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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 66
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Chapter 66

Alpha Adam

In the Opal Moon packhouse, there was a personal library reserved solely for

the Alpha. Due to my position, it had been passed down to me. However, it held

countless secrets of our ancestors and history, including a few that I had hidden

away over the years. Finally, the one that I had been looking for lay before my

eyes: a photograph that was taken six past. To locate it, I had turned the entire

library upside down, scattering books and important papers everywhere. Amidst

the chaos, I stood, wide–eyed, holding the photograph in my hand.

I…I was correct. It was her.

Six years ago, during a visit to the palace, I had coincidentally witnessed Elder

Frank nearly get killed by Alpha Reuben. Though I didn’t dare interrupt the

altercation, I overheard enough to understand that Reuben was issuing perilous

warnings to Frank. I didn’t know why, but I felt the curious urge to discover

Reuben’s weaknesses and secrets. Later, when Frank attempted to fiee, I

apprehended him and coerced him into divulging everything that had


He was so terrified that his mind was no longer stable. However, he confided in

ill intentions toward her would face Reuben’s wrath. Such statements frightened

me, but what Elder Frank disclosed next surpassed my imagination.

Elder Frank possessed extensive knowledge, including the ability to read fate.

When he encountered Reuben’s woman, he read her fate simply by gazing upon

her face. He had been horrified by what he saw. Her fate was incredibly twisted,

he sensed that she had a very dark past. A past that was better off dead and

buried under the shadows of the night. Anyone associated with her was

destined to face misfortune and death. Every person connected to her was

destined for doom.

He didn’t explain why he made such a statement, but fear prevented him from

saying more. With that, he fied, leavingwith a photo of the woman. I couldn’t

investigate further due to the many events involving Alpha Luis and Reuben in

the following years. Therefore, I kept the photo hidden in the library for reasons

unknown. However, when I recently cacross a clear photo of Alpha

Reuben’s soulmate, I realized it was the swoman with the twisted fate. I…I

never imagined the woman Frank toldabout years ago was Reuben’s


“How dare that woman return after so many years?!” I furiously crushed her

photograph in my hand. Despite knowing the ominous nature of the future that

awaited her, she dared to give birth to two of Reuben’s children!

Frank’s statement about her twisted fate had proven true. Six years ago, the

Emerald Bright Pack had been torn apart thanks to her. I lost my best friend,

Luis. Everyone’s relationships had changed, while Reuben had transformed into

a beast walking on two legs. Despite his life having been ruined on so many

levels, he had still welcomed back the only woman that all the blrested on.

Her twisted fate had manifested true because as soon as she returned, she stole

Reuben from Ella, ruining their relationship and the marriage treaty!

Suddenly, the news of Frank’s disappearance from the Emerald Bright Pack

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crossed to mind. My whole b*dy turned cold when I realized that Frank hadn’t

been seen leaving the Emerald Bright because he was dead, Reuben killed him!

Once again, that wretched soulmate of his was the catalyst behind it!

Now, Reuben had left the pack to chase after her, with every intention of

bringing her back.

“F**k! I can’t let it happen. I can’t let that wretched she–wolf return to the

Emerald Bright Pack and ruin everything for Ella,” I murmured, running my

fingers through my hair in panic. Reuben was already obsessed with her, so he

wouldn’t believeif I told him about her twisted fate. Or worse, he would kill

forcefully sent her to deal with a treaty for Opal Moon as soon as she returned

from the Thanksgiving party. She had yet to return and now it was tfor me

to take action.

Storming out of the library, I made my way downstairs.

“Roman!” I yelled, my Beta appeared in the living room hurriedly.

“Alpha,” he stood up straight, ready to receive orders.

“Find this she–wolf and kill her on the spot,” I commanded, slamming the photo

down onto the nearby table. “Remember, she should not return to the Emerald

Bright Pack alive no matter the consequences. It’s better if her ash never returns


“I understand,” he replied before leaving with the photo.

I looked at the old photo of the wretched she–wolf in my hand again and tossed

it into the fireplace, watching it burst into fiames.


I had never been a light sleeper, but when the phone vibrated twice beside my

pillow, I could no longer ignore it. Since I didn’t have my phone with me, it was

obviously coming from Reuben’s. My eyes landed on the clock on the wall. It was

only nine PM. I was annoyed and didn’t want to talk to him, so I had been

sleeping in bed all day like a stubborn child. He had been sleeping with me

since he returned. I couldn’t help but wonder, who could possibly be calling


I glanced over my shoulder to find him sound asleep. Usually, he slept very

lightly. The slightest of sounds or movements would wake him, so why wasn’t he

up yet?

