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Ex-Husband’s Love Dilemma

Chapter 71
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Chapter 71 Yeah, it's settled. She has moved out of Dustmeadow Mansion and is staying at Maple Condominium now," Cassandra explained.

It was Orlando's decision?" Michael was driving and turned to ask Cassandra while waiting for the green light. Yeah, his Cassandra sighed. "But he seems to blme..." "He blames you for treating Rebecca that way right?" Michael presumed.

Hearing that, Cassandra looked at him subconsciously. Numbly, she worded, "You could say that. Michael, if it were you, would you feel the sway?" Td just feel so guilty and uneasy. I'd blmyself for not being able to protect you if you truly got hurt settling this yourself. I would wonder why you didn't tellabout it and askto handle it for you instead. I'd ask you not to do something like this again, Cassie, Michael mentioned softly, and Cassandra just nodded in response.

Why couldn't I tell Michael? she wondered.

Cassandra herself could not answer that. At that time, she simply never thought to tell him. She just wanted to handle it herself.

'Maybe I just didn't want to bother him, she wondered.

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While talking, they soon arrived at Quinn Group.

Zachary and the others brought Cassandra and Michael directly to the conference room. The interior design drawings were complicated. The office building, mansion, and residential area were all in different styles, so the ttaken for the discussion process was relatively long.

In the CEO's office on the top floor of Quinn Group, Taylor didn't dare delay for a second. Immediately, he told lando the news. "Mr. Quinn, Mrs. Jackson and Michael have cto the company to discuss the design drawings with Mr. Wright Would you like to go have a look?" "Taylor, do you have too much ton your hands? Or do you think that I have nothing better to do?" Orlando appeared detached. The sarcasm in Orlando's words made Taylor immediately lower his head.

"Mr. Quinn, I'm sorry. I'll go prepare your meeting materials for later in the afternoon, Taylor apologized. After that, Taylor left the office quickly.

'Could I be mistaken? Taylor pondered. 'Mr. Quinn calledso late last night to find a well-furnished apartment for Rebecca to live in. Didn't that mean that he was closer to Mrs. Quinn now? In the office, Orlando looked at the document in his hand, but he didn't know what it was about.

He squinted slightly, and his expression was gloomy.

At this moment, the phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered.

"It's almost your grandpa's birthday. Any plans?" It was Frederick.

Chapter 71 Peter's birthday was less than a week away, and Orlando had already planned for this long ago. He mentioned his ideas to Frederick, "Let's do it in the Quinn manor. It hasn't been lively there for a long time. Many people showed their care for Grandpa when he was hospitalized, so this time, we can let those who care about him spend twith him." "Okay, then. Let's do that. By the way, what do you think about taking Cassic hfor dinner if you have tthis week? Our families parted on bad terms last time. Grandpa wants to know what your plans are now,” Frederick said.

"Let's see. I've got a lot to settle these days, and Cassandra is busy too," Orlando claimed.

"Okay, it's up to you. I still have that scondition. No matter what happens, you must make sure he's okay with it, or else you'll get it," Frederick threatened. Although he completely withdrew from Quinn Group, he was still Orlando's father.

After ending the call, Orlando put his phone on the table. Then, he massaged his temples. Although he was silent, his demeanor seemed more calm now.

It had already been more than once that Cassandra had affected his work. The more he thought about it, the more restless: he was. What sorcery does this woman have?' he cursed internally.

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Tpassed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was lunchtime.

Cassandra had just finished the meeting and was about to leave the conference room when Zachary suggested, "Why don't we have lunch together?" "No, thank you. We still have work to do in the afternoon, and we still need to amend sthings. Let's have lunch another day," she rejected politely.

"Okay then, I won't keep you." Zachary shook hands with Michael and watched them leave.

As Cassandra and Michael waited for the elevator, Michael asked, “Did Mr. Wright just imply that we can work with Quinn Group directly without going through Hawley Real Estate?" "I think that's what he means." Cassandra felt a little worried. Although Hawley Real Estate could be considered somewhat crafty in many aspects, it had signed the contract after all. To end the contract at this tseemed a bit impropers "Mr. Wright is from Quinn Group. Are his words a reflection of Orlando's?" Michael asked.

"I don't know, but I don't want to think about it right now. So far, it seems pretty good, she answered. The main thing is I don't want my work to involve Quinn Group and Orlando too much. It won't be good for either of us after we divorce! She kept her thoughts to herself, not telling Michael.

Cassandra fell silent.

Michael watched her expression and suggested discreetly, “Cassie, I think it may be more appropriate to work with Quinn Group directly. This is equivalent to having an immediate stepping stone. It'd be even better for the development of the company later on, too." Cassandra looked at Michael in surprise. Their eyes met, but before she could speak, the elevator doors opened. Taylor cout. Cassandra nodded slightly in greeting, but Taylor stopped to whisper to her, “Mrs. Quinn, Mr. Quinn knows that you are in the company, so he specially askedto bring you to meet him." "What's the matter?" Cassandra asked.

Taylor elaborated, "It has something to do with Mr. Peter Quinn's birthday banquet. Would you like to discuss this with Mr. Orlando Quinn after you're in his office?" "Okay." Cassandra never hesitated to talk about matters regarding Peter. She eyed Michael, who was beside her, and said softly, "Michael, you can go back to the company first. I'll talk to Orlando about Grandpa Peter's birthday." 10:07 Sat, 4 May G Chapter 71 Michael nodded in understanding. "Okay. Go on, then. Do you needto wait for you?" "No need. It's getting late. You can get something to eat first. I'll take a taxi back to the company after I'm done," she answered.