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Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Novel Full Episode

Fall for You After Divorce by Callie Chapter 1069
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Chapter 1069

Briana Cameron frowned, “You go ahead, I don’t like dancing.”

Moreover, she also didn’t like the feeling of being almost attached to strangers.

“You’ve come all this way, just give it a try! You don’t have any entertainment ac tivities every day, and when you encounter something sad, you can only hold it in your heart. Holding it in for a long time is not good for your health.”

“And dancing really could make one forget all troubles, let’s go!”

Briana Cameron pursed her l*ps, recalling the events she had experienced during this period, a feeling of w anting to vent emerged in her heart.

The two had just stepped onto the dance fioor when a handsome guy came over to strike up a conversation.

Astrid quickly went off to dance with one of the handsome guys, leaving Briana Cameron alone on the spot.

Briana Cameron wanted to catch up, but she waved at Briana Cameron and said , “There are so many handsome guys! You can just find one to teach you how to d ance.”

“The main reason to come here was to relax, so enjoy yourself!”

After Astrid left, several men approached Briana Cameron to


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strike up a conversation. Briana Cameron completely ignored them and started dancing in the dance fioor as if no one else was there.

Gradually, she also found her own rhythm. She had studied dance abroad in the past, so she quickly became a unique sight on the dance fioor, attracting many people’s attention.

Swinging the b*dy with the music, the suppressed agitation in the heart seemed to gradually disappear wit h the


On the second fioor, Aurora saw Briana Cameron attracting quite a few people o n the dance fioor and couldn’t help but


“Hah, a lowlife is always a lowlife! Only knows how to show off

and attract men’s attention!”

Suddenly, a hint of calculation fiashed in her eyes. She

wondered if Maxim would still like Briana Cameron if he saw

her in this state.

If Maxim could have seen the scene of the bartender sleeping with Briana Came ron with his own eyes, he would probably have been very disgusted with Briana Cameron afterwards.

Thinking of this, Aurora immediately took out her phone and recorded a video, which she directl y sent to a socialite group

in Haseton.

Quite a few people inside knew Briana Cameron and quickly spotted her figure in the video.

“Did I see that right, is that Briana Cameron? Wasn’t she always the good girl, never s etting foot in bars and such?”


Chapter 1069

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“She was just a good girl on the surface, only putting on a show for the Cameron family. Now that she’s been abandoned by Maxim, her true nature is revealed!”

“The most detestable thing was this kind of woman who had one face in public and another in private. She acted so high and mighty in front of others, but was so unrestrained behind

their backs.”

Several girls who had interacted with Briana Cameron and had a pretty good impression of her came out to speak for her. However, they were quickly rebuked by a group of people.

They didn’t speak either, but formed a small group separately, deciding to cont act Briana Cameron to tell her about this


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However, after several unsuccessful calls, the thought that Briana Cameron migh t be dancing and couldn’t hear her phone in the bar made him quite worried.

He just hoped that she wouldn’t do anything too outrageous afterwards, otherwise, Auro ra wouldn’t know what to say.

Soon, the video of Briana Cameron dancing in the bar had reached Maxim.

Caspar made no attempt to hide his schadenfreude, “Maxim, it seems that Bria na Cameron was not affected at all after breaking up with you, she’s even going to nightclubs now.”

Maxim, who was reading a document, looked up at the mention of his name, his gaze cold as he stared at Caspar.

“What nightclub?”


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“Oh, I almost forgot, you haven’t seen that video yet, I’ll send it to you!”

Soon, Maxim’s phone dinged, and a video popped up on Line.

He clicked on the video, and the figure he had been longing for quickly appeared in his sight.

She wore a white V–neck T– shirt today, with a pair of black leather shorts on the lower half of her b*dy. On her feet were a pair of black high– top leather shoes. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and she wore a pair of star earrings on her ears. Around her neck was a metal necklace. She looked both cool and stylish, unconsciously attracting everyone’s


Seeing the wolf– like gazes of the men around her, Maxim’s grip on his phone unconsciously tight ened. He asked coldly, “Which bar is this?”