When the phone vibrated again, I decided to switch it off. The problem was once

my eyes landed on the non the screen, my hand paused. It was Ella, and

now she was messaging instead of calling. The corners of my l*ps twitched, and I

decided to put it back. However, the messages continued fiashing on the screen,

and I couldn’t help but read them.

“Reuben, I heard you’ve been missing from the pack for a few days now.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m worried. Please cback.”

“Can I cmeet you?”

“I am…”

My hands tightened around the phone, and I slammed it down on the pillow

between us. My ch*st burned after seeing all those messages for sreason.

“Your phone is vibrating, which is kind of annoying when I’m trying to sleep.

Kindly switch it off!” I snapped at the sleeping Alpha behindand closed my

eyes to sleep. However, after 10 seconds when he didn’t move, I elbowed him.

“Hey, don’t play dead and quickly switch it off before I throw it out the window,”

I warned. Yet, I didn’t get any response, which causedto open my eyes in

suspicion. Was he really sleeping that deeply?

I turned completely around to face him, only to find a pair of beautiful green

eyes already locked with mine.

“You checked my messages just like a jealous little wife,” he teased, a smile

playing on his l*ps that madeblush in embarrassment.

“Who the hell checked your phone?!” I punched his ch*st with a growl. “I put it

down without reading a thing!” I quickly lied and glared at him. “And who is this

jealous wife you are talking about?! I am not your wife. Why the hell were you

playing dead when you were awake the whole time?!” I demanded, raising my

voice to cover my embarrassment.

“Alright, alright. You’re not my jealous little wife, you’re my jealous little mate,”

he said, pullinginto a warm hug.

“Hey, you…” I opened my mouth to yell at him but struggled and failed when he

k*ssed my head and continued laughing.

I frowned at him, trying not to be lured in by his breathtaking handsomeness.

My heartbeat quickened, and I lowered my eyes, stealing a look at his

exceptionally red cheek.

He caughtlooking at him and grinned, “Do you want to say something?”

“Yes, I want to know when you’re lettinggo,” I murmured, rolling my eyes.

“Right now,” he smiled, earning a shocked look from me.

Pulling away from me, he got up off the bed and placed a set of clothes beside

before leaving, closing the door behind him. I couldn’t believe my ears for a

couple of seconds. Did he just say he was lettinggo?

In a confused state, I put on the clothes and exited the bedroom, only to find

him in the living room where he handeda set of car keys and a new phone.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Drive slowly and safely back to the pack. It’s only nine pm so you’ll be there in

an hour. This phone has Oran and Bix’s numbers programmed into it, so call

them if you need to. I know you’re missing the children and want to see them as

soon as possible, but still drive carefully, okay?” He touched my cheek and I

stared at him without blinking, my heart quickening at this side of Reuben that

was beyond my understanding.

“You’re not coming with me?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper for some

reason. But wait, why did I ask him that? He had kidnapped me, so why did it

matter towhether he cwithor not?

He smiled. “No, I have something to handle here,” he took my hand and began

leadingoutside the house. “I’ll return to the pack soon. You are going first,”

he opened the door forand gestured forto get in.

I nodded and started the car, but my eyes kept drifting back to him. For some

reason, my heart was restless. Could it be because I hadn’t been expecting this?

I drove away slowly, watching him through the rearview mirror. He was standing

there, watchingleave. He had even set up the map foron the screen so I

could return to the Emerald Bright Pack without getting lost.

I drove all the way out to the forest, lost in thoughts of Reuben. I wanted him to

letgo, but when he did, I hadn’t felt even a drop of happiness or freedom. It

was as if only my b*dy was free, while my heart had been left behind with him.

His lonely figure that I watched in the mirror unsettled my soul for sreason.

It felt like our final goodbye, and that thought weighed heavily on my heart. As

the highway cinto view in the distance, memories of Reuben’s strange

behavior since I woke up earlier crossed my mind.

He had letgo so easily, without a hug or k*ss. He had simply sentoff

without any physical contact, which was unlike Reuben. It was strange that he

had askedto call Oran or Bix if I needed anything, not him. Just as the tires

of the car were about to touch the highway, I slammed my foot on the brakes

and pulled out my phone. Glancing back, I saw only darkness. The most peculiar

thing was that he had letgo alone on this gloomy night and hadn’t followed


Something was emphatically wrong!

I immediately turned the car around and quickly began driving back to the

house. The more I thought about Reuben’s strange behavior, the more I realized

he was hiding something from me, but what? A few minutes later, I reached the

house and quickly got out. For sreason, Ceri had started acting weird in my


The front door of the house was still wide open, which I found strange. However,

as soon as I stepped into the house, a sharp scent hit my nose, sending shivers

down my spine.

Frozen in place, I stared at Reuben leaning against the sofa in the living room,

his face fiushed and groaning in pain. He raised his wolf’s eyes to lock with

mine, and my eyes widened.

He…he was in rut.