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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 1142
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Chapter 1142

Briana Cameron looked at the two people in the photo, then read the message s ent by Aurora. Her face showed no expression as she immediately blocked and deleted Aurora.

After sending a message and receiving no response from Briana Cameron, Auror a assumed she hadn’t seen it and directly made a voice call. However, it turned out that the other party had activated friend verification.


The very next morning, Aurora stormed into the Yoder Group with the photo, rea dy to confront Maxim.

“Maxim, if you didn’t explain this matter to me today, I wouldn’t let this woman go!”

Maxim glanced at the photo, recognizing the scene from last night when he had gone to the hotel to pick up Roxanne. He couldn’t help but frown, “Where did yo u get this photo from?”

“Where I came from didn’t matter, what mattered was that this incident had spr ead throughout the upper class of Haseton today, and I had become the laughin gstock of everyone.”

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“If you couldn’t bear it, you could call off the engagement at any time, I wouldn’ t mind.”

Watching him remain indifferent, without even a hint of guilt on his face, Aurora’ s face twisted in anger.

“Maxim, if you don’t want me to personally investigate who this


Chapter 1142

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woman is, then handle this matter yourself.”

Maxim picked up a file, looking impatient, he said, “If you want to investigate. g o ahead, but don’t come to the Yoder Group again if it’s not necessary. I’m very busy!”

“Alright, you wait for me!”

Aurora stormed out, immediately calling her subordinates to find out who the w oman with Maxim was as soon as she left the office.

In less than half an hour. Aurora had learned that the other party was Maxim’s sister. Roxanne.

Aurora immediately called her friend who she had sent the photo to, and gave t hem a good scolding.

The other party was also innocent, “Aurora, I was just looking out for you, how wa s I supposed to know that she was Maxim’s sister…”

“Anyway, if something is uncertain in the future, don’t just casually send me mes sages!”

After speaking, she immediately hung up the phone.

Thinking back to how she had just stormed into Maxim’s office, Aurora was filled with regret. She was sure that Maxim must now think of her as an unreasonable woman.

However, it was Maxim’s fault. If he had explained even a bit, I wouldn’t have co ntinued to misunderstand.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but bite her lower l*p. In the end, it was still Maxim who didn’t value her enough.



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Chapter 1142

288 Vouchers

Since Maxim refused to show any friendliness, perhaps pleasing his sister could help create an opportunity for them to meet.

She immediately ordered her subordinates to find out where Roxanne was. Upo n learning that she was shopping, she promptly drove to that mall.

At that moment. Roxanne was shopping for clothes. She had originally planned to invite Briana Cameron to join her today, but unexpectedly, Briana Cameron h appened to be busy, so she decided to go shopping by herself

She had visited several places, but none had satisfied her. Just as she was about to leave, a woman suddenly stopped her.

“Hello, you’re Roxanne, right? I’m your brother’s fiancée, my name is Aurora.”

Roxanne looked up, and a fiash of surprise crossed her eyes when she saw the w oman standing in front of her.

“My brother’s fiancée?”

“Right, your brother is Maxim, isn’t he? You didn’t know about our engagement?”

Roxanne shook her head in confusion, “I don’t know, he never told me

about this.”