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Ex-Husband’s Love Dilemma

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69 79% "Thomas" eyes lit dn when he heard it. "Why? Aren't you going to keep putting on a cold facade! Well, since you're willing to cooperate with me, I'd be more than happy to save my energy. That said, you'd better hurry. I've taken the drug and can hardly wait." Only then did Cassandra realize that the man had ingested the pills.

T'll cooperate with you, but don't hurt me." She looked slightly indifferent and coff as negotiable. Thomas agreed and then let go of Cassandra. As he turned to fetch himself swater, Cassandra bolted toward the door, only to be caught by Thomas as soon as she reached for the doorknob.

"Bitch! How dare you trick me?" Thomas lifted his hand and wanted to slap that wretch in the face, but he was intercepted before he could land the slap Cassandra grabbed his fingers and folded them the other way around with all her strength.

Thomas exclaimed in pain. "You bitch..." "I'll give you a chance, so you'd best speak tonicely, Cassandra warned coldly. Before the man could react, she slowly approached him and lowered her voice, adding, "Tell me, Thomas. Rebecca asked you to deal with me, didn't she?" Thomas was sweating in pain. He dared not to say anything but wanted her to let go of him immediately, so he nodded. "Y-Yes, it was her. Ms. Jackson, letgo, please.

Cassandra's visage changed, and her eyes shone with frostiness. In Thomas' eyes, she looked beautiful, but her beauty only sent shivers down one's spine. On the heels of that, he felt someone kicked him hard in the crotch. His brain went blank because of the assailing pain. Before he could groan, Cassandra took a needle from her pocket and poked him with it. In just a second, Thomas collapsed to the ground.

However, he did not lose consciousness. Cassandra looked condescendingly at him. "Why don't we have sfun now?" Back at Dustmeadow Mansion, Orlando just chome. As soon as he walked inside, Rebecca hurried over. "Bad news, Landy. Something happened." "What's wrong?" asked Orlando, "I don't know if I should tell you." Rebecca pursed her lips and cooed, "It has something to do with Cassandra. I heard it from a friend of Benita." Benita White was good friends with Rebecca in the entertainment industry.

When Orlando heard the mention of Cassandra, a wrinkle creased his forehead. "What's up with Cassandra?" "Don't get mad when you hear this, Landy. After all, we don't know whether it's true. Word had it that Cassandra had been very close to Thomas recently, and they had even eaten out together. Not only that, but they even checked in to the hotel tonight... recited Rebecca.

As Rebecca muttered those words, she stole glances at Orlando, The man looked extremely gloomy as he knitted his brows tightly.

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Then, he replied in a cold voice, 'Don't flap your gums." Chapter 69 Then cRebecca's refute. "I'm not. Why don't you ask Cassandra about it, Landy?" Orlando did not make the call. Instead, he pulled a long face and stated that he had work to do. With that said, he went upstairs to his study.

He stood in front of the window, lit a cigarette, and took a deep puff. His mien was still as grim as usual.

He eventually picked up his phone and gave Cassandra a holler. Sadly, no one answered.

Orlando frowned before he hit Taylor up. "Where's Cassandra?" I'll find that out right away," uttered Taylor.

Orlando's handsface was as icy as the winter, his gaze shining with chill.

As the call continued, Taylor immediately asked the person who had been following Cassandra. He reported as soon as he got the result. "Mrs. Quinn drove to a budget hotel at about 6 p.m. this evening and hasn't cout yet...

The more Taylor talked, the more he felt that something bizarre had happened, and then he dared not continue. Orlando hung up the phone, clenching his phone in his palm.

He pondered for a couple of seconds, then sent out a message.

At that time, the sound of a car engine was heard outside. From where he stood, he could clearly see the woman alighting the car and entering the house.

Cassandra stepped inside, and Graham cout of the dining room. "Ah, you're back, Cassie. It's tfor dinner.

"Got it. Where's Orlando?" questioned Cassandra.

"He's upstairs. I'll go get him, answered Graham.

