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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 69
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Chapter 69

Alpha Adam

Under the cover of darkness, a couple of predatory eyes of my wolves set their

sights on the only house in the woods for a good distance, while I impatiently

open areas of my office, waiting for news of the death of that wretched

paced the she-wolf.

It had only been two minutes since I had received a message from my Beta

Roman about her. We had chatted and I had given the orders to proceed yet I

couldn’t help but glance at the message again and again.

Roman: “Alpha, we spotted that she-wolf driving into this forest and entering

the only house in these woods. She has been inside for half an hour and has yet

to cout. It seems she has been hiding here!”

Me: “Are you sure she is alone in the house?”

Roman: “We are maintaining a good distance so that she will not pick up our

presence or scent. However, I can’t smell any one else within our range, and

oddly no voice can be heard coming from the house so far, so I believe she is

alone! Please give us the order!”

Me: “Finish her!”

That was the last message that I had with my Beta, I had been walking on pins

and needles even since. It was perfect that Alpha Reuben had not found her yet.

Now, even if he found her, he would only recover dirt and ashes!

Now I was just waiting for the good news of the woman’s death, when suddenly

Ella barged into my office. “Ella? Why are you here? What about the treaty?”

“Uncle, did you send someone after Willow?” She shrieked, walking in.

I frowned at her sudden arrival and her knowledge of my plan that was

supposed to be a secret. “How did you know?”

“Uncle do you

think you would sendto another pack and play behind my back, so that I

would not know what you are doing here?!” she demanded.

I straightened my back and proudly admitted. “Yes, I did. By now, she will have

departed from this world. You don’t need to worry about her anymore.”

“You sent someone to kill her?!” Her eyes widened to the size of saucers. “What


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Chapter 69


hell did you do, uncle?!” she screamed, her face fiushing red and her eyes filled

with anger.


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“Why are you shouting?” I growled at her, never accepting disrespect. “I did what

I should have done a long tago. I helped you by removing that she-wolf

from your life. You should be thanking me!” I claimed.

“I should thank you?” she frowned bitterly. “For what? For killing Reuben along

with Willow?” she demanded.

“What?” My face paled, I felt as if a sledge hammer had been slammed onto my

whole being. “I did not kill Reuben. That girl was alone in that house…”


“Reuben has found Willow. They were together!!” she screamed at the top of her

lungs, and her desperation was a clear indication that she had been looking for

Reuben, so she found out about it.

My whole b*dy turned cold with the revelation. “How is this possible?”

Hadn’t she driven there all alone? Hadn’t she been alone in that house? So how

could Reuben also be there?

That’s when I got a notification on my phone. Roman had senta video. Ella

hurriedly cto stand besidewhile I quickly clicked on the video, only to

find a video of the house engulfed in fiames. My wolves had set the fire using


Roman also sent a message, “Alpha, I have set the house on fire. That she-wolf

will burn to death, and people will think she was wiped out by one of those

mysterious attacks that have been happening recently.”

The hand holding the phone shook weakly. What the f uck had they done? But

wait, hadn’t I asked them to do it?

I slowly turned to look at Ella’s pale face, she was too shocked to speak after

seeing the house on fire. “They… set the fire,and Reuben was also…” she took a

step back, losing her sanity.

“Ella…” I tried to touch her, but she angrily shoved my hand away and left the


“F UCK!!” I threw my phone, cursing loudly.


Holding Reuben’s hand, I ran through the forest without stopping until we were

kilometers away from the house that had been consumed by fire. My heart was

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Chapter 69



racing out of fear in my chest, and my whole b*dy was sweaty. I did not know

how, but suddenly the house was surrounded by fire, and if Reuben had not led

ago. Seeing such deadly fiames, my worst and old nightmare cto the

forefront along with a panic attack that was on the verge of returning. However,

it would be a horrible tforto lose myself seeing as the person that

always held me

during the weakest moments of my life was now in my care and had partly lost

his mind thanks to his rut.

