “You are such a playboy. I will definitely not let you off today. You can do the deed with me, but you have to listen to and follow everything I say.”

Zhou Weiqing answered without any hesitation, “Yes, Your Majesty, whatever you say goes! I will definitely not rebel.”

Shangguan Fei’er was satisfied, “That’s more like it, go to the bed.”

Zhou Weiqing was practically drooling as he teleported over to the bed in a jiffy. If the Heavenly Beast that created the Spatial Shuttle technique found out that Zhou Weiqing was using it for such purposes, it would probably be so angry it would vomit blood.

In a flash, Shangguan Fei’er was also on the bed. However, she sat on top of Zhou Weiqing, used both hands to grab his clothes and forcefully rip it apart. She lowered her head and bit him on the chest.

Shangguan Fei’er’s taut butt also rubbed against Zhou Weiqing’s lower abdomen as a result.

“Ohhh——, Woo——”

Shangguan Xue’er who was hiding outside, not far from the room, heard the noises coming from within the room. She couldn’t help but asked Shangguan Bing’er, “What are they doing? Why are there wolf howls?”

Shangguan Bing’er snickered, “Those are wolf howls indeed, the howls of a perverted wolf.”

At this time, Zhou Weiqing cried to himself: Too wild, this is too wild. Even the Divine Heavenly Spirit Tiger Tian’er was not as wild as Shangguan Fei’er! Is she trying to rape me!

“Fine, then! Let the storm rage even more violently!”

Shangguan Fei’er’s personality was rather unusual. In fact, at this very moment, she felt shy and embarrassed to the extreme. However, Heaven’s Expanse little demonic girl turned her shyness into proactivity and wildness, such that she was in-charge of this embarrassing engagement.

Unfortunately, she truly had no experience - at the most critical moment, she ultimately transformed into a helpless little lamb at the mercy of a ferocious tiger.

However, it was after all Shangguan Fei’er’s first experience. Zhou Weiqing intentionally restrained himself a lot, showering her with extra tender affection. For the past couple of years, Shangguan Fei’er had sacrificed and contributed the most. Without her help, Zhou Weiqing would not have been able to establish the Peerless Battalion. Zhou Weiqing owed the most to her, hence tonight, Zhou Weiqing tried his best to be as gentle as possible, treating Shangguan Fei’er as his queen. He was considered to be very experienced - it was going to be exceptionally harmonious.


"You lied, you brat. I didn't attain a breakthrough. I'm going to murder you."

“I’m not a brat, I’m a grown man!”

“I don’t care! I am going to tell my sisters that you are a liar.”

“I did not lie to you, aren’t you already in the final stages of attaining a breakthrough? You have to know that if essence leaks out instead of staying inside your body, that’ll make it harder for you to achieve a breakthrough. This panacea of ours is most effective when swallowed directly, you know!”

“You are really disgusting, go to hell.”

“I’m telling the truth! If I lie to you, I’m not a man.”

“You never were a man!”

“If you don’t trust me, forget it. I really am speaking nothing but the truth. The effects would definitely be instantaneous. You would break through in a blink of an eye. Besides, I am definitely going to look for the sidhe - if you have not reached the Heavenly King Stage, I won’t bring you along. Otherwise, if anything happens to you I would be heartbroken.”

Utter silence.

“If you lie to me again, I will bite you.”

“I am a decent person, why would I lie to you?”

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“Hmph, hmph……Then, then in that case, close your eyes. No, use the blanket to cover your head.”

“Ohhh——, Woo——” After a while, the wolf howls were heard again; except that it sounded muffled due to the blanket.

Shangguan Xue’er and Bing’er had already woken up a long time ago. They ran over and waited nearby for Fei’er to leave the room, and hence, they happened to hear Zhou Weiqing’s wolf howls.

The two sisters looked at each other. Not just Xue’er, even Bing’er was confused. Could it be that they had been going at it since last night and were still not done? Little Fatty was too much, it was her first time!

The two sisters waited outside for a full hour. Suddenly, dense Saint Energy ripples emitted from Zhou Weiqing’s room. Immediately after, they could clearly sense all the atmospheric energy between heaven and earth rushed towards the direction of Zhou Weiqing’s room.

This was……

Shangguan Xue’er was shocked. She widened her eyes. It actually… worked?

Such violent Saint Energy ripples, apart from Zhou Weiqing engaging in solo cultivation, the only possibility was……

At this moment, Zhou Weiqing casually opened the door and walked out. His face was full of satisfaction, smiling cheekily at Shangguan Xue’er and Bing’er. His particularly evil gaze fell on Xue’er.

“Fei’er has reached a critical point, and she’s starting to attain a breakthrough. You guys should help protect her and oversee everything, while I am going to grab a bite. In order to help her reach a breakthrough last night, I fully exhausted myself.”

Shangguan Xue’er stared at him; she could not utter a single word. If anyone that helped a high-tier Heavenly Zong make a breakthrough to the Heavenly King Stage said that, she would definitely approve and acknowledge his efforts. However, when Zhou Weiqing said that… was he trying to imply that didn’t do any “bad” deeds last night? She would never believe it!

Shangguan Bing’er looked at Zhou Weiqing and grimaced. “You took advantage of her and now want to make it sound like you were behaving magnanimously. Judging from your fresh and energetic looks, you aren’t tired at all!”

Zhou Weiqing walked over to the two ladies. When he passed Xue’er by, he said softly, “I’ll wait for you tonight.” After he said that, he turned around feeling extremely satisfied.

Happiness, this was happiness indeed! This was the joy of having several partners!

Zhou Weiqing had not been as joyful and delighted he was now in a very, very long time. He had saved his family; Heavenly Bow Empire was on its way to becoming strong and powerful; his powerful rival had been defeated. He himself had also completed consolidating the Legendary Set. Additionally, his partners were by his side. Perfect - his current life could only be described as perfect. If not for the couple of matters he had to settle, he really wanted to enjoy this sort of life forever, marrying the five women and becoming the ruler of Heavenly Bow Empire.

However, many times when one is at the peak of happiness, unfortunate unforeseen circumstances would happen. In other words, extreme joy could turn into sorrow.

Just as Zhou Weiqing happily took his breakfast before returning to his room, in preparation for taking liberties and doting on big sister Xue’er of the Shangguan siblings later on tonight, he discovered that Xue’er was already sitting in front of his door. She had also entered a meditative state; the atmospheric energy in the air was similar channeling wildly into her body.

Why! Gods, are you messing with me?!! I haven’t done anything, how could you let her reach a breakthrough. I…I…I……

As it turns out, when Zhou Weiqing was having his breakfast, she once again sensed her sister’s breakthrough. It might be the triplet’s telepathy, coupled with the fact that Shangguan Xue’er’s cultivation was originally higher than that of Fei’er’s. The interference of the external ripples combined with her own bashfulness somehow granted her enlightenment, allowing her to instantly enter a state of breakthrough.

However, Zhou Weiqing noticed a problem. The problem mainly lay with Shangguan Xue’er herself. Perhaps because she was shy, the moment she was enlightened she immediately rushed into the state of breakthrough. However, she forgot the two most important things - firstly, the process of breaking through required a huge amount of atmospheric energy, and second, Fei’er was also in the midst of breaking through, and she started earlier than Xue’er. This meant that a large portion of the local atmospheric energies had already been taken away.