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From A Prisoner To A Big Short’s Inheritor

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66

“Leonard, apologize to Mr. James now.”

Willie hastily urged.

Looking at the knives that were shining with cold light, he felt scared.

“He’s right. Leonard, don’t flaunt your superiority. Do you want to get us into trouble?”

Yule also said loudly, feeling like he almost hated Leonard.

Originally, it would be fine for everyone to leave obediently, but Leonard insisted on showing off.

But Leonard picked up the soup bowl calmly and shook it. The toothpick on it were unusually


Seeing Leonard’s action, Luke couldn’t help showing disdain. “Why? You are afraid and want to drink

the soup now? You’re such a wretch.

“Haha, I thought you were rampant, but you still have to drink the soap now. I despise such a coward

the most.

“I don’t think the soup is enough. I’ll urinate for him later and let him taste it.”

Luke’s men mocked presumptuously.

Leonard shook his head gently. “Human must not be too arrogant because you don’t know when you

will meet someone you can’t afford to provoke.”

“Shut the f uck up! Drink it now!”

Luke cursed loudly.

But at this time, Leonard suddenly grabbed Luke’s neck and directly pressed his head on the table, and

even clasped the soup bowl in his hand on his head.


The soup was running down the hair everywhere.

Everyone around was dumbfounded.

No one thought that Leonard would make a sudden move.

Luke’s head was pressed on the table. His hands kept struggling, and he cursed. “Boy, I will kill you.”

Just as he finished, Leonard grabbed another wine bottle from the side and smashed it down on Luke’s


“Cr ack!”

The wine splashed, and blood trickled down his hair.

The Barton family and the Patel family were all terribly frightened.

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At this moment, all of Luke’s subordinates came to their senses and rushed towards Leonard with


“Kill him!”

“A bunch of garbage.” Leonard snorted coldly.

With a beautiful forward kick, the man rushing forward was kicked into the air.

At the same time, Leonard moved his fist, grabbed the chair next to him, and threw it forward.

“Cr ack.”

The chair fell, and a man fell limply to the ground.

Leonard seemed to be a peerless warrior in an instant, and the stool in his hand was used as a


The subordinates brought by Luke fell to the ground very quickly. Their heads were bloodied, and they

wailed endlessly.

Yule and others looked at this scene foolishly.

They thought Leonard was too fierce.

Judy was excited and said, “Handsome! He’s so handsome!”

Luke’s face was covered with blood, and he grinned in pain.

Looking at the subordinates who fell on the ground, Luke looked at Leonard with a bit of fear.



Chapter 66

He didn’t expect Leonard to be so strong.

“I wanted to have a good talk with you, but why did you use the knives? It’s really impolite.”

Leonard sighed and sat down on the chair.

Pointing to the toothpick that fell on the ground, he said, “Eat that toothpick, and you can leave.”

Luke looked at Leonard coldly. “Boy, I admit that you have some strength. But don’t forget that we are

members of the Rockets Company. I have remembered everyone who is here today. You just wait. I will

take revenge!”

As he spoke, he pointed to Yule, Willie and the others.

“You, and you, wait for it.”

Luke said harshly.

Hearing this, Yule and Willie’s expressions changed.

Sh it!

They caused trouble this time!

It was all Leonard’s fault. This guy didn’t know how to endure at all. It was originally a matter of

changing places to eat, but he insisted on provoking the people of the Rockets Company. Now he was

in the limelight, but he has troubled others.

Both Yule and Willie were worried.

But Leonard smiled disdainfully. “At this time, you still dare to be arrogant. I think you were beaten

lightly just now.”

“Boy, you’re crazy. I’ll let you know later what price you have to pay for provoking the Rockets


As he spoke, he yelled at the subordinates beside him, “Inform Mr. Gerald now.”

The subordinate next to him nodded and was about to leave.

At this time, a man walked in.

“No need. I’m already here.”

A majestic middle-aged man walked in.

The middle-aged man was wearing a suit and gold-rimmed glasses with a refined appearance.

Seeing the miserable state of Luke and the others, he couldn’t help frowning and then looked directly at


“Young man, did you beat my men like this?”

Leonard nodded. “Why? You also want to try my fist?”

Hearing this, Mr. Gerald just smiled faintly.

“A man of honor reasons things out and does not resort to force. Fighting is something that rough

people do.”

As he spoke, he took out a business card from his pocket and put it on the table.

“Let me introduce myself. I’m Terry Gerald, the vice president of the Rockets Company and a lawyer.

“Now I officially inform you of two things. First, the Rockets Company can be ranked among the top 100

in Newden City. It seems that you are also in business. Then congratulations, you are the enemy of the

Rockets Company. It won’t be long before you face the danger of bankruptcy.

“Second, this young man beat up our members of the Rockets Company in public. I will let the legal

department handle this matter. You will be sentenced to ten years in prison.”

After finishing speaking, Terry looked triumphantly at the people present.

He enjoyed the feeling of being in power and controlling the life and death of others.

He looked at Judy and Kenia without leaving a trace.

These two girls were both good-looking. When he found out the background of the two families and

drove them to a dead end, he would use some tricks to make them obediently send their daughters to

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his bed.

Yule, Willie, and others looked terrible, and despair arose in their hearts after Terry finished speaking.

The vice president of the Rockets Company was a monster who would destroy them utterly.

There were not a few people who had been bankrupted by him.

He said that their two companies would go bankrupt, and that was really not just talk, but that he really

had the ability.



Chapter 66

Yule hurriedly said, “Mr. Gerald, it is indeed our fault, but it’s this kid who hit them, and it has nothing to

do with me.”

Willie also wanted to get rid of the relationship with Leonard but was stopped by Flora, so he didn’t say

anything hurtful.

Kenia said dissatisfiedly, “It was your men who wounded people with knives, and Leonard was only

defending himself.”


Terry laughed disdainfully.

“Little girl, you are still too young. Let alone this kid hit them; even if he didn’t, I can still send him to


“Of course, you can save him if you want. If you can accompany me to the hotel to have a heart-to-

heart talk tonight, I can let you go.”

His gaze swept over Kenia’s body maliciously.

Kenia’s face turned red with anger, and she cursed, “Rogue! As shole!”

Seeing that Kenia was not willing to obey him, Terry said coldly, “You are a shameless thing. In this

case, you just wait. In less than three days, you will obediently come to my door to beg me.

“I acted on behalf of the Rockets Company, and I will make you realize what despair is.”

Terry smiled evilly.

The Rockets Company had always acted so domineeringly.

It was just that soon he couldn’t laugh.

A majestic voice sounded from the doorway. “Such a small company like the Rockets Company dares

to be so arrogant, which really made me, Waylon, eye-opening.”


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