"It's okay, Graham. Carry on with your work. I'll go Cassandra was about to go upstairs, but Rebecca cout of the living. room, bearing a lukewarm countenance. "Cassandra, why are you back so late?" Staying calm and collected, Cassandra scrutinized Rebecca's face, thinking, “What a pretty face and melodious voice she had. It's too bad that she has a wicked heart.

A nonchalant gander was all she took without giving thuch attention. It was then that Rebecca added, "Landy has gotten to know what you did. How shameless you are. I'd never expect you to be such a person.” Cassandra squinted slightly and turned to look at her. "What did I do? Care to shed slight, hmm, Ms. Spencer?" "Whatever. Landy already knows it all. Rebecca glanced at the man who was walking downstairs and quickly went on, "Don't get mad, Landy. Cassandra probably just went to meet her friend and didn't do anything." Cassandra also turned around subconsciously. She looked at Orlando, and both their eyes met. The man averted his gaze lightly and descended the steps with a cold expression.

"Let's have dinner. He merely dropped that and went straight to the dining room.

Rebecca beheld Cassandra haughtily and then immediately caught up with the man.

During dinner, Orlando was silent throughout. Cassandra, too, didn't utter a word. As for Rebecca, she was quite dissatisfied with the quiet vibe at the moment. She pretended to check her phone and exclaimed, "Oh, my goodness! Cassandra! How could you do such a thing?" Chapter 69 Cassandra directed her line of sight to Rebecca and did not react.

Rebecca then handed the phone to Orlando. "Check this out, Landy." That guy looked indifferent, and his deep eyes were inundated with coldness as impassiveness engulfed his majestic temperament. For a moment, there seemed to be nothing but a chill in the air.

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Orlando stretched out his sturdy hand and pushed the phone toward Cassandra. "How do you explain this?" Cassandra lowered her eyes, only to find a screenshot with a message on it: [Cassandra slept with Thomas. This is so disgusting. Thomas said it himself. He was bragging about it in front of everyone.] Cassandra turned to Orlando and asked, "Orlando, do you trust me?" Orlando stared at her with a deep, mysterious gaze, and the atmosphere becsilent.

He kept mum for a few seconds, and before he could say a thing, Rebecca blurted out eagerly. "Cassandra, is this real? You really hooked up with Thomas?"

Cassandra might have awaited a response from Orlando, but in the end, she received no feedback m whatsoever. She looked at Rebecca and said coldly, "You seem to know everything, don't you? Rebecca, just what are you up to?" "Cassandra, don't talk nonsense," rebuked Rebecca.

"Am I? The heavens know whether I speak the truth." Cassandra picked up her phone and dialed a number in a heartbeat. Soon enough, the call got through, and a hoarse man's voice rang out. “Thomas speaking.

Thomas?" Rebecca becemotional and flustered.

Cassandra gazed at her with a profound implication. "Tell me, Thomas. Who sent you to keep tabs onand even asked you to defile me?" Thomas" voice sounded on the other end of the line. "It's Rebecca. She toldyou'd be an easy target...

"This is absurd! Cassandra! You're 1 accusing me. How could you do this? Even when you do something wrong, you can admit your mistake and explain yourself. I bet Landy will give you a second chance." Rebecca was all worked up as she turned to Orlando and explained, "Landy, I've got nothing to do with it. Thomas is lying. Someone must have instigated him." Not a peep cfrom Orlando. His dashing face was emotionless, and his eyes were gloomy. An air of intense iciness washed over his face, which could easily overwhelm anyone whole.

The atmosphere fell silent.

Rebecca panicked. She pointed at Cassandra and interrogated. "You went to the hotel, and you dare say that nothing happened between you and Thomas? He must have shared the bed with you, and that's why he framedfor you." All Cassandra did was smile and hang up the phone.

She turned to Orlando and said indifferently, "All evidence is right before our eyes, Orlando. Do you believe that Rebecca's truly innocent?" Chapter 70