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Ex-Husband’s Love Dilemma

Chapter 35
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Chapter 35 Cassandra was completely speechless.

Is Rebecca taking advantage of the tOrlando isn't around to provoke me?' she sneered in her thoughts.

Isn't she acting ail gentle and refined? Why is she so different when Orlando isn't home? Did she truly believe that I'll indulge her? Cassandra exclaimed inwardly.

Cassandra then replied, "Are you saying that I'm the one to blfor his lateness in coming home, Rebecca Spencer? Why don't you take a moment to reflect on yourself? Perhaps he just doesn't want to see you. He used to be on tbefore you moved in here." Of course, these were just words Cassandra used to retort against Rebecca.

Back then, Orlando had never been hon teither, while Cassandra wasn't daring enough to meddle in his personal affairs.

As long as Orlando could get back home, she would already feel happy.

Now that she thought about it, she saw how easily he could satisfy her needs.

However, these easy pleasures were gradually ebbing away bit by bit now.

Upon finishing her words, Cassandra no longer paid any attention to Rebecca. She resumed her work, subtly dismissing her presence.

After an uncertain amount of time, Rebecca suddenly sobbed, her expression filled with a sense of being wronged. "Cassandra, I'm sorry. It's my fault to cand interrupt you and Landy. You're right that I should leave. I'll move out now," Rebecca choked back as she spoke. Soon, the sobs broke into tears.

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Bemused by what was happening, Cassandra pondered, "What's wrong with her? "What are you both doing?" A deep voice from a man was then heard before Cassandra could figure out what was going on.

Instantly, Cassandra understood the situation.

Cassandra squinted, cast an indifferent glance at Orlando, and said nothing. Then, she lowered her head and continued to focus on her computer, busy with her work.

Rebecca immediately walked toward Orlando and muttered in a low voice, "I'm fine. What Cassandra said is right, and there's nothing wrong with her drivingaway. I should probably move out, Landy, since you two are still legally married, and I'm just an outsider." Orlando frowned and said in a flat tone, "Cassandra, did you ask Rebecca to move out?" It wasn't until Cassandra heard her nspoken by him that she turned to look in his direction.

She reverted with a tone and manner devoid of emotion, her expression remaining calm and emotionless, asking, "So is that what matters?" "What are you saying, Cassandra?" Orlando questioned again.

His face darkened, and his eyes glinted with displeasure.

Cassandra chuckled and responded, "Why bother askingunnecessarily when you're clearly going to believe her anyway? Whether I asked her to move out or not, does it still matter?" Chapter 85 You said it just now, Cassandra. You can dislikeor even askto move out, but you can't distort the truth, Rebecca velled.

Rebecca lowered her head in sadness and grievance. Soon, she burst into tears, looking so pitiful that anyone might. sympathize with her.

With a solemn expression, Orlando reassured her using a soft voice, "No one can make you move out of here, Rebecca Rebecca lified her head to look at Orlando as she remarked, "Landy, I'm so grateful that you still believe me." Orlando stated, "Well, it's tto go upstairs and rest." "All right. You should rest early too," replied Rebecca.

Rebecca turned around and ascended the stairs. At that moment, the corner of her mouth tugged instinctively into a curve.

After Rebecca went upstairs, Orlando walked toward Cassandra, who chose to ignore his presence completely. Unsatisfied with Cassandra's attitude, Orlando reached over and closed her laptop. After that, he began, "Cassandra, I thought I've made it clear to you that Rebecca will only be staying here temporarily. Once I've made arrangements for her, she'll move out. Why do you have to chase her out?" Cassandra stared at him in disbelief, pondering. 'So, is he convinced that I've said those words to Rebecca?" In response to his belief, she replied, "Orlando, we've been married for a year. It doesn't matter if you still doubt my personality, but I hope you know that I'm someone who admits my mistakes." Finishing her words, Cassandra was ready to leave with her laptop carried. However, Orlando stopped her immediately and inquired, "Fine. I'm willing to trust you. But are you aware that Grandpa has instructedto arrange a suitable partner for you before proceeding with the divorce?" Cassandra was stunned.

She disregarded Orlando's perfunctory remark in the first half while focusing all her attention on the latter half. She furrowed her brows slightly and sought confirmation. Are you saying Grandpa Peter asked you to setup with a suitable match?" "You didn't know?" asked Orlando.

Promptly, she replied, "Am I supposed to know?" Cassandra felt helpless and began to wonder, What is he trying to say? Does he think I was the one who brought up the idea of arrangements to Grandpa Peter first?" Cassandra clarified, "Orlando, Grandpa Peter is just showing his concern for me. I didn't request any arrangements. You can pretend like you don't know and just forget it." Peter knew she was expecting a baby and was probably worried that raising the child alone would be tough. However, Cassandra was genuinely unprepared for a new relationship, considering the fact that she hadn't completely moved on from Orlando emotionally.

Nonetheless, she didn't blPeter. After all, he did it for her own good.

Orlando had no insight into her thoughts. His only recourse was to scrutinize Cassandra, attempting to discern the truth in her words.

Chapter 85 else?' he inquired.

At that point, Cassandra didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Internally, she contemplated his question, 'He's thinking that I still haven't moved on from the non-existent ex-boyfriend or even seeing someone new? She scoffed silently, her heart subtly aching. She asked him silently in her heart, 'Of all the guesses you've made, why don't you think the reason is because the person that I love is you?' Cassandra pursed her lips and refused to answer the question. She gazed at him with her dull eyes as she uttered, "I don't care how you want to perceive me, and I don't need you to introduce someone toanyway. You can save that tfor Ms. Spencer." Orlando exclaimed, "Cassandra, are we now going to quarrel with each other after just exchanging a few words?" "I'm not arguing with you," she clarified.

"If not, then why do you have to mention Rebecca every now and m then? I told you, involves only the two of us and has nothing to do with her. Orlando tried.

on our Yelationship to convince Cassandra again. Cassandra pursed her lips once more, keeping calm as she agreed in a nonchalant tone, "Fine. I will stop it."

Orlando had always emphasized that their issues were solely between the two of them and were unrelated to ve Rebecