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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 50
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Chapter 50



A resonant wail pierced the recesses of my subconscious, abruptly wrenching

persistent throb of the headache that had accompanied my awakening. The

source of this unsettling cry becevident, it emanated from none other than


“Lori,” I exclaimed, hastily rising from the bed. Hurriedly, I made my way out of

the bedroom and descended the staircase.

Why was she in such distress? A sense of unease gripped my heart, for my

children were. not accustomed to cry unnecessarily. Rarely did the sound of

their weeping reach my ears after they had crossed the threshold of three years.

Guided by the mournful echoes, I hurried into the dining room, where Reuben,

too, made his appearance almost simultaneously. Evidently, he had rushed

downstairs upon hearing Lori’s lamentations.

Our eyes locked for a fieeting moment, long enough to resurrect the memory of

the k*ss we shared just the other day and the recollection of last night when my

tears sought solace against his chest. Disentangling our gaze, we both directed

our attention to the dining room, only to discover Walter cradling a tearful Lori

in his arms, with a concerned Wyatt standing by his side.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t cry,” Walter reassured her.

Concerned, I swiftly entered the room, Reuben following closely behind.

“What happened?” I inquired, my eyes scanning the scene. Wyatt, with urgency

in hist voice, rushed toward us.

“Mummy, daddy,” he implored, “Uncle Walter is leaving, but Lori wants him to

stay. Please, stop Uncle Walter.

My gaze shifted to the stack of Walter’s luggage by the room’s edge, and Lori’s

sobs echoed once more. Since their infancy, Wyatt and Lori had found a

nurturing guardian in Walter, particularly after our friendship blossomed on the

day he protected my children from intruders attempting to breach the female

cleaner’s quarters.

Our initial encounter, marked by animosity, had indeed been unsightly.

Subsequent events had only intensified my disdain for him. Yet, with a sincere

apology and a

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Chapter 50


genuine desire for self–improvement, Walter sought redemption. Slowly, we

becbest friends, reaching a point where he assumed daily care for Wyatt

and Lori while I attended my lectures.

He swiftly grew intimately connected with them, tending to their needs as if

they were his own progeny. At one juncture in our friendship, he confessed his

regret about not being their biological father, professing a love for them that

surpassed even his own life. It was this profound affection that bound my

children to him, explaining Lori’s unwillingness to part with him.

“Lori, I promise I’ll cback to visit you, baby girl,” Walter reassured her,

castinga forlorn smile. The tallotted for his stay in the Emerald Bright

Pack was nearing its end, and in compliance with the law, he had to depart


“Lori, chere, baby, I attempted to embrace her, but she adamantly clung to

Walter’s chest, her cries intensifying.

After several futile endeavors to pry her away, a sense of helplessness engulfed

me. It was then that I witnessed Reuben pass by, extending his hand to rest

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gently on Lori’s little head. “Lori, cto daddy,” his voice tenderly urged. With

just a single word from Reuben, a tearful Lori relinquished her hold on Walter’s

chest, seamlessly transferring herself into Reuben’s arms, surprising me.

He handled her so smoothly!

“Why are you crying?” Reuben gently wiped the tears from her small face.

“Uncle Walter… is… going…” she sobbed.

“Yes, he has to go.”

“Why?” she inquired.

“If he doesn’t go, how can he cto visit you again?” Reuben patiently

explained, his words surprising me. Did he imply that he permitted Walter to

visit the pack again?

Lori ceased her tears, casting a hopeful gaze at Walter with her large, watery

eyes, seeking confirmation. “Yeah, I will go and then return with a lot of toys for

you,” Walter reassured, offering a bright smile.

“Okay,” Lori nodded, but as soon as she witnessed Walter grabbing his luggage,

a tear welling up in her eyes. Another bout of tears seemed imminent. If she

started crying anew, no explanation would suffice to cease her tears, a reality

unbeknownst to Reuben.

“If you cry again, Uncle Walter won’t stay for lunch before leaving,” Reuben


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Chapter 50

declared, surprising not onlybut Walter as well.

Wait! Did he just mention lunch? Reuben turned to me, then to Walter. “Join us

for lunch before leaving.” he whispered.

Lori’s tears remained suspended, her eyes no longer shedding them. Instead, a

broad smile adorned her l*ps. “Uncle Walter! You’re staying for lunch!” she

exclaimed in a joyously childish voice.

Walter found himself momentarily taken aback by the unexpected turn of

events, a surprise shared even by him. However, the warmth emanating from

the little radiant smile melted his heart. “Yeah… I am going to have lunch with

Lori and Wyatt once they return from kindergarten,” he grinned, cradling her in

his arms and affectionately k*ssing her puffy cheeks.

Wyatt and Lori both hugged Walter happily.

My gaze shifted to Reuben, who wore a composed expression as he observed

his. children in the arms of another man. His dislike for Walter remained, yet,

for Lori’s sake, he permitted the extension of his stay. Reuben’s newfound

fiexibility surprised me. The Reuben I had known tended to be indifferent to the

emotions of others, but now… he displayed a concern for others beyond his

own comfort.

Reuben shifted his gaze to me. “Are you having a headache?” He gently touched

my cheeks to gauge any signs of fever.

