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Global Awakening: I created the system

Chapter 76 Operation super soldiers(II)
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76  Operation super soldiers(II)

Operation super soldiers!

Designed by the top chaebols, families and several high ranking officials of the government, operation super soldier was one of their many plans to guarantee their positions in this coming age of superpowers

Knowing that awakeners were going to be the future of the world, they immediately began to recruit as many of them they could

Offering sof the best conditions out there with promises of various assets, wealth and f

Just looking at it from this perspective, nothing seemed to be wrong after all although they were strengthening themselves but the awakened were also benefits

However, what most of the world didn't know was that this method of acquisition was only what was being shown to the public

Knowing that obviously not everyone would want to work under someone else, after all something like ambition was sure to rise once a person suddenly gained strength

Because of that they anticipated that not only wolf a certain portion of awakeners reject their offers, but they knew that a few of them would even hide their capabilities in order to be able to grow stronger quietly

It was thanks to this realization that operation super soldier was created

Under the guise of training them to protect their country and loved ones in the future, the government in cooperation with various families would send the younger generations into dangerous places such as dungeons

Not only that but they would deliberately put them into dangerous positions forcing them to reveal their true strengths and abilities

Once this happened, the few observers appointed as guards for the expedition would take note of anyone with special characteristics or hidden strengths

Next, within a matter of weeks that said person would have either encountered an unfortunate 'accident' or mysteriously disappear

And while the outside world would have assumed they had been attacked by aliens or something, little did they know the government had kidnapped them

Using certain relics that have brainwashing properties like the famous hitlers hat, they completely wipe the kidnapped awakeners only leaving their loyalty and soulless eyes devoid of will

Soldiers who with proper training would develop their abilities to unfathomable heights while remaining completely loyal to their respective groups

With characters like this, it wasn't any suprise that it was named 'operation super soldier' after all each of  kidnapped them would ultimately be turned to an emotionless soldier who listed to all orders unswervingly

"However, if my memory servesright after being kidnapped most times unless a situation the kidnapped awakener is then auctioned to the highest bidder"

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"Thinking about it now, isn't it funny? The government turned out to be the biggest human traffickers out there"

Laughing angrily, Ye Tuan couldn't help but Rember his past life how he had been almost captured several times, or the gruesscenes he saw thanks to this project

Fellow classmates who he had been with for years turned into all kinds of grotesque monsters thanks to various experiments

Classmates who were abused and violated after being kidnapped by non awakeners of various families who felt jealous and inferior

Looking at all this now, although he had repeatedly told himself not to involve himself with humans to much this taround,

however Ye Tian didn't want remember the past couldn't help but want to change sthings, at the very least find away to expose the dark side of the government

"Haha, is this what they say once a human always a human?"

"It seems my heart isn't cold enough yet"

Having a light smile on his lips, although he said this Ye Tian didn't feel to bad

In fact spart of him felt it was a good thing, after all if even after gaining all that strength he beccold, detached and lonely then what would be the point?

Just float in the void eternally with nothing to do?

It might even because of this that subconsciously he created Li Xueha and the others to serve as companions down the road

Thinking of this, Ye Tian couldn't help but shake his head

"Sigh..,, what's the point of thinking about this now"

"Rather, we have to decide if we want to go to this or not"

Picking up his phone with his right hand, Ye Tian stared at the message on his phone with a hint of contemplation on his face

However, just before he could cto a decision, and untimely voice interrupted his thoughts

"Ahem human, I think I get the gist of your situation, do you want sadvice?"

""Not only that but I have sinformation that might interest you"

Floating mid air, Apollo who was still suck in the lyre suddenly spoke up outing everyone's attention on him

Unfortunately, most of the gazes weren't friendly as Ye Tian looked at him with a bit of irritation for interrupting his thoughts, Ava looked at him with curiosity and Kazzak just stared at him expressionlessly with its empty skull eyes

Sensing this, Apollos who's skin was as thick as ever completely ignored the mood and continued speaking

"Human, I advise you to go to that dungeon, not for anything else but I know that dungeon"

"Although i can't say much due to various constraints, but i can tell you that there's a very important item there"

"And as for the second thing, although I expected it to happen I didn't expect it to happen so soon"

"Human, you better be prepared because they've begun to act." Said Apollo as they lyre began to glow obviously showing he wasn't as calm as he sounded

And who could blhim, after hearing what he just said especially the second part, Ye Tian couldn't help but frown

By they, he obviously knew what Apollo meant

"So the gods and the gods chosen have begun to act?"

"Well that isn't surprising tho it's a bit early, but thankfully it doesn't affect any of the current plans"

"In fact, if I play my cards right then I might be able to take advantage of this"

Widening his eyes, Ye Tians frown quickly turned into a smile as he thought up a solution

"Alright Apollo, ill go to the dungeon and if the item there is really worth it then I'll let you out

"And as for them, don't worry I already have a plan in motion" Read Web s Online Free - Fire

Saying this Ye Arian didn't bother explaining  too much to him after all both sides weren't exactly on the sside

In fact, Ye Tian guessed as soon as he reunited to his main body Apollo would immediately betray him and try to capture him to explore his secrets


*Apollo, do you really think I'm clueless and can't see your plans? Just you wait I have a big surprise for you coming soon*

Sneering in his mind, with that both he, Ava and Apollo began to discuss their next set of plans creating various plans

With less than 24 hours till the expedition, Ye Tian needed to make sure that everyone was full proof.

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However, what they didn't know was that while three of them were planning their upcoming expedition, the whole world was currently going crazy thanks to the gending


"Breaking new! Games or reality??"

"Suprgod? Seven main gods? Are games the future of humanity?"

"Mu Fan the mercenary king what kind of person is he?"

"The story empress Chen Ling had to tell"

"Emperor Ling xiao and his seven year journey!"

With the ending of the game, almost immediately all kinds of topics had begun to make headlines with each more outrageous than the rest

Not only that, but the three Ling Xiao, Mu Fan and Chen Ling who had just cout of the ghad their houses surrounded with thousands of people

The jealous, the curious, the envious the angry, the suspicious all kinds of people gathered around their houses all eating their questions to be answered

They wanted to know, was it true you get the strength you had in the gin real life?

How realistic was the game?

How  realistic was the game? How were the npc's

All kinds of questions to which Mu Fan and the others were not in the mood to answer

In fact even if they wanted, they couldn't as their bodies were currently receiving feedback from the gmaking it almost impossible for them to move

Feeling the strength slowly coursing through their bodies, the three of them couldn't help but moan in their respective homes

"Ahh~ is this what it feels like to becan awakened?"

"I feel like I could smash a mountain if I put my mind to it"


Waving a fist to the air,  Mu Fan ignored the angry crowd outside as he played with his new found strength

Feeling the force behind the swing just now, it further confirmed his thoughts even though it might seem absurd

"Haha amazing, get the strength of games in reality?"

"It seems like my Mu Fan is destined to shine!"