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Getting Him Hooked: Mr. Freeman’s Indifferent Sinner Wife

Chapter 912
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Chapter 912

Olivia thought that the man’s voice sounded quite familiar, so she brought her hand up to rub her eyes. Finally, she

could faintly make out the silhouette.

"Xavier Hemsworth?"

Seeing that Olivia had finally recognized him, Xavier smirked teasingly and said, "I thought you had long forgotten

about me.”

"How could I?"

Olivia smiled awkwardly, took the glass from him, and took a big gulp." Why are you here?"

"I missed you, so I came back to see you."

Olivia laughed. She wanted to put down the glass but she felt like she could not really control her movements. So,

she could not help but frown," Why is my vision blurry? Why am I dizzy and lightheaded?"

Xavier helped Olivia stabilize herself and said, "Lie down, you were injected with too high a dose of sedative, and

the effects of the medication haven't passed yet. It’ll be over soon. You're fine."

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"Yeah, someone injected you with sedatives when you were asleep. I’ve caught the person and handed her over to

Mr. Lucas."

After hearing that the culprit had been handed over to Ken, Olivia did not think too much about it.

She did not even need to think to know that the only person in Ocean City who wanted to harm her was no one else

other than Dorothy Ellis.

"You saved me?"

Xavier cocked his eyebrow. "Why? Are you so touched you want to marry me to repay my good deed?"

"Why are you still so silly?"

"I heard you and Mr. Quinton are getting a divorce, so I was thinking that I now have a chance again, so... Here I

am on my best behavior to remind you once more that I exist."

Olivia had always felt like she did not know if Xavier was telling the truth.

To put it simply, this man gave her the feeling that he was too complicated. She could not see through him, and she

could never get a hold of what he was thinking.

"Stop pulling my leg. Why are you here in Ocean City this time?"

Olivia had a high level of self-awareness. She was clear that she did not have any special powers to make Xavier

want to come back just for her.

Xavier smiled. "I'm really here to see you. Why won’t you believe me?"

After saying that, he sighed. "Sigh... It looks like I really am not worth much in your heart. Tell me, Pheebs, what do

you not like about me? I'll change."

"Stop it.”

"I want to make you smile. I heard from Mr. Lucas that you've gone through a whole lot of things recently, and Lyla

nearly died of suffocation from being kidnapped. Mr. Lucas also said that you're so depressed you're sick and asked

me to console you."

Xavier scooted closer to Olivia's face and placed a finger on her lip. The sides of his mouth curled up as he said,

"Smile! Now that Lyla’s alright, don't be so gloomy, okay?"

Olivia forced a smile. "Okay, I smiled. Enough?"

"So half-hearted." Xavier peeled an orange for her. "Pheebs, I'll tell you the truth, please don’t get mad at me."

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"The thing that happened to Lyla, you could just take it as a lesson. For her to survive that meant that everything

that needed to happen already did, and there would not be a next time, I'm sure. Change your perspective, look at

the outcome, not how you got there. How about that?"

Olivia knew that he was just trying to make her feel better, but she really could not muster up a smile, and could

not let go of it in her heart.

Dorothy Ellis failed this time, but she would definitely try it again.

She had no idea when that next time would be.

Xavier stuffed a slice of orange into her mouth. "Look at you, frowning every day, and now, you look a few years

older! Don’t worry. I’m here. No one can hurt you or Lyla. Trust me. Okay?"

Then, he caressed Olivia's frown to undo it. "I know I did things in the past that hurt you but I swear, I won't push

you again. Okay?"

Alas, Xavier saved her before, and he had just saved her again as well.

She should let the past stay in the past.

Olivia smiled and nodded, "Okay. I trust in you, and I trust you.”

At the same time, a lanky figure appeared in the doorway, watching the scene unfold in the room with his fists

tightly clenched.