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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 64
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Chapter 64


I stared at fiames dancing in the fireplace in front of me, a mixture of shock and

anger coursing through me. My clothes were being engulfed in fiames before my

eyes, leavingwith nothing to wear. This man!! He had truly kept his promise

to confinen*ked!

Gritting my teeth, I returned to the bathroom. Thankfully, there was a towel that

I wrapped around my b*dy after drying my hair. I set out in search of Reuben,

moving from the bathroom to the living room. I discovered it was a luxurious

old-fashioned one-bedroom house, yet it had all the facilities one could ask for.

Everything was beautiful and eye-catching, but I couldn’t ignore the fact that all

the windows had been sealed from the outside. The corner of my l*ps twitched

bitterly. Wasn’t this the reason he allowedto bathe alone, without posting a

guard outside the bathroom, knowing I couldn’t escape again?

He had already planned everything meticulously. I couldn’t see what lay beyond

the sealed windows nor could I discern our exact location, but I could sense

that this wasn’t a packhouse.

Detecting his scent, I headed towards the left side of the house, only to discover

the kitchen where the Alpha stood in a white shirt cooking. His shirt was

unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up, revealing the blue veins of his strong forearms.

With messy hair falling over his forehead, his expression was as sharp as the

edge of a sword, reminiscent of our college days.

“You must be hungry. Cand take a seat,” he suggested, already aware of my

presence as I stood in the doorway. He lifted his eyes to meet mine, taking a

moment to scanfrom head to toe, his gaze lingering on my breasts and

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thighs. The towel I wore was not large enough to conceal much, barely reaching

my upper thighs.

“Do you think I’m in the mood to eat?” I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring

at him. Thankfully, his gaze returned to my face as I spoke.

“Then what are you in the mood for?” He raised an eyebrow, serving the food

onto two different plates. “You’re already in a towel, so maybe you can play the

teasing girl and givea b lowjob?”

My face turned red in shat his blunt remark. “You’re disgusting! What do

you mean by teasing girl? I’m wearing this towel because of you. Why did you

burn my clothes?” I demanded.

“Isn’t the reason obvious, or do you wantto explain it to you in detail? So

then you’ll callvulgar?” he countered.

I clenched my fists at my sides. “Enough is enough. I don’t want to argue with

you. Just tellhow long you’re going to keephere?” I questioned, trying to

maintain control.

“Forever,” he calmly replied as he cto the dining table with both plates in

his hands and set

them down.

“Are you crazy?!” I yelled.


“Did you just figure that out today?” he retorted.

“Stop this craziness, Reuben,” I said as he walked closer to me, his back straight

and stern green gazé


12:45 .Fri, 8 Mar

Chapter 64/




fixed on me.

“You are the one who has madedo such crazy things, Willow. You promised

that you would not run away, but you broke your promise in the end,” he


“Don’t blme for what I did,” I shook my head. “You always do whatever you

want whenever your obsessive possessiveness kicks in. You can’t accept the

consequences of your own actions and try to cover it up with your insanity. You

have kidnapped me, lockedup in a cage, and are refusing to letgo. Do

you think that all of this will change anything between us?” I questioned,

looking deep into his eyes.

“You’re right,” he suddenly confessed. “I struggle to face the consequences of

my own actions, but I deeply regret them, am committed to making amends,

and am seeking redemption for my sins. I strive to break free from repeating

past mistakes and long to forge a new path forward with you. If I could, I would

rewind tand prevent myself from committing all of those grievous wrongs

against you. But what about you?” His final comment cut throughlike a

knife. “All you do is run away.”

His accusation strucklike a bolt of lightning, leavingspeechless and

frozen in place.

“Whenever the situation turns against you or becomes too difficult to handle,

you choose to fiee rather than confront it. Life is filled with ups and downs, yet

there have been numerous occasions when you’ve surrendered at the first sign

of adversity. Instead of facing the darkness head-on and overcoming it, you

simply retreat,” he remarked, his voice laden with gravity and depth, echoed in

my ears like a solemn decree.

My heart quivered with pain in my ch*st as I bit my l*p, “It’s true, I’m a coward,

running away seems like the only option when I’ve been betrayed repeatedly.

It’s the only recourse I can muster when I’m exhausted from being used and

manipulated. When all the honesty I’ve poured into our bond is swept away by a

single one of your lies. It alters the very meaning of my existence, all I can think

of is leaving instead of enduring it. How can a mighty Alpha like you, driven

solely by instinct and obsession, understand the depths of pain and hurt that

I’ve endured? If running away is the only balm for the wounds you infiict upon

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me, then why shouldn’t I run?” I countered, unable to hold back the slight

watering of my eyes, my emotions breaking through.

The room descended into an eerie silence when I finished speaking. He gazed at

palpable, shared equally between us, and yet we both bore it. Gripping that

thread from either side, regardless of how deeply it cut into our fiesh and

making us bleed, we persisted in holding on, refusing to let the other go.

“I understand,” he murmured, inching closer until our faces were barely an inch

apart. “Running away seems more appealing to you than having a conversation,

doesn’t it? That day, six years ago, you didn’t wait for me. You ran away,

believing I had abandoned you, even though I never rejected you or asked you

to leave my life. Now, six years later, you still don’t feel the need to wait for me.

You’ve simply taken the children and attempted to disappear from my life,

brutally crushing my feelings and breaking my heart. At this juncture in our

lives, where you can demand rejection frombut not answers, you never stay

to confront and discuss things, Willow,” he touched my cheek, wiping at the

tears that I did not even know were fiowing down to my cheek.

“If only you had waited forso that we could have communicated like we

always did in the past, none of us would have ended up like this,” he whispered

softly, then took a step back and left the house without looking back.



Fri, 8 Mar

Chapter 64


I collapsed to the fioor, and broke into tears. Would we really not have ended up

this way if I had not left that day? But had he left anything forto wait for

him? Any hope or trace of love?