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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 78
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Chapter 78


After getting an urgent mind-link concerning an unidentified car breaking into

the territory, i exited the packhouse only to find Walter climbing out of a shiny

black car. “You should have informedof your arrival, prior to breaking into

the territory,” I said, hanging up my phone.

“At least I called,” he replied, also ending the call he had made just ten seconds


“Yes, we are blessed that you managed that. After all, this pack is here for you to

cand go as you wish, right?” Bix taunted from behind, exiting the

packhouse after me.

Walter gave Bix a drawl look, which Bix returned immediately, before Walter

stepped into the front yard and asked, “Is Willow home?”

“I thought she went to meet up with you,” I raised my brows.

“That’s right but she never showed up,” Walter remarked. “I’ve tried calling her

multiple times, but she never picked up. It worried me, so I chere to

confirm our plans,” he explained.

Bix and I exchanged looks and realized that something was wrong. “That’s

strange, the kids haven’t returned from kindergarten yet either,” Bix murmured.

Walter looked at the two of us in alarm. “Don’t tellshe ran away again,” he


“I don’t think so,” I shook my head. “Everything seemed good between Reuben

and Willow since they cback from their trip. They are working on their

relationship, so why would Willow run?” I reasoned.

“If she did not run away then…” We all looked at each other, then alarms began

going off inside our heads.

“Find Willow before Reuben learns about her disappearance!” I ordered, pulling

out his phone to contact Reuen, however he paused abruptly, “Willow called me

so many times!” I frowned.

Bix checked his phone too,” She calledtoo!” Bix blinked in surprise and then

suspiciously added, “Why did our phones not ring then?” As they all started





Chapter 78

worried, another car stormed into the clearing. This time, it was none other


“Ella?” Bix frowned at the sight of her rushing out of the car. “Where have you

been the last few days? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” he stated but

then noticed something usual, “Why I can’t feel your wolf?” his eyes widned and

I also fronwed when it felt like Ella’s wolf was dead or something.

“He… he made my wolf disappear… he could vanish my wolf…” she murmured,

sweating badly as she saw ghost.

“He? Who? Who made your wolf disappare?” Bix exclaimed. Ella shook her head

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in fear and then looked up him. “Bix, where is Reuben?” she asked, panic

evident in her voice as she tightly held onto his arm,

“Why are you looking for Reuben, Ella?” I interjected, feeling irritated as I

pushed her hand away from Bix before she could provoke him.

“This is interesting,” Walter chuckled, lighting a cigarette as his eyes focused on

Ella. She shot him a hateful glare before turning to me.

“Just tellwhere the hell is Reuben, Oran,” she snapped, her gaze piercing as

she added, “it’s about Willow.”

Everyone’s attention shifted to her, surprised by the gravity of her tone.

‘What about Willow?” I inquired, stepping closer to her.


Staring at the refiection of the clock in the half-filled wine glass, I tapped on the

table where I had been sitting for the past half an hour, silently lost in thought.

Dex’s behavior in my mind felt strange for sreason. What was this feeling I

was getting from my mate bond with Willow? Why were her emotions going up

and down like ssort of amusement park ride?

“Do you detestso much that you’re not even willing to look at me?” The

Alpha King poured himself a glass of wine as he sat at the center of the large


“I don’t detest you,” I murmured, my gaze fixed on the table, my fingers tracing

the rim of the wine glass with no intention of drinking its contents.

“Then it must be this face that reminds you of your dad, right?” he remarked,

taking a deep breath.



Chapter 78

Finally, I lifted my gaze to look at my uncle, who appeared to have aged a bit

since our last meeting. “You shouldn’t drink so much,” I gently removed the

fourth wine glass from his hand.

He chuckled, shaking his head. “If you cared about your dear uncle so much,

you would have visitedmore often instead of killing my most trusted

advisor, Elder Frank. Or you would have thought twice before breaking the

marriage contract with Alpha Ella. You should have considered the Emerald

Family’s reputation before taking such bold actions.”

“It seems Alpha Adam is healthy enough to instigate the King,” I stated dryly.

He laughed. “Adam did cto the palace with broken bones to complain

about you,well at least he didn’t cto complain to me. He went to Black.”

“Black is back?” I raised my brows.

He nodded. “With the Kingdom facing these mysterious attacks, I need my son

beside me. That’s why I called him back. However, Alpha Adam has brought this

matter directly to Black. Black is a Crown Prince, you of all people understand

that means he can’t ignore Alpha Adam’s claims. I assas cousins the two of

you are going to meet each other very soon because this matter has also

reached the ears of the council,” he explained.