His touch ignited a warmth in my cheeks, and in an instant, the memory of our

k*ss from the other day fiickered in my mind. What was happening to me? Since

when had I becso attuned to Reuben’s touch? Could it be… my heat? Yet,

what about the heightened beat of my heart, pulsating with our proximity?

I withdrew from his touch, feeling the urgency to take my medications promptly.

“I… think Mia is there to pick up the children,” I stated, turning to grasp Wyatt

and Lori’s hands, signaling our departure. However, as we stood in the middle

of the room, I paused and glanced at both Walter and Reuben. Their exchange

of glances revealed a swift unraveling of the masks they maintained in front of

the children.

I issued a warning. “No fighting in my absence. If you two can’t get along, then

wait forin the study. I’ll be there shortly.” With that, I left the packhouse.

Reuben and Walter exchanged another displeased look before dutifully making

their way to the study, adhering to my instructions.

Unbeknownst to me, both of them adhered to my request and maintained an air


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Chapter 50


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indifference towards each other. Seated in the study, Reuben immersed himself

in the report detailing the mysterious attacks on the top three packs. Obtaining

the report earlier that morning, he was determined to unravel the enigma

shrouding all three packs.

Meanwhile, Walter silently surveyed the office, perusing Reuben’s certificates,

awards, and photographs until his gaze fixated on the photos laying on

Reuben’s desk.

“Hmm? Why does it look familiar?” Walter leaned in, placing both hands on the

desk, scrutinizing the photos documenting the mysterious attacks on the top

three packs.

Reuben’s hand halted abruptly at Walter’s observation. “What do you mean

familiar?” He locked eyes with Walter.

“I don’t know why, but I find it familiar,” Walter mused, his expression pensive

as he delved into deep thought.

“Do werewolf packs in Britain also experience mysterious attacks?” Reuben

inquired with a grave tone. He struggled to fathom why Walter would find these

incidents familiar.

“Mysterious attacks? What’s this about?” Walter’s curiosity was piqued. Reuben

contemplated for a while, weighing the decision to share this information with

the hunter. Eventually, he chose to disclose the details of the attacks.

Taking a seat across from Reuben, Walter attentively listened while examining

the photos, files, and reports one by one.

Holding a tray of coffee in my hand, I paused upon hearing Walter’s words.

“Wait, now I remember why I find these attacks familiar!” Walter exclaimed,

slamming his hand on the desk.

“Where?” Reuben’s attention sharpened.

“Eleven years ago, I heard from my father’s friend in America about a mysterious

incident that wiped out a werewolf pack. The whole pack was engulfed in a fire,

and not a single pack member was found. I remember it vividly because it was

an exceptionally rare case,” Walter explained.

Reuben frowned in response to the revelation. “Wait, does it mean these

mysterious attacks took place years ago too? It’s not the first time?”

“Honestly, I think so,” Walter affirmed.

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Chapter 50.

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“Which pack was wiped out? What was the name?” Reuben pressed for more


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“I don’t know. My dad’s friend is no longer alive, and at that time, I didn’t care

about a werewolf pack mysteriously being wiped out, especially when it was

none of my business,” Walter shrugged nonchalantly.

Reuben’s frustration mounted. “If what you’re saying is true, how cI didn’t

hear anything about it? And I believe if it had happened in the werewolf realm,

these incidents must have been recorded in books too,” he questioned, a mix of

confusion. and curiosity evident in his tone..

“The only explanation is that someone intentionally kept the news of the attack

from spreading and concealed the incident,” Walter remarked, observing

Reuben’s darkening expressions.

“So this fucked up mess is rooted in the past!” Reuben growled, his eyes intense

as they fixated on the photos on his desk.

“If you suspect a hunter’s involvement, letassure you that no hunter can

single- handedly eliminate shifters in one night,” Walter explained solemnly to

Reuben. Despite being from a different country, he held a strong belief in

justice, especially when it cto matters involving hunters.

“I know it’s not the work of humans or witches,” Reuben murmured, his gaze

shifting to the photos depicting the decimation of all three packs.

“Not even a work of witch? Then it could be a werewolf…” Walter inquired with


Reuben shook his head. “It’s not the work of a normal werewolf,” he murmured,

lifting his eyes to lock with mine as I stood by the door.

“Normal werewolf?” Walter furrowed his brows in confusion. “Are there different

types. of werewolves?”

Maintaining eye contact with me, Reuben was fixated on the unsettling threat

looming over Shine Moon Pack and the impending danger to Wade Moon Pack.

Reuben kept his eyes locked withas the Shine Moon Pack’s horrifying attack

and Wade Moon Pack being the next target threatened my heart. He rose from

his seat and approacheduntil we stood face to face.

Reuben suddenly asked, running his finger along my cheek, “Is there something

you’re hiding from me?”

“What do you mean?” Confused, I blinked at him.

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Chapter 50

He leaned down to my n*eck, inhaling my scent deeply. “Why has your scent

grown so strong suddenly?”

His question caughtoff guard, and my hand tightened on the tray. My heart

raced when I realized he had detected my heat.

“It’s because I am sweaty,” I lied, holding my breath.

“Really?” Still leaning close, he glanced at my expression with a smirk, “Then I

advise you to take a bath quickly. He whispered, licking my n*eck softly. I

moaned as the tray dropped from my hand, a sensation between my legs

overwhelming me. “Or I am afraid of tasting every inch of you….”



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