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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 65
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Chapter 65


Exiting the house, I slid into my car and peeled down the dirt road at full speed.

All I wanted was to escape the clutches of my own dark impulses that urged me

to claim her right then and there. Dex’s implicit approval of my sinister thoughts

only fueled them further. He was a primal creature, driven by the instinct to

mate and mark, but seeing Willow’s tears made it impossible forto remain

near her. I was the sole reason for her tears.

My eyes burned red, my mind a jumbled mess of unwanted emotions, and my

heart torn and bleeded with an unbearable pain coursing through our mate

bond. I seethed with anger towards myself. I wanted to obliterate everything

around me, including myself, but I doubted it would bring an ounce of

satisfaction or peace of mind when my entire being was still fixated on her.

Especially since I had left the front door wide open, giving her the opportunity

to escape fromonce more. I had done it intentionally, fully aware of my

actions, and now my mind was consumed by one thought: what if I returned

hto find her gone? What if she had indeed left and abandoned me? How

would I cope with that possibility? Was I truly prepared to lose her?

Bringing my car to an abrupt halt in the middle of the woods, I pounded my

hand against the steering wheel releasing all my frustration out on it.

“AAAA….” I roared, slamming it repeatedly. It felt like I was losing my mind. At

this point, with my emotions spiraling out of control, shifting into my wolf form

and letting Dex take the lead seemed like the best option. However, it was just

as dangerous to do.

Feeling suffocated, I rushed out of the car and vomited violently ignoring the

ringing phone in my pocket. Since Willow’s escape, I hadn’t eaten a thing, so all

that cup was water. My head throbbed and I felt sick, a rare occurrence for

me. What the f uck was happening with me?

A while later, when my stomach was empty, I sat on the d*rty ground, leaning

against my car. Closing my eyes, I made an attempt to stop thinking about her,

but my heart continued to beat wildly. That’s when my phone rang in my pocket

once again. Frowning, I pulled it out with closed eyes and answered the call.

“Reuben, where are you?” Oran’s voice cfrom the other end of the phone. I

squeezed my eyes shut for a moment to gather my thoughts.

“What’s the matter?” I replied, my voice low as I got back into my car and started

driving back. I didn’t want to engage in conversation at that moment.

“Were you at that abandoned packhouse outside Miami?” He sounded


I slowly opened my eyes at his unexpected question, “How did you know?”

“I talked to Wyatt. The description he gave of the wolves that kidnapped Willow

matches that of the

rogues. Then there was news of rogues being killed outside of one of Miami’s


packhouses. It was obvious that it was your doing. However, what I don’t

understand is why you burned the packhouse down, Reuben? You shouldn’t

have done that. If someone finds out, it will be a huge problem,” he explained.

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12:46 Fri, 8 Mar GB.

Chapter 65

“What fire?” I raised my eyebrows. “I did kill the rogues, but I never set fire to

the packhouse,” I claimed.


“What? If frowned, I heard the rustling

I didn’t do it, then how did everything burn down?” of papers in the background.

“I’ve sent you the photos to your phone. Check them out. The entire


packhouse has been turned to ashes!” he exclaimed. “There is one abnormality

The entire

the dead bodies of the rogues were found!”

I put the call on hold and swiftly checked the photos Oran had sent me. The

hand holding the phone abruptly froze as my eyes looked down at the pictures

with a mixture of emotions. Beforelay a scene of devastation. Different from

what I had left behind me. There was nothing left but ash. It had only taken me

a few minutes to kill those rogues, I hadn’t had the tto waste on them when

I needed to catch Willow before she could put too much distance between us.

However, I distinctly remembered leaving that place with Willow in my car after


My hand tightened around the phone as my eyes darkened. If there had been no

living beings in that area, then who the hell had set fire to the packhouse? Why

choose that specific place to burn, and for what reason? My gaze drifted once

again to Willow’s handkerchief that was tied around my wrist.

Unbeknownst to me, a figure entered the front yard of the abandoned pack

house. Stopping amidst the ruins and debris, he closed his eyes and inhaled

deeply, taking in a scent in the air.

“She was here,” he muttered, opening his eyes as his wolf emerged within them.

The potent scent of her lingered in the air, indicating that she had been there

just moments ago. “I’m too late…” he murmured, his eyes devoid of emotion as

he gazed down at the soon-to-be-deceased rogue beneath his foot. “Her scent

seems to have grown stronger. Now even this disgustingly, d*rty creature is

picking it up too.”

“D… Dark…” the rogue could barely speak out of horror, his broken jaw making it

difficult to form coherent words. One eye was ripped out, while the other was

filled with blood. During his final moments, with the lower part of his b*dy torn

off by an unknown beast that had slau ghtered them all without hesitation for

the sake of a woman. While his upper b*dy struggled for its last breath, he

beheld the most terrifying figure in his life. Being the last survivor had become

his curse.

