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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 1092
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Chapter 1092

Seeing the look of lingering fear on Gemma’s face, Briana Cameron quickly said, “I understand, I will ensure my safety no matter what.”

“You must have a b*dyguard with you when you go out in the future, otherwise I can’t rest easy. How many accidents have you had recently!”

“Alright, Mom, you should go rest. Judging by those dark circles under your eyes, you haven’t been resting well lately, have you?”

Gemma sighed, “I heard about your accident, how could I possibly sleep? I have n’t closed my eyes since last night.”

“Alright, after confirming that I’m fine, you should hurry up and go to sleep too.”


After putting Gemma to bed, Briana Cameron went back to her room, took a bat h, changed her clothes, and went straight to the office.

As soon as she arrived at the office, the general manager’s secretary came to her to understan d the situation.

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Briana Cameron frowned, her face looking somewhat unpleasant, “Secretary Zh eng, I don’t think I need to explain anything to the company. The police are still investigating. Once the results are out, the company can directly check the announcement. I came here this time just to take some of my

Chapter 1092

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things. I won’t come to work at the company until this matter is over.”

A fiash of shock passed through Secretary Zheng’s eyes, and he quickly said, “Ms . Cameron, the company also cares about your safety, it’s not trying to make you confess.”

As she packed, Briana Cameron said, “All I can say is that Mr. Murphy wanted to kill me , because he thought it was my fault that Ms. Marsh was forced to leave the coun try.”

Seeing Briana Cameron’s indifferent expression, Secretary Zheng could only no d and say, “Alright, I will report to the general manager. You should rest well during this period.”

After the secretary left, Briana Cameron bowed her head and continued to tidy up. It took her less t han half an hour to finish.

After leaving Graceful Attire, she directly returned the items to the Cameron family, and then went straight to the

Cameron Group.

After she called Thomas and told him about Elliot trying to harm her, Thomas arranged a lawyer from the Cameron Group for her.

The two met in the coffee shop downstairs. After getting a preliminary understa nding of the situation, the lawyer began to speak, “Ms. Cameron, my assistant h as already followed up on this case in North Town. I have a pretty good understa nding of the specifics. If necessary, I can go there at any time to follow up on the progress. I will make sure Elliot receives the punishment he deserves.”

“Sorry for the trouble.”

“This was what I should have done.”

Briana Cameron nodded, stood up and said, “I’ll go back first then, feel free to a sk me anything whenever you need.”


After parting ways with the lawyer, Briana Cameron was

about to leave when she received a call from Astrid.

“Briana, did you go back to Haseton now?”

“Um, what happened?”

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“I just heard about what happened to you in North Town. Where are you now? I’ m coming right away!”

In less than half an hour, Astrid had arrived at the bottom of the Cameron Group building.

Seeing that Briana Cameron was okay, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s good that you’re okay. That bastard manager of your company, it would be best if he was locked up in there for a lifetime!”

Briana Cameron couldn’t help but chuckle, saying, “Alright, don’t be angry. It’s n ot worth it for such a lousy person. How did you find out about this?”

Upon hearing this, Astrid couldn’t help but roll her eyes and sneered, “How else would I know? It was that idiot Aurora who somehow got the news and spread it all over the circle, even going around tarnishing your rep utation, saying that you deceived Elliot’s feelings and that’s why he took reven ge on you. But ever since the last incident, no one has paid any

attention to her. She’s like a joke!”

Mentioning Aurora, Briana Cameron was reminded of the last incident online, w hich made her even more annoyed.