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Global Awakening: I created the system

Chapter 59 Become Gods!
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Chapter 59  BecGods!

"Now the question is, are all of you ready to becgods?"

Looking at each other who had excited expressions on their face, Ye Tian couldn't help but smile

Right now with the initial creation of the soul world, what he needed was for them to go there and begin to spread their legends

Thankfully the trabetween it and the outside world can be accelerated, not only that but Ye Tian planned to transfer sbasic knowledge directly to the minds of smaking the process easier

"Haha well even if you're not ready, that just means you'll be far behind the others since I want to start as soon as possible"

"So if you're ready, close your eyes and don't resist"

Saying this Ye Tian gently rose up his right hand pointing his finger toward their direction


[Congratulations Li Xuehua the suprGod has offered you a goddess of ice godhead do you accept?]



[Congratulations Melinda the suprGod has offered you one god of archery position do you accept?]



[congratulations Hammer the suprGod has offered you one god of strength position do you accept?]



[congratulations curie the suprgod offers you one god of knowledge position do you accept?]



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[Congratulations Aidric the suprgod offers you one god of life position do you accept?]



[congratulations clown the suprgod offers you one god of chaos position do you accept?]



[congratulations  hunter the suprgod offers you one god of night position do you accept?]


One by one following Ye Tians action a virtual screen suddenly appeared before them asking if the wanted to beca god

And this while being done by Ye Tian, still let him a bit a suprised as a sudden piece of information becto his mind

"Amazing! So you can still do things like this!"

"It seems the soul world tree seed is more mysterious than I thought"

Scrolling through the information he just received. Ye Tian couldn't help but want to try it

Perhaps it was because the world tree like all plants on its own are living things, but the soul world tree seed which was meant to be an imitation seemed to have these characteristics

Giving him bits and pieces of information from tto time, while it couldn't communicate fluently but at least there was slevel of intelligence

And just now sensing Ye Tians intention it told him that he could connect them to a part of the soul world in turn giving them sauthority over the soul world

Things the couldn't do in the real world due to their current strength such as overturning the seas and moving mountains

These thing would then be able to be achieved in the soul world using this authority, not only that but they would be able to grow stronger and receive feedback as the world grew stronger

However, their growth without the help of the world would in turn drive the growth of the world putting them in a somewhat symbiotic relationship

Somewhat in the sense that only he the lord of the world has the ability to unilaterally revoke them of such authority to which Ye Tian was very satisfied

So now giving them positions that are very much inline with their new current skills and abilities Ye Tian sprayed a piece of the core of the soul world offering to bind them which lead to the current t situation

However Li Xuehua and the rest even though they had no idea what happened didn't hesitate and chose Yes as soon as the screen popped up


Pressing it, their minds seemed to simultaneously explode

Their consciousness seemed to infinitely expand it feel like their souls were flowing out of their body

Not only that, they seemed to sense themselves being  connected to a different place where they just needed to move their minds a bit to appear

"Zehehehaha amazing! Is this world master created!"

'Look at these ignorant humans, they truly need god in their lives"

Being the first to react, the clown directly connect to his consciousness to the small world, and seeing its appearance he couldn't help but sigh at his masters awesomeness

Watching the primitive humans hunt with stones and sticks. The animals roaring to the sky and the monsters created by negative emotions growing getting ready to be born into the world

Seeing all this, the clown couldn't help but stretch the already wide smile on his face as his eyes focused on a human tribe not to far from him

It was tfor the first appearance of god on the land

"Testing…, testing…1…2..3.."

"Soul would to humans, can all you hear me?"

Speaking directly into the mind of the tribe of about 200 hundred people the clown had already decided to take them as his first set of dependents

Fortunately the humans at this twere still ignorant and blank so as soon as they heard such a voice out of nowhere they all knelt down in fear

Palms sweat and knees heavy, sof them had even begun to dig the ground with their bare hands trying to find create a hole for him to hide himself

And the clown watching all this happened couldn't wait to be a god for those people, imagining the fun he could have from now a dangerous light glistened in his eyes

"Haha calm down my people, I am the god of chaos sent down by the suprgod to lead you all!"

Using the authority granted to him by fusion with the soul world, the clown continued to communicate with they who had no proper language yet

Not only that, but he began to tell them the creation story and how the suprgid after creating the world sent down the seven main gods to rule the land and how he was one of them

In fact, looking at the whole soul world as a whole such a thing wasn't only happening there as the others after reacting each descended their consciousness on various tribes and began to act

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Thinking of Ye Tians' words before this, they all wanted to let you be up to his expectations and be the most useful making them work extra hard

And Ye Tian who gave this order was currently watching them still motionless on the outside world.

"Oh? They seem to have connected to the soul world already, and not only that but they've begun to act!"

"Amazing! According to this in a bout a year, soul world tthe legend of genesis should have at least been integrated in the inhabitants of the soul world"

Saying this after thinking for a bit Ye Tian didn't hesitate and begun to act

Using the connection he had as their master plus their connection with the soul world, Ye Tian forcefully extracted ssoul power from them planning to speed up the tflow

Fortunately because of the relatively small size of the world it didn't need much souk power only about three hundred which was he was able to extract from seven of them without causing permanent damage

At  most after returning from the soul world they'd have to rest for a while to restore their states

"However, while accelerating the tflow is one thing but thing such as a leveling system stop showing their stats"

"A gmanager to watch the ' players' actions while busy or preoccupied"

"Or even a method to make it possible to bring out equipment all need to be created"

"Plus I still need more soul power to be able to create more soul seeds, these soul seed would then be used to recruit different people to the soul world"

"Not only that but as tpasses and the soul seed merges with their soul they'd all be completely at my mercy since I would by then have completely owned their souls!"

"Fortunately apart from waiting to recover the soul power I spent to create ssoul seeds, if my guess is correct the partial consciousness of the soul world tree seed can be turned into the gmanager"

"Haha if this is successful then a lot of problems I'm curry having would be solved considering it's computing power would be literally out of this world"

"Just thinking of a computer backed by an entire world can't help but givegoosebumps"

Thinking of all these things, an emotion which Ye Tian can't felt for a while began to well up within him


Thinking of the future this world hold for him if his plan succeeded, Ye Tian dare not imagine

Not only that, but using the soul seed withing each player as a camera Ye Tian had planned to keep saying on what happened within the tower without personally participating

"Haha it seemed in this life I'm destined to be a videogdesigner"

Talking to himself Ye Tian let out a light chuckle