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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 75
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Chapter 75


In the morning, as soon as my alarm went off, I rolled over on the bed only to

find Reuben was gone. His scent had almost faded from the bed. I quickly

freshened up and headed downstairs to prepare sfood. The kindergarten

was taking the children on a small field trip and I had to prepare delicious tiffins

for my babies. I had already decided on the menu in my mind, I was thinking

about it as I entered the kitchen as I witnessed a small and a large figure

wearing aprons standing next to each other looking so adorable.

“What are you up to in here?” I walked in puzzled. The children were all dressed

for kindergarten and a delicious aroma had taken over the kitchen.

All of their eyes focused on me, “Daddy is preparing a surprise breakfast for

mummy and we are helping daddy!” Wyatt and Lori chirped together then each

grabbed one of my hands and ledinside.

“Surprise breakfast?” I blinked in shock and glazed at Reuben who looked se xy

as hell, standing by the kitchen counter wearing only an apron over his 8 pack

abs that did nothing to conceal his strong arms.

“Did you sleep well?” He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulledinto

a k*ss.

My eyes widened and I was frozen under his k*ss for a moment before my ears

turned red and I broke the k*ss in alarm, “What are you doing?

he kids are watching!” I whispered, my face fiushed in shyness.

“So what? I am k*ssing my mate,” he pulledcloser to the point both of our

bodies touched.

“You…” I slapped his hand for being bold then glanced at Wyatt and Lori who

obviously were not used to seeingand Reuben like this, however I found

both of them climbing up on their chairs in the dining room with their short

little legs. Like little adults they served themselves juice without bothering to

look at us.

“Mommy, please don’t mind us,” Lori stated.

“Yeah, don’t feel shy. It’s your mate and our daddy,” Wyatt added.

I was taken aback by their very adult remarks! How ctheir innocent little

minds think such things? I looked at Reuben to find him smiling.


Chaprt 75

“The kids know that their daddy loves their mommy,” he lowered his lips to k*ss

about everything, I k*ssed him back accepting this new life with Reuben where

our children were with us.

“Willow. are you still uncomfortable?” he asked between k*sses, his voice only

audible to me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Uncomfortable?” I broke the k*ss, looking at him puzzled but my lips remained

an inch away from his.

Suddenly his hand slid down to my as s where he gave it a squeeze. “This tI

refuse to stop before I’ve gotten two rounds out of you,” he mind-linked me,

playfully biting his lip.

My face turned red and my heartbeat quickened understanding his intentions.

Last night I had fallen asleep due to tiredness right after we ate dinner together

so he could not make his move oneven though he had managed to move

“You did not answer me, Willow,” he gaveanother squeeze that was not

visible to children at all and planted another k*ss on my lips, “Tonight will be

too long for us to wait,” he whispered.

“I… I have to make tiffins for the children’s field trip!” I pulled away from him

quickly and turned to the counter to hide my hot blushing cheeks and to avoid

those shiny eyes that were boring a hole in my face. Sh it! If I blushed then it

would only encourage him!

“Don’t worry

about it. I have already prepared tiffins for the kids,” Reuben cbeside me

and passeda bowl of the delicious traditional breakfast sitting on the

kitchen counter.

“You know how to cook?” I blinked as we walked to the dining table with bowls

in our hands. For as long as I had known Reuben, he had only known how to boil

eggs and make coffee.

“I learnt a few things over the years,” he replied, pulling a chair out for me.

“Why? Don’t you hate cooking?” I asked, watching him sit beside me.

“More like I hated to eat food that was not made by you. So I learnt,” he replied,

servingfrench toast. My heart hurt when I noticed the pain buried deep in

his eyes, “Without you, swallowing even a nibble was torture,” my eyes stuck on

his lowered head as he kept serving me, “But I could not stop swallowing. I kept



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Chapter 75

living shamelessly. I kept waiting shamelessly. I…”

I held his hand while he placed food on my plate and made him look at me. His

eyes were full of pain but love as well. “Thank you for being shameless,” I

cupped his cheek and placed a soft k*ss on his lips. “Thank you for not giving

up on me.”

