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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 1124
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Chapter 1124

Seeing Madeline’s determined face, Apollo couldn’t help but wonder, had Made line really run out of money?!

However, he soon sneered, “You only have three million, are you fooling idiots?! You’ve been a star for so many years, I heard that you make tens of millions for a single movie, how could you possibly only have three million!”

Madeline sneered, “Don’t I have to pay a commission to the company when I act in films?! Don’t I have to pay taxes?! Don’t I need to use it myself?! Plus, I have t o help you guys out from time to time, my money doesn’t just fall from the sky!”

Upon hearing this, a hint of doubt fiashed in Apollo’s eyes, and his expression b ecame hesitant.

It was now clearly impossible for Brycen to find a job for himself. If he really fell out with Madeline. he might not get a penny in the future. What he had in his ha nds now was the most important.

Thinking of this, Apollo gritted his teeth and said, “Fine, but I want to see the m oney immediately!”

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Madeline was utterly disappointed in him and felt that her past self was incred ibly foolish, actually harboring the delusion of buying their affection with mone y.

In their eyes, he was just a tool for making money, never a member of their fami ly.

She took a deep breath, picked up her phone and directly called Bella, asking h er to come over with a lawyer.

Chapter 1124

After hanging up the phone, she said coldly. “My agent and lawyer will be here s oon with the agreement to sever ties Once you sign it, I will transfer the money t o you After that, we will have no connection whatsoever.”

Apollo didn’t speak, but he was calculating in his mind

Breaking off the relationship was impossible Three million was nowhere near enough for him to use for a lifetime. Now, he just wanted to get Madeline’s money first, and when t he money was used up, he would come back to Madeline for more.

If Madeline didn’t give in. he would expose her to the press, and then she would naturally pay to resolve the issue.

Apollo was excited about his own cleverness, as long as he tightly held onto Madeline, he wouldn’t have to strive for the rest of his life

Soon. Bella arrived with the lawyer, having already informed him of Madeline’s thoughts on the way.

“Ms. Garcia, this is the preliminary severance agreement I have drafted Please t ake a look and see if there are any areas that need


Madeline took the agreement, quickly skimmed through it, and then said. “Ther e’s no problem, let’s proceed according to this ”

“Alright, if there are no issues, both parties can just sign on the last page.”

Madeline handed the agreement to Apollo, “If there are no issues, you can sign i t.”

At this point, Melinda also stopped making a fuss, hurriedly walked to Apollo’s side and whispered, “Apollo, are we really g oing to cut ties with this damn girl?! What will we do if we run out of money in th e



Chapter 1124


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Apollo didn’t respond to her words, he simply took the pen and signed his name , then handed the pen back to her

“Mom, sign it.” I said

Melinda quickly shook her head, “No… I can’t… I can’t sign this agreement………

No sooner had the words fallen than Apollo impatiently said. “Just sign when you’re told to, stop talking so much nonsense! Otherwise. I’ll go back by myself later, and you can stay here! Let’s see if Madeline will care abou t you!”

His voice carried a threat, and immediately everyone in the room, except for M elinda, couldn’t help but frown.

He was so rude to his own mother, it seems he must have been used to ordering people around at home.

Startled by her son’s shout, Melinda didn’t dare to speak. She took the pen and signed her name.

After a few people had signed, the lawyer took the documents and left