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Ex-Husband’s Love Dilemma

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 Cassandra's delicate facial features were very indifferent, and her face without makeup was pale. Without responding to Rebecca's words, Cassandra walked directly toward her and stopped in front of her. Then she raised her hand and slapped. Rebecca on the face without saying anything.

The crisp sound of the slap echoed in the air.

Cassandra slapped Rebecca so hard that there were five red fingermarks on her face.

Rebecca looked at Cassandra in disbelief and asked, "Why did you hit me? What rights do you have?" "Why? You askwhy? Rebecca, I'm warning you. You'd better rein in your thoughts. If you don't want your innocent goddess image to crumble, behave yourself. If you dare to mess withagain, I won't let you off the hook," Cassandra said, staring at Rebecca with a warning in her eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Cassandra. You cand slappedfor no reason. If Landy finds out, have you thought about how you'll explain it?" Rebecca covered her face, tears in her eyes, feeling extremely wronged.

Her agent, Sophia, also quickly stepped forward and protected Rebecca behind her, fearing that Cassandra would hit Rebecca again.

Sophia said, "Ms. Jackson, this isn't right. Why can't you talk nicely? How could you She deliberately accentuated her voice to attract the attention of people passing by.

hit her?" Cassandra smiled faintly. "You can speak louder and let everyone know how the national diva, Ms. Rebecca Spencer, intervened in my marriage with Orlando." Sophia's face stiffened, and she was silent immediately.

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Rebecca stared at Cassandra angrily and said, "Landy doesn't love you at all. It was you who kept pestering him. Otherwise, you would have divorced.

"Oh, so what? As long as we're not divorced, you won't be able to stand openly by him. If I'm pregnant with his child now, we'll never divorce. Ms. Spencer, do you want to take a bet?" Cassandra said.

"Don't you dare, Cassandra! Don't you even think about having his child! Dream on! Rebecca shouted.

Rebecca completely lost control and forgot about maintaining her image at all.

Seeing this, Sophia hurriedly grabbed her hand to remind her.

But Rebecca's eyes kept staring at Cassandra, and her face was extremely grim.

Cassandra smiled coldly and said, "Who knows? After all, we're a married couple. Do you really think our nights are spent just for chatting?" Cassandra didn't look at Rebecca anymore: She turned and walked away.

She chere just to teach Rebecca a lesson and warn her. Fortunately, her baby was fine. Otherwise, she would have definitely fought with Rebecca.

She wouldn't let Rebecca go no matter what it took.

Seeing Cassandra leave with her arrogance and words, Rebecca was speechless and didn't dare to make a scene.

1/4 Chapter 63 Sophia comforted her in a low voice. "Rebecca, don't argue with her. The most important thing we need to do now is to establish a good public image. As for the rest, you can take your tdealing with it in the future? Rebecca snorted and covered her Thee with her hair.

She said, "I don't want to meet the investor anymore. I want to go to Quinn Group." Sophia didn't due to refuse. Any investor was inferior to Orlando.

After arriving at Quinn Group, Rebecca went directly to Orlando's office and knocked on the door. She walked in with tears streaming down her face, saying. "Landy She cried so hard that her whole face looked extremely aggrieved.

Orlando frowned and asked, "What happened?" Rebecca lifted her hair to reveal the fingerprints on her cheek, which were very obvious on her delicate face. After all, Cassandra showed no mercy at all.

Rebecca lowered her head and said, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have let you accompanyto the fanmeeting and made Cassandra misunderstand. Otherwise, she wouldn't have foundin the studio...

"Landy, you and Cassandra have decided not to divorce. She mentioned planning to have your child. What am I to you? You should have made it clear to me. I can leave, and I won't disturb your relationship with Cassandra," she added.

Orlando furrowed his brows, catching the gist of Rebecca's words.

He narrowed his eyes and asked, 'Cassandra hit you?" he news gets Rebecca didn't deny it and just said, "Landy, I really can't stay in the circle if Cassandra treatslike this and the out. If I did something wrong, she could have tolddirectly instead of hittingwithout saying a word." She was crying her heart out.

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Orlando's expression becincreasingly solemn.

He said, "Rebecca, I'll give you an explanation." Rebecca added, "Landy, I'm not trying to make things difficult for you. I just don't know what to do. Cassandra also warnedto stay away from you. If that's what you mean, then I can leave now and never appear in front of you again." Orlando's face was extremely gloomy. The fingerprint on Rebecca's cheek was not fake, so he immediately called Cassandra.

Upon Cassandra answering the phone, he asked, “Where are you?" "At home. What's up?" Cassandra's expression was gentle, and her tone was calm.

"Wait forat home!" Orlando said indifferently and then hung up the phone directly.

He personally drove Rebecca back to Dustmeadow Mansion from Quinn Group.

The whole process took only 40 minutos.

When Cassandra saw Orlando entering the house, it seemed as if she had witnessed a child who had been bullied and returned hto ask his parents for justice.

At this moment, she was already mentally prepared. After all, Rebecca wouldn't be Rebecca if she didn't complain.

Chapter 68 Cassandra's face was calm, and her eyes were fixed on Orlando.

Orlando frowned and asked indifferently, "Cassandra, is the fingerprint on Rebecca's face yours?" "Yes, it's mine." She raised her head and met his deep eyes.

"Why did you hit Rebecca? Is it because I attended her comeback fanmeeting as a friend yesterday?" Orlando asked.

"Orlando, that's between you and her. It has nothing to do with me. Cassandra's voice was clear and cold, and there was nothing but indifference on her beautiful face. Her answer made Orlando's eyes suddenly shrink.

He thought Cassandra was angry and jealous, but then she said it had nothing to do with her. Orlando paused and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Since it has nothing to do with you, why did "Then you have to ask Ms. Spencer what she did." Cassandra replied.