“Alpha Adam is under the delusion that going to the council or seeking help

from Black will makemarry Ella. Elder Frank was simply allowed to continue

breathing air while in hiding after crossing the line with my soulmate. As for my

marriage to Ella, she was the one who ended it. There was no way that I could

have canceled it myself. I don’t see anything wrong with my actions,” I remarked

without hesitation.

“You say that as if I didn’t know about those devilish schemes you concocted to

coerce her into ending the contract. “I’ve watched Black and you grow up in

front of my eyes, and I am well aware of what you kids are capable of,” the King

remarked, lifting his wine glass.

Once again, I felt something strange through my mate bond with Willow, this

tsensing her fear. What the heck was going on? Why was she afraid, and of

whom? “Uncle…” I lifted my gaze to lock with his. I needed to conclude this

conversation quickly and return to Willow. “I’m sure you didn’t callhere just

to chat about Frank or Ella.”



Chapter 78

The hand holding the glass paused, and his expression shifted slightly into a

more serious one. “True,” he admitted as he set the glass down. “It’s about your

soulmate, Reuben.”

“What about her?” I inquired.

“That girl… get her out of your life,” he ordered.

“That is not happening,” I firmly refused.

“You dare to disobeyfor that girl?!” he growled, clenching his fists at his


“Yes, she is my soulmate. She is mine, there is no way I am giving up on my

mate,” I declared.

“You still have not cto your senses, Reuben!” he slammed his hand down

on the table as he furiously rose from his seat. “That girl is the reason Louis is

not among us. Thanks to her, you ruined your own future! She was the reason

you have gone insane to the point where you are killing people, breaking

marriage contracts, and disobeying your Alpha King knowing the consequences

could be deadly!” he roared, his face fiushed red with anger.

I stared into his eyes blankly and remarked, “I have no regrets for what I have

done, what I have lost, or any consequences that I may face. Don’t forceto

do something that is impossible.”

Uncle gritted his teeth and barked, “What the hell don’t you understand,

Reuben?! Your obsession with that girl is going to cost the whole werewolf

world! That girl spells disaster for our realm. You’ve known that for the past six f

cking years, but you’ve turned a blind eye, still chasing that girl to keep her in

your life!” His frustrated voice, mixed with surprise, echoed throughout the


I calmly stood up and replied, “If you’re saying all of this about my mate just

because of Frank’s remarks about Willow’s ill fate and that other nonsense he

toldsix years ago, I don’t care.” Six years ago, when Frank had cto me

after finding out about Willow, he had toldabout reading Willow’s ill fate

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and dark past. I didn’t give a dam n about anything that he had to telland

just beat the hell out of him. However, it surprisedthat he had secretly

informed my uncle about Willow. Judging by my uncle’s comments, it seemed he

hadn’t let the matter


Uncle’s eyes widened, “You don’t care?”







Chapter 78

“That’s correct, because I don’t believe what he said about Willow is true,” I

replied, turning around to leave.

“What if everything he said about your soulmate is true and that what is coming

can da mn well wipe out all of us?” This question frozeon the spot.

“What do you mean?” I asked, turning around to face him.

“Do you know anything about your soulmate? Like which pack she grew up in

before you brought her to your own, how she lived, what she did, or who her

parents were?” he interrogated me.

“Her past never botheredand I never asked her about it because all I cared

about was Willow. Not her past,” I responded firmly.

“Great,” uncle chuckled in frustration. “You don’t give a da mn about those

things, but you must know her surname, right?” he raised his brows.

When he asked, I turne

Since I met Willow for the first time, she never toldher surname. She simply

introduced herself as Willow, even in school and college, she never used her

surname. The tI saw her hesitating about her surname, I never pressed her

to reveal it tobut why was my uncle so agitating over her surname?

Uncle chuckled, “It seems you don’t know the true identity of your own

soulmate. Lettell you what I found out after digging into her past.” He

passeda paper that turned out to be Willow’s primary school certificate.

“Look at your soulmate’s surnwith your own eyes,” uncle stated, looking at

I shifted my gaze from her given nto her surnonly to fall into shock.

“Willow… Rathbone?”

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Uncle nodded, his expression changing. “Yes, she is Rathbone. The same

Rathbone family that has been wiped from the realm eleven years ago!”


