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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 47
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Chapter 47


I k*ssed him. I k*ssed Reuben back. After six long years, we were sharing a

proper k*ss. and I did not know which one of us that I should blfor it.

Though admittedly my wolf, long my buried heat, and lack of impulse control

were not helping the situation. At that moment, I completely forgot about our

past, the pain, and memories. I let him. embrace all the pieces of my broken

self, revealing the weakness that I had been hiding from the world. His l*ps

gently crashing into mine were like silent whispers from the past, his tongue

teasing every inch of my every moment it met my l*ps. would be its last.

mouth was li

The dark sky was fiooded with colorful fireworks, highlighting both of our

frames in an


of different hues. The both of us slowly broke the k*ss, our l*ps parted an inch

away from each other but I kept my eyes closed catching my breath. Reuben

softly rubbed his thumb under my eye sending sparks through to my whole


I slowly opened my eyes to see Reuben’s beautiful green eyes only to realize

that after six years I was once again… back to his arms.

What kind of gwas the Moon Goddess playing with me?

“Alpha, this woman invaded our territory,” a warrior informed, pullingout of

my thoughts.

“Letgo! I swear I am not a thief! Letgo!!” A woman’s cry entered my ears

pullingout of my thoughts as I found the voice very familiar.

I immediately tore my gaze away from Reuben and turned to find two warriors


a woman.

“Lola?!” I gasped.

Lola looked atin shock with fearful tears in her brown eyes, “Willow, save

me!! Tell them I am not a thief,” she begged, desperately struggling in their


I panicked and stepped forward, “Let her go. She is my friend,” I ordered both

men but they looked pastat Reuben.

Reuben gestured for them to retreat. Once Lola got free of them she dashed

closer toin fear.

“Lola, what are you doing here?”


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Chapter 47


“I…I cto handle the Walter situation for you since I messed it up by hiding

the nof the model from you. I had learned your address from him, so I

chere directly but this…” she choked and secretly glanced at Reuben before

whispering to me, “These people… I saw an exceedingly large number of

dangerous looking men earlier! Are they part of the mafia?!”

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“No, they are not,” I whispered back, feeling helpless.

“Then they must be criminals!” she stammered but was loud without realizing


I gave her a tight smile and replied, “They are not.”

She gavea weak nod while eyeing Reuben. In the next moment, I saw a soft

blush steel over her cheeks at the sight of Reuben. “Who is that? He is damn

handsome” she whispered once again.

I fiashed her another tight smile. If she only knew that he could hear her no

matter how quietly she whispered.

“Is he your boyfriend?” she whispered..

When she called Reuben my boyfriend, my heart quickened as I recalled our

k*ss a few moments ago. My face fiushed red when I felt Reuben’s eyes boring

into my face. I did not dare to lift my eyes to look at him as I grabbed Lola’s

hand. “Let’s go to the hotel where you are staying.”

I walked away quickly before Reuben could stopor could die of

embarrassment. Lola followedin confusion as desperate asto leave the

pack even though both of our reasons for wanting out of this pack immediately

were different. However, before I could take another step I felt a strong arm

wrapping around my waist from behind.

I gasped and froze in Reuben’s warm embrace as he whispered, “Dropa

message when you reach the hotel with her. And best of luck at tomorrow’s

fashion show. I will be waiting for you here when you get home,” he k*ssed my

cheek from behind.

My ears turned red hot. What was that? Did he know I was running away and

would not return tonight? I clenched my dress at my side, without answering

him but my heart. beat betrayed me. Reuben chuckled and slowly let my waist

go. I resumed walking and quickly drove my car out of the pack with Lola.


I never thought waiting could be this hard…

“The reports from those incidents with the three packs and Blue Heavens are

about to

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Chapter 47

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be made publicly available out,” Bix informed, resting his back against the chair

after a two hour long meeting.

I just nodded in response, my eyes once again going to the clock that stated it

was already nine in the evening. She was still not back. Was her fashion show

still not finished?

Oran stated, “Reuben, don’t you find it strange that those mysterious attacks

have suddenly stopped?” This question immediately attracted my attention.

I had noticed it long ago. After targeting those four packs in the difference of a

week’s time, it was actually a pattern of attacks, the attacks stopped out of the

blue. However, I did not fail to notice that they stopped only after I was

attacked by rogues at Blue Heaven. I believe that those two attacks were not

connected. But I have yet to discover why all the rogues were afterthe day

of the Alpha meeting. I did not know why but as I thought about it, my eyes

immediately fell on my wrist where Willow’s handkerchief was still tied neatly.

That half torn piece of handkerchief…

It had been botheringsince that day. Why did that last rogue steal half of it

then run away with its prize?

I tapped my finger on my desk, thinking a lot of things about those three attacks

in silence until Bix remarked dryly. “If you askI strongly doubt it is the work

of the hunters. No, actually if you askhonestly, then I strongly doubt that it

is the work of Willow’s so–called friend and hunter, Walter Abbott. He is a big

shot in Britain and is the terror of werewolves there. The p**sy hunters from our

country must have shook hands with him to get revenge on us.”