“If you had taken my Rose, then you should have held onto her until I cto

retrieve her, right?” he raised his brows at the rogue, his emotionless gaze

penetrating the rogue’s soul, “Now, how about you tellwho took my Rose

away?” he pressed the dying rogue’s face further into the ground, his voice low

and deep. The rogue’s heart trembled as he was questioned about the Alpha

that had taken Willow away. How did Dark know there was someone else

involved? The thought of that beast of an Alpha gave the rogue a sense of true

terror even though he was taking his last breath. He wished to lie and claim he

didn’t know, but he didn’t dare to lie with the formidable man standing before


“It was?” the man prompted, his voice cold yet


“An… Alpha…” the rogue confessed. In the next moment, his face was crushed

under the pressure of the man’s foot, and his whole b*dy started burning in fire.

“An Alpha,” the man murmured, wiping the blood off his shoe onto the dead

rogue’s upper b*dy. “How annoying…” With that, he lit a cigarette and turned to

leave, leaving the sea of fiames behind him.


12:46 Fri, 8 Mar

Chapter 65






“Reuben, are you there? Did you ch*ck the l

ran’s voice cfrom the phone again.

passenger se

“Yes,” I responded, tossing the phone onto the passenger seat and staring

straight ahead as I

increased the speed of the car.

“Don’t you think this situation has already gotten out of our control? It’s become

creepy to the point where all the werewolves will be wiped off the map for sure,”

he stated worriedly.

“That will not happen. Now it is tfor us to catch that mysterious attacker,”

the corner of curled up slightly.

“How?” he exclaimed in surprised curiosity, “What do you have hidden up your


“Go to that

my l*ps

packhouse outside of Miami. There you will find a small camera on the largest

tree that is located closest to what used to be the packhouse. The packhouse is

burnt but not the tree that I’m referring to, so you will be able to find it very

easily,” I explained. Everything that happened after I left will have been

captured on it.”

“Wait a minute!” Oran exclaimed in confusion. “You installed a camera? Are you

saying that after you finished off those rogues and before leaving the area with

Willow, you installed a camera in the nearby woods?” he sought clarification.

“Yes,” I confirmed.

“That’s so f ucking unpredictable! In this way we will able to see how the fire

actually took place and who this f ucking mysterious attacker is,” he spoke

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excitedly but then he paused and questioned, “Wait, you did all of this, does

this mean you knew that this mysterious attack would happen at that rogue

hideout?” he asked hurriedly.

I hummed in response. “Actually, I had my suspicions, so I took a gamble. Now

they’ve been confirmed,” I explained.

“How? I mean, how did you figure out the attacker would target them? All this

time, only werewolf packs were being attacked, so how did you predict that now

the good-for-nothing rogues would be the target?” he asked impatiently.

I stopped the car in front of the house that I had left stago, and I

grazed my thumb over the soft edge of the handkerchief in silence.

“Maybe I’ve finally understood something,” I raised my gaze to look at the open

door of the house and ended the call.

The door was wide open, just as I had left it. Climbing out of the car, I entered

the house, only to find the living room where I had left her was empty. The

entire house was as silent as a tomb, and Willow’s scent had faded away.

Dex began panicking in my head, my whole being felt cursed as the thought of

her leavingconsumed my mind. I could no longer maintain the facade of

calmness and rushed towards the bedroom. Had she really run away? Had she

abandoned me? Was it her choice?


12:46 Fri, 8 Mar G G

Chapter 65

If she ran away… if she truly ran away…


I stormed into the room like an insane beast, only to freeze in the middle of the

room at the sight of a beautiful figure curled up on the bed. Her eyes were

closed, and she was tucked under the blanket. Taking deep, heavy breaths, I

stared at her with wide eyes in disbelief.

She…she hadn’t run away. I took slow steps closer to her. Could it be my

imagination? She had every opportunity to escape me, yet there she was,

sleeping peacefully on the bed. I climbed onto the bed and cuddled her from

behind. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it might burst from my chest.

She was real. Willow was real. She hadn’t run away from me.

Going crazy with happiness and unable to control my emotions, I buried my face

in her hair and pulled her into the warmth of my b*dy, never intending to let her

go. “Why…why didn’t you run away?” I whispered, knowing she could hear me.


Willow clenched her fists in the bedsheets and whispered back, “Would you

have given up onif I had escaped?”

“Never,” I shook my head. “Reuben can never give up on Willow, no matter how

much she hates or pushes him away. Not even if death separates us.”

I bit my l*ps and confessed, “Now I am not running anywhere. I want to know

what would have changed if I had not escaped six years ago,”