Running, I glanced at Reuben beside me, moving along withat equal speed,

yet his heated gaze skated over my face and b*dy. My scent had snatc hed his

sanity long ago, yet his instinct to protectwas always there in the back of his

mind, so he never let go of my hand no matter how much pain he had been in

or how much his wolf was pushing him to just pounce onand have his way



We cto a riverside area that seemed to be at the end of the path. It was not

good news. Glancing around, I found the entrance to a small cave-like place

between two large rocks. I started leading Reuben in that direction as I felt his

burning gaze assaultingin every way. I could clearly read all his intentions in

his eyes, and it was not like he tried to hide it. His rut had literally reached a

dangerous state and was provoking and luring my wolf down dark paths. Ceri

appeared in my eyes desperate to hug, k*ss, and throw herself to our mate.

Our eyes locked deeper, his gaze fiirted withand I felt hotter.

No, wait! What the hell was I thinking at a tlike this! He was not in his right

mind. Before I could stop my wolf from getting any ideas, Ceri had already

released a scent to lure Dex, and the next moment Reuben pulledto his

chest. My breast bumped into his hard yet hot ch*st and he growled in need.

“Reuben!” I gasped in alarm as his hand gripped my clothes, ready to rip it off.

“Stop! Stop! No! No!!” I yelled, grabbing his hand just in time. There was no way,

he could be thinking of doing that in the middle of the forest, in unknown land!

However he had stopped answeringlong ago. That was a sign that he was

already in the grip of his deadly rut.

Surprisingly, he loosened his hand on my clothes, but his wolf’s eyes were

staring atlike a dog waiting for its owner’s signal to continue.

I found myself in a truly f ucked up situation. I had no idea how long he was

going to understand or obey me. He was driven by lust, and I was not in good

condition either when his rut smelled so mouthwatering, and his fiushed cheeks



Thu, 14 Mar

Chapter 69

beautiful dark green eyes were so welcoming and seductive.


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“Not right now,” I managed to say three words to calm him down and touched

his arm softly.


Suddenly, he dug his face on my n*eck and brushed his nose against my

sensitive skin. “If not now then when?” he whispered, surprising me. I instantly

looked down at his face. He had never spoken during his rut, so how was it

possible tonight…

That’s when Mia’s remark from that day crossed my mind. She had said taking

heat-prevention medication was going to lead to consequences that I would

have to face. Could it be that Reuben went into a rut as a result oftaking

those pills?

My mind went blank when the realization hithard. It should also be

impossible that Reuben was aware that this rut of his was not an ordinary one.

Of course, I could not help but ask him anyway.

“Reuben, do you know that I have…” I choked on my words, unable to admit my

own wrongdoing. “I have taken heat prevention…

“I know,” he locked eyes with me.

“How?” my palms grew sweaty.

“No medicine can stopfrom smelling your sweet heat. I had my doubts at

first but when you actively avoidedit confirmed my suspicion,” he explained,

the full lengths of our bodies were touching as he groaned in pleasure by

inhaling my scent and touching me.

I bit my l*p, “Then why did you act as if you did not know? You knew that you

would go into rut if I avoided my heat, didn’t you?”

“That’s alright,” he smiled slightly and touched my forehead to his, “As long as it

is not you who is in pain, everything is alright.”

My heart sk ipped a beat at his words. I lifted my head to look up at his love

filled eyes. How st upid could this man be when it cto my love? He was

bearing so much pain just for me. I could not help but cup his cheeks in my

palms, raise up on my toes, and plant a k*ss on his hot red l*ps. Reuben’s eyes

widened at my actions. I closed my eyes, deepening the k*ss from my side,

making him realize he was not dreaming. He looked at my closed eyes and

blushing cheeks that increased his rut and his heartbeat.

I opened my eyes to meet his and whispered, “Kiss me.”

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Chapter 69