He smiled and pulledinto a hug. I hugged him back, my eyes watered no

matter how much I tried to hold it in. Never over the past six years, had I ever

thought that Reuben was in the spain as me.

He pulled away and we both smiled at our children that were admiring us.

“Let’s eat. Aunt Mia will be here soon to pick you two up,” I smiled as we all

happily finished our food.

“Reuben,” Oran called. I looked at the doorway to the dining room to find Oran

and Bix standing there.

“Beta Jin is here to meet with you,” Oran gestured.

“Beta Jin?” The nimmediately clicked my mind as I looked at Reuben, “Is

not that the Alpha King’s Beta?”

“I will be back,” Reuben rubbed my head.

I nodded, watching him go to the backyard with Oran and Bix. For sreason I

did not get a good feeling about it.

“Willow…” Mia knocked on the door, She had cto pick up the children just

as I got a call from Lola regarding my work.

“Don’t accept any new projects for a while until I finish the current one at hand,”

I waved goodbye to the children as their car drove away from the clearing,

speaking to Lola through the bluetooth earpiece in my ear.

“Are you sure you want to reject so many good projects, Willow?” Lola hesitated,

seeing as winning the fashion show had broughta lot of juicy offers that

were perfect for my career.

“It’s okay to reject a few and take it slow when I’m not there to handle things on

my own. You already have enough to handle for me, so I don’t want to burden

you with more. Besides, there are a few things happening here that I need to

figure out,” I explained as I entered the packhouse. Even though I had safely

returned to the pack with Reuben, I hadn’t forgotten about the danger looming

around Wade Moon, the mysterious attacks on werewolf packs, and…Dark.


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Clupter 75


I didn’t know whether the rogue I killed had toldthe truth about Dark or not.

I wasn’t sure if Dark really existed, but I couldn’t ignore it due to the fact that I

had been kidnapped because of it! I wanted to delve into it a bit in order to

confirm whether Dark truly existed before telling Reuben about it. Otherwise, he

might get possessive over nothing.

“Honestly, I believe I can handle it, but how will you explain it to Walter? Some

of those projects are for his upcoming fashion shows,” Lola pointed.

“I will talk to Walter, don’t worry,” I assured her, hanging up the call and

immediately dialing Walter’s number.

That man had disappeared once again since the day he exposed Ella. His

luggage along with him. However, Lola claimed that he had not returned to

Britain yet.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Hello,” after four rings he picked up the call.

“Walter, are you busy?” I questioned collecting children’s toys from the living

room fioor.

“What’s the matter?” his voice sounded strange as if he had been running or


“Can we meet? I have something important to talk to you about,” saying that I

stretched my hand out to grab a car toy from the table only to accidentally

knock a glass causing the water spill over onto a chess board that Wyatt had

been playing with last night.

As it happened, sudden images of a woman entering a room where two men

were playing chess, while I spilled water in the sway I did just now, cto

my mind, causingto drop my phone on the ground in shock.

“I will meet you at City restaurant at one p.m.,” Walter replied, but I was too

shocked to hear his comment due to the image fiashing in my mind.

What was that? Just now, I saw my mom, my dad, and… Alpha Benjamin. Was it a

memory I had lost? My mind felt foggy, and for sreason, my b*dy felt

paralyzed. Dad… Mom…

“Hello, Willow.

“Did you hear me?’


Walter’s voice cfrom the other side of the phone again and again, pulling



Chapter 75

out of shock. Controlling my intense heartbeat and shaking limbs, I reached

down to grab my phone from the fioor.

Taking a deep breath, I said, “Okay, I will be there at one p.m.”

Putting my phone down, I remained frozen for a couple of seconds. After eleven

years, that was the first tI had remembered something, and it was my dad

and mom’s faces, which had slowly faded away from my memories. However, I

hadn’t expected to see Alpha Benjamin there.

Why had I suddenly remembered it? Clutching my phone tightly, I decided to go

visit Alpha Benjamin and talk to him about it. Maybe I could remember more!
