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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 71
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Chapter 71

There were two things in the world that I found utterly repulsive: first was

children, and the second was the noises they made. Walking among them, I

couldn’t help but recall my sheer disdain for these little beings that seemed so

easily squashed. Their innocent smiles were so sickening that I could barely

stand it without envisioning bloodshed and death.

“Children, now let’s all pay attention for a few moments,” the female teacher

spoke loudly, catching the attention of every playing child. “We have a special

guest our classroom who has brought lunch for all of us and will play with all of

you today. Let’s welcand thank him, so all of us can enjoy our time

together,” she announced. The children responded in unison with a thank you.

The female teacher smiled at them then turned towith a fiirtatious look and

blushing cheeks. “Thank you for buying lunch for all of us, sir,” she said.

“It’s not a big deal. Children are our future, my institute does this little activity

for their benefit.”

“You must like children,” she bit her l*p, fiuttering her long fake eyelashes.

A small smile appeared on my l*ps, “Of course, I love them.”

“Then, I will leave the class in your hands,” she bit her l*p harder and continued

smiling shyly, stealing glances atbefore exiting the classroom.

Once the door closed, I turned my eyes to the children playing with different

toys around the classroom. My legs started to make their way toward a specific

table that had captured my attention the moment I entered the classroom. My

sole reason for stepping into this nuisance of a place.

Two little children were sitting around a small round table, engrossed in

drawing. I casually sat across from them, instantly attracting their attention.

“What are you two drawing?”

“I am drawing fish!” The little girl chirped.

“I am drawing a car!” The little boy smiled brightly at me.

I couldn’t help but smile back at them as I subconsciously ran a hand over both

of their heads. “Are you two twins?”

“Yes,” they nodded.

“What are your names?” I inquired, inhaling their sweet scents as I held their

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As their familiar sweet scent filled my senses, my whole b*dy felt alive, as if I

were born again. The wolf withineagerly appeared in my eyes. They

inherited her scent, especially the little girl. “What is your mother’s name?” I

asked, my voice becoming a little deeper.

“Willow,” they said in unison, bringing another smile to my l*ps. My Rose gave

birth to these little beasts?

“Uncle, what is your name?” the little boy asked.

“Me?” I chuckled, “people callDark.”


I drove swiftly into the Emerald Bright Pack, I stopped my car in the clearing,

and approached the first person I saw. “Has Reuben returned?” I inquired, my

voice tinged with impatience and my breathing uneven. The person quickly

shook their head.

“The Alpha has not returned since the Thanksgiving party night days ago,” they

informbefore walking away. I feel my heart growing heavier with every

passing moment.


After discovering my uncle’s plan and witnessing the video of the house where

Willow and Reuben were staying being set on fire, I promptly dispatched a few

wolves to discreetly inspect the premises. The chilling report that they returned

with confirmed my worst fears: the entire house had been reduced to ashes,

with nothing left behind. Seeing as petrol was involved, there was little hope of

survival for anything that had been within its walls. Everyone and everything in

that house was doomed to becpart of the dirt and ash, which was all that

remained now.

My palms grew sweaty and my entire b*dy turned cold. What if Reuben had truly

perished in that fire? No, it couldn’t be true, could it? He wasn’t someone that

was easily killed. As far as I knew, he was the kind of wolf who could take down

at least


ten others and still find a way out alive. I just couldn’t shake the thought that he

was with Willow. If Willow had died in the fire, then Reuben wouldn’t have made

it out either. The realization disgusted and infuriated me.

Yet, if he was still alive, why hadn’t he returned to the pack yet? My uncle’s Beta

and the other wolves had returned to the safety of the Opal Moon Pack. That

only meant that…

“No…” Frustration, anger, and panic shook my heart. I couldn’t bear the thought

of losing Reuben. Restlessness consumedwith every passing second, and I

had no idea what to do next.

“Oran or Bix must know something. I have to… I have to ask them,” I muttered to

myself, teetering on the edge of losing my mind. Just as I felt overwhelmed, a

familiar scent and presence enveloped me, forcingto raise my head. It was

none other than the hunter.

“You’re finally back,” he shota blank stare. His 6.2 tall frtowered over

my 5.7 physique.

The corner of my l*ps twitched bitterly. His mere presence was enough to fuel



and hatred inside me. Whenever he looked at me, it felt like he could see right

through me. It was a truly miserable feeling.

“Since when do I need your permission to return to my home?” I growled,

aggressively shoving passed him.

Suddenly, I felt a strong arm grip my wrist, pullingback to my previous

position. “Who the hell do you think you are growling at, woman?” he glared at

demanded respect, from eyes that seemed to relish bloodshed and death.

The corner of my l*ps curled in amusement. “Finally showing your true face. Is

Willow aware of the executioner side of you?”

He glanced at my smile then back up to my eyes. “No, only you have the honor

of seeing my true nature.”

“Oh… I am truly honored,” I chuckled, pulling myself from his grasp. “I wonder

why the hunter is showeringwith such privilege?” I sneered.

“Is it not because we are two of a kind? Evil can easily recognize another evil,


he smiled, irritatingto the core.

“Who the heck are you calling evil?” I let out a low growl, my claws extended

growing larger, ready to end his life then and there. Suddenly, as if he sensed

my next move, he grabbed my hand before I could attack him, roughly pulling

“Is it not obvious I am talking about you and me? If the woman who can set fire

to her fiancé’s house is not evil, then what is she?” he raised an eyebrow,

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causing my face to pale. How had he… found out about the fire? Could it be he

had been keeping an eye on me? Wait a second, had he said I set fire? He

seemed to be shooting arrows in the dark!

“Nonsense! I did no such thing. How dare you accuseof such a crime?! Don’t

misunderstand, I will not hesitate to bring you before the council and have your

entire hunter clan begging on their knees for my forgiveness!” I growled, giving

him a glimpse of my pack’s power. Since I had no involvement in the fire, he

couldn’t lay a finger on me.


“That’s true, I apologize for accusing you of a cryou did not commit,” he

quickly changed his attitude, admitting to falsely accusing me. However, his

abrupt change in demeanor sent off alarm bells ringing in my mind for an

unknown reason. “But I agree with your suggestion to bring the whole clan

before the council,” he murmured, a hint of malevolence hidden beneath his


“What do you mean?” I glared at him, sensing that he was plotting something

against me. “Who are you planning to bring to the council?”

“Obviously your uncle, Alpha Adam. He was responsible for giving the order that

set fire to that house where Willow and Reuben were,” he grinned, causing my

blood to go cold with fear. How did he know about my uncle’s involvement in

the fire? He seemed to relish my pale face and terrified expression as he

continued, “Now it should be fun to see who will beg on their knees, or maybe

there won’t be any begging after all because he’ll just go straight to the


“Don’t you dare!” I growled, dangerously grabbing for his collar before he could

finish his sentence. “Don’t you dare utter my uncle’s nto anyone…”

“Oh, was it supposed to be a secret?” he raised an eyebrow. My hand shook at

his remark, my whole b*dy turned cold when he smirked atthen looked past


Slowly releasing his collar, I turned to glance back over my shoulder, only to find

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Oran and Bix standing there with Willow and Reuben. My breath stuck in my

throat when I realized all of them had heard me, but what shattered my heart


seeing the mark on Willow’s n*ck.