I chuckled at his imagination that was always wild then glanced at Oran who

had his eyes still lowered on the reports in front of me. I couldn’t help but

glance at Bix too. Was it my imagination or were they not talking to each other?

It seemed something must have happened at the welcparty yesterday that

I had missed.

Oran caught my observing eyes and straightened his back, replying, “I agree

with him. Walter is a big shot. The proof is right in front of us,” he gestured at

the reports in front ofthat I had been reading since late afternoon. From the

tWalter had entered. the pack, I had Bix look into his background for the

past five years during the the was friends with Willow. I did not exactly

know how I felt about it,

Just as I got lost in thought, I received a call from….

I paused abruptly reading the non the screen. I picked up the call at


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Chapter 47

speed. “Willow…”

Unexpectedly a condescending soft chuckle stabbed my ears from the other

side of the line, “You still have her number saved in your phone six years


My expression darkened upon hearing Walter’s voice, “Why do you have Willow’s


“Ohh… about that…” As his next words fell on my ears, my hand abruptly paused

as Dex grew sharper in my mind.

I cut the call, immediately got up, and rushed out, “Where are you going?” Bix’s

shout echoed behindbut I had long ago climbed down the stairs. Then

walked straight out of the packhouse to where Willow’s car was parked and

Walter stood next to the car, holding Willow by her arms, she staggered like a

child who had yet to learn how to walk.

“Willow,” I rushed over to her and gently pulled her into my chest. Her head

rested against my ch*st and her eyes remained close yet I smelled the very

strong scent of wine coming from her.

“How dare you get her drunk!” I outright snapped at Walter.

“Who the fuck do you think I am, that I could possibly have the power to get this

girl drunk?” he snapped at me. “She drank of her own volition but yes, she was

pushed by the other models that knew her into drinking. They wanted to

celebrate her since she stole the fashion show. She is too modest to refuse

someone so she ended up like this. However…” he paused and glared at me,

“Don’t tellyou think I got her drunk so that I could do something to her.”

“I can’t lie and say that I did not have my suspicions,” I murmured, wrapping my

arm. around Willow’s waist and pulling her up in my arms.

“Your suspicions?” Walter’s glare sharpened, “Don’t you know that when she

starts drinking she does not stop then once someone stops her, she just attacks

whoevers around here,” he growled, showingthe bite mark on his hand. The

struggle of stopping her from drinking could not be written any more plainly on

his face.

A proudly satisfied expression took over my expression. Willow was a bad

drinker and it seemed she still was. Her personality would change, she became

wild whenever she was


“Umm… umm…” suddenly Willow started to wriggle in my arms. I looked down

at her fiushed face and stopped in the middle of the living room. Walter also

stopped as

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Chapter 47

Willow jumped out of my arms and dashed into the kitchen to vomit in the sink.

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I quickly walked inside the kitchen, gathered her hair behind her head, and

rubbed my hand on her back.

“She vomited in the middle of the road on the way back too,” Walter sighed,

quickly rushing over with a glass of water.

I took the glass from him, glancing at him once as I found something odd about

his statement and made Willow drink it even though she was whining like a

child. completely unaware of where she was.

get her?” I

“If you handled her there on the road, how cyou calledoutside to

questioned, knowing there was no way drunk Willow could beat him. He could

easily provokeby carrying Willow inside in his arms but he had not done

that, things had gone completely different from the aggravating behavior from


“I obviously did not want to call you. I wanted to hug and enjoy Willow in my

arms,” he admitted, earning a glare from me.

How dare he?‘ Dex growled in my mind as I securely sat Willow on the kitchen

counter and kept hugging her sides to keep her from falling.”

“Why? Want to kill me?” He chuckled, leaning against the wall across from me


looked am my expression that did not bother to hide my hatred for him. “Don’t

worry, I am planning to give up on Willow,” he took a deep breath.

I could not help but raise my brows, “Give up?” I looked him up and down, not

buying his claim.

“Yeah, after all she rejectedin the worst possible way,” he murmured,

looking at Willow’s fiushed face and closed eyes. A painful expression ached

over his face that revealed his broken heart.

“You saw us k*ssing,” I predicted. He immediately locked eyes withbut did

not say a word which provedright.

“If it had only been a k*ss then maybe I would have not accepted defeat at your

hands,” he murmured, grabbing a glass of water from the side.

“Then what is it?” I raised my brows.

“It’s her answer,” he chuckled, looking at me, “I asked her would she leave you

and accept my love if I proved that you didn’t love her and doubted her.”

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Chapter 47

My ears perked up at his words.

“Do you know what she said?” a soft smile cover his l*ps that increased my

heart beat at the thought of what Willow said.


Instead of replying, he pulled away from the wall and walked closer tountil

we were face to face. “I thought that she would hate you. It turns out that she is

a very special woman. She said…”

“I have only ever loved Reuben and I will die hating only him.”

My heart skipped a beat hearing Willow’s reply. I could not help but look down

at her sleepy figure leaning against my ch*st as Walter remarked, “She rejected

it turns out for her whether it’s love or hate there will only ever be you.”