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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor

Chatper 149
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Chapter 149

The next morning, just as it was time to start work, the employees of Santos Group were filled with


In an instant, Santos Group became the number one company in Newden, and even the status of its

employees skyrocketed.

Whenever someone mentioned working at Santos Group, they could puff out their chests with pride.

Albert stood at the company entrance with his hands behind his back, holding an electric baton.

Since news spread that he and Leonard were classmates, Albert’s status within Santos Group had

risen dramatically, making him feel a bit full of himself.

“Albert, do you think Santos Group, being the top company in Newden, will give us a raise?”

A nearby security guard pulled out a freshly opened pack of cigarettes and handed one to Albert,

skillfully lighting it for


Albert took a satisfying drag and replied, “Of course, didn’t Ms. Moreno say in the meeting? With

Santos Group’s growth, we won’t be treated poorly.

“And our chairman, Leonard, would never mistreat us.”

Whenever Leonard was mentioned, Albert would consciously or unconsciously speak highly of him.

He was truly grateful to Leonard and admired him greatly.

“Come on, Albert, tell us, who exactly is this magnificent Mr. Santos?”

A few other security guards also gathered around, curious about the newly minted richest man in


“Well, listen, Leonard is a genius…”

Albert cleared his throat, basking in the adoring gazes around him. His vanity was greatly satisfied.

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And at that moment, there was a loud bang.

Two security guards standing at the door were thrown into the lobby.

A figure of cold aloofness appeared at the entrance.

He stood with his hands behind his back like a solitary peak, exuding a chilling aura.

Albert and the others realized what was happening and stared cautiously at the newcomer, shouting,

“Who are you? Here is the Santos Group, and our boss is Leonard, the richest man in Newden.”

“I know very well because I came for Leonard,” the figure replied indifferently.

Suddenly, Victor took a step forward, causing a thunderous boom. The floor beneath his feet cracked

open, with a fissure extending from him all the way to the wall at the far end of the lobby.

The entire building trembled slightly.

The guards, including Albert, couldn’t help but gulp.

Was he still a human being?

“Call Leonard, or else I’ll massacre the entire Santos Group today,” Victor said calmly.

Since Tyler desired a sensational effect, this was his way to achieve it.

“What’s happening?”

Just then, a group of people came running downstairs.

The tremor just now made them think an earthquake had happened.

When they saw Victor standing at the door, confusion filled their eyes.

Some people tried to run out of the building, but as soon as they approached the doorway, they heard

several mu ffled explosions.

More than a dozen people were thrown out backward.

Upon witnessing this scene, everyone stopped and looked at Victor with fear.

“What’s going on?” Someone asked, puzzled, as they glanced at the security guards.

“He came to cause trouble for Mr. Santos. The tremor we felt earlier was caused by him,” one of the

guards explained. Hearing this, the crowd couldn’t help but shudder in alarm.

Looking at the cr acks on the ground, they felt a chill run down their spines.

How could Leonard have provoked such a presence?

“Sir, if you have something to say, you can come to my office.”

Gracia calmly stepped forward and stood in front of Victor amidst the panic-stricken crowd.

“Who are you?” Victor asked coldly.

Despite Gracia being a beauty, he remained cold and indifferent, as icy as ever.

“I am the president of the Santos Group, and aside from Leonard, I am the highest authority here,”

Gracia replied. “So, you hold a high position? Killing you must be quite a sensation, then!” Victor

remarked sarcastically.


In the next moment, Victor suddenly made a move. He grabbed Gracia by the neck and lifted her up in

the air.

Gracia’s face turned purple, and she struggled desperately with her limbs.

However, Victor’s grip was as solid as a pair of iron pliers, and she couldn’t break free.

Feeling the killing intent from Victor, Gracia finally realized his terror and brutality. She also realized that

she couldn’t treat him the way she would treat a normal person.

Gracia had a strong intuition that he really might kill her.

“Leonard offended the Morris family. He will die, and many people will also be buried with him today,”

Victor said coldly.

To him, killing was as simple as slau ghtering an animal.

The people around were immediately scared to the point of trembling.

Several security guards bravely wanted to come forward and rescue Gracia, but Victor casually waved

his sleeve, and a gust of strong wind blew them all over.

“I will kill her first and then kill all of you later.”

Victor tightened his palm, and Gracia felt the threat of death.

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“Don’t, don’t kill me. Arlene is my friend…”

At this critical moment, Gracia thought of her best friend, Arlene.

As a highly respected general, Arlene’s reputation was not limited to Newden but the whole Griffinland


“Arlene? The girl from the Wilson family?”

Hearing Arlene’s name, a slight change finally appeared on Victor’s indifferent face.

He didn’t care about anyone named Arlene, but behind Arlene was the General Army.

Moreover, the presence of that person from the Wilson family was one of the few people that Victor


“Since you know Arlene, I will spare your life for now.”

With a wave of his hand, Gracia was thrown directly against the wall, spewing a mouthful of blood.

“Call Leonard and tell him to come within ten minutes, or else, for every minute late, I will kill a person,”

Victor said coldly.

At this moment, Gracia quietly took out her phone and sent two text messages.

One was to Leonard, with only a few words. [Someone wants to kill you, escape quickly. The farther,

the better.]

The other message was sent to Arlene. [Come and save me. I’m at the Santos Group.]

After sending the messages, Gracia breathed a sigh of relief.

But as soon as she raised her head, she saw Victor’s sneering gaze.

“You sent messages to give a warning? Do you really think I wouldn’t dare to kill you because of


The next moment, he sna tched Gracia’s phone, found Leonard’s number, and dialed it.

“Hello, Leonard? There’s a woman named Gracia here. Would you like to listen to her screams?”

As he spoke, Victor kicked Gracia’s head.

Gracia’s body flew ten feet away, and her face was instantly covered in blood and flesh.