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Heavenly Jewel Change

Chapter 274.3: Do 'It' With Me For a Breakthrough! (3)
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He wasn’t just spouting nonsense. Following the ascension of his cultivation base, his entire body had already completely transformed into the purest form of Saint Energy. It could be said that he was no longer a human being. Having intimate relations with him would definitely allow one to benefit greatly.

Shangguan Fei’er rolled her eyes and said, “Sister is right, your mind is only filled with filthy thoughts. I’m not listening to you.”

Zhou Weiqing chucked and said to Shangguan Xue’er, “Xue’er, I have something to ask you. Do you know where the sealed grounds of the sidhe are located?”

“Huh? What did you say?” At first Shangguan Xue'er didn't quite comprehend what he was saying, but a heartbeat later a stunned look appeared on her face. “How do you know about the sidhe?”

Shangguan Fei’er and Bing’er looked surprised. They seemed to be oblivious to the existence of the sidhe.

Zhou Weiqing shrugged, he had nothing to hide, “Senior Uncle told me that Heaven’s Expanse Palace is affiliated with the sidhe. Senior Uncle has done some research on the eleventh piece of the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set, but in order to concoct the Consolidating Ink, the blood of the Sidhe Queen is the most important ingredient we need. Hence, I need to make a trip to the sealed grounds of the sidhe in search of her fresh blood. Xue’er, if you’re in a difficult position, I will go to the Heaven’s Expanse Palace on my own and ask your father or uncle directly.”

Shangguan Xue’er shook her head gently and said, “Weiqing, I can tell you where the sealed grounds are but I hope that you won’t go.”

“Why?” Zhou Weiqing was puzzled.

Shangguan Xue’er said, “Because even though the sealed grounds are not dangerous, your purpose is very dangerous.”

Zhou Weiqing looked at her in surprise, while waiting for the second part of her explanation.

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Shangguan Xue’er continued, “The rate of procreation of the sidhe is similar to that of the dragons - it is extremely slow. Hence, they were surpassed by us human beings. However, after so many years, the sidhe have bounced back and became a lot stronger. Even though the Heaven’s Expanse Palace has some relations with the sidhe, it is in the name of mutual benefits. We guaranteed that no countries belonging to the humans would invade their sealed grounds, thus attaining their friendship as a result. To some extent, we are able to receive some of their items. However, this does not mean that the sidhe fully trust us. After all, they have always harbored some hostility towards human beings.”

“The Sidhe Queen is the most supreme being of the sidhe. Every drop of blood the sidhe possess represents the distilled essence of Mother Nature – and this is especially so for the Sidhe Queen. Additionally, a portion of the bodies of sidhe is made up of raw energy, and as a result they do not have a high volume of blood flowing through their bodies. There’re probably only about a hundred odd drops of blood in the Sidhe Queen’s body - and she accumulated them over countless years. If you try to demand three drops of her blood, it is akin to declaring yourself the enemy of the sidhe. Unless you forcefully invade your way in and defeat the Sidhe Queen yourself, it will be impossible to achieve your goal.”

Only then did Zhou Weiqing understand why Shangguan Xue’er had a shocked look on her face when she heard that he was going to get a few drops of the Sidhe Queen’s blood. “From the sound of it, getting the Sidhe Queen’s blood via peaceful methods isn’t that likely!”

Shangguan Xue’er replied without hesitation, “It’s practically impossible. Also, if I use my status as a person from Heaven’s Expanse Palace to bring you to their sealed grounds, I’m afraid it will lead to the demise of our friendship with them. It might even cause the sidhe to hate the humans even more than they already do. Hence, Little Fatty, you need to be prudent about this matter.

Normally, Shangguan Xue’er called him ‘Weiqing’; when she called him ‘Little Fatty’, it made his entire body go limp. He smiled immediately.

“Don’t worry, I’m not a rash person. Xue’er, based on your understanding of the sidhe, how strong are they?”

Shangguan Xue’er sighed deeply before saying, “I’ll tell you the truth. The sidhe are protected by nature, and were born with its power. Every sidhe is a natural-born soldier - they are experts in bow and arrow, and they at least have a good grasp of the four nature Attributes (Water, Fire, Earth, Wind). Some especially strong sidhe are even equipped with a good grasp of Light and Dark Attributes. There are at least several dozens of sidhe who can grasp six different Attributes. Can you imagine it? Dozens of powerhouses that have the same Attribute as Senior Long? As for how powerful the cultivation of the Sidhe Queen… we are not too sure, but in ancient times, the Sidhe Queen had always been viewed as on par with the Dragon Emperor.”

After hearing Shangguan Xue’er’s words, Shangguan Fei’er and Bing’er were overwhelmed with shock - for her to be on par with the Dragon Emperor meant that she had to be very powerful! The Heavenly God Stage… she had to be of at least the Heavenly God Stage!

Zhou Weiqing’s heart sank. However, would he really give up and quit? The answer is naturally ‘no!’

His Senior Uncle had gone through great pains and poured in his heart and soul into researching the design of the Consolidating Equipment Scroll, nearly losing his very life as a result. One could say that Duan Tianlang had already worked and sacrificed too much. If he could not create this Consolidating Equipment Scroll, Duan Tianlang would not rest in peace even in death! This was his Senior Uncle’s biggest wish and at the same time, Zhou Weiqing also hoped that he could become stronger. He had no other choice.

“I must go look for the sidhe. Xue’er, are you willing to tell me where the sealed grounds are?” Zhou Weiqing’s resolve could be seen in his eyes. Whenever he spoke in this manner, it meant that he had already made up his mind.

Shangguan Xue’er sighed to herself. She knew that she was unable to stop him. Shangguan Xue’er looked up at him and said softly, “Weiqing, can you give me a few days to ponder over it?”

Zhou Weiqing did not force her, he merely nodded gently before saying, “Xue’er, don’t feel bad. If you don’t want to tell me, I wouldn’t force you either. I can ask your uncle directly. Based on my current cultivation base, it wouldn’t take me long to get to Heaven’s Expanse Palace.”

“No, you cannot let him know about this.” Shangguan Xue’er hurriedly shook her head. “If you did, he would stop you. However, Weiqing, I hope that if we really go to the sidhe’ sealed grounds, you will engage in peaceful methods as much as possible - do not attack lightly. Ok?”

Zhou Weiqing nodded his head solemnly and said, “I promise.”

Waiting for a few days meant nothing to Zhou Weiqing, he also needed time to consolidate the tenth piece of the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set. Once the helmet was completed, his ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set could be considered as completed. As for how it would look like after the addition of the eleventh piece, that was something to worry about in the future. Zhou Weiqing would definitely become exponentially more powerful once he was able to wear the ten pieces of the ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set.

One ought to know that even the Heavenly Snow Mountain Lord Xue Aotian’s ‘God Vanquishing Heavenly Spirit Set’ had only ten components.

What made Zhou Weiqing feel weird was that after the return of the three Shangguan sisters, Tian’er and Little Witch were called away by them. Zhou Weiqing wanted to brazenly follow them, but all of them pushed him back in unison.

Such a situation brought both agony and happiness to Zhou Weiqing. He hoped that the five women could live in harmony, to prevent any conflicts and instability. On the other hand, he was afraid that the five of them would team up against him. He wouldn’t be able to make even one of them mad if that happened!

Today, Zhou Weiqing decided to cultivate to stabilize his cultivation base. He would complete the consolidation of the ten pieces of ‘Hate Ground no Handle’ Set tomorrow instead.

Zhou Weiqing had dinner with his five ladies as well as his family. What made him surprised was that after dinner, under the instigation of the other four women, Little Witch fiddled with her clothes and followed him to the room.

Looking at Wu Yuehan with her a delicate and slightly blushed face, close the door carefully upon following him into the room, Zhou Weiqing immediately widened his eyes. The first thing he thought of was whether it was a test given to him by the five women.

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Ever since she got there, Little Witch started to look a lot better. Zhou Weiqing had helped her nurse her body a couple of times using his Saint Energy.

Her pink tender face looked flushed. Among the five women, Little Witch was the youngest - she was slightly older than Zhou Weiqing. She had the ‘lolita’ look and at this moment, she looked very shy and embarrassed, causing others to feel exceptionally affectionate towards her.

Zhou Weiqing tested waters, “Yuehan, you mean…?”

Little Witch’s lowered her head and mumbled, “Sister Xue’er and Fei’er told me to take care of you.”

Zhou Weiqing was a smart man. She had already made things quite clear; if he still did not understand, he was not fit to be the successor of God Eye Scoundrel and Drunken Rogue.

Zhou Weiqing walked up to her and grabbed her small hand, pulling her into his arms. He chuckled, “Could it be that you guys had already discussed who should accompany me on specific days?”

“No, that’s not it.” Little Witch hurriedly shook her head. At this moment, she did not have the same valiant air as she did when she almost took down the Fei Li troops with her bizarre attacks. Instead, she looked like a shy little girl next door.

“Then what is it?” Zhou Weiqing was puzzled.

Little Witch said in a low voice, “Sister Fei’er said that I should do some experiments with you.”

Zhou Weiqing had fully understood - Shangguan Xue’er and Fei’er wanted to test out what he said earlier in the day! Could it be that if it was true that they could break through to the Heavenly King Stage after they slept with him, they would be willing to consider it?

While his heart raced with passion, his eyes turned cold. He clearly was not happy. It seemed as though his personal charisma was less appealing to them than advancing to the next cultivation base! Wait, this didn’t make sense! Based on his knowledge of Xue’er and Fei’er, even if they really wanted to advance their cultivation, they wouldn’t treat him in that manner. There was definitely something strange about this.

However, Zhou Weiqing did not think too much at this point. Since Little Witch had already willingly gone to him, there was no reason for him to reject her.

Smirking, with his arms around Little Witch, Zhou Weiqing walked them over to his bed, seated her soft and seemingly weightless body on top of his legs and chuckled, “Then, do you know what kind of experiment they want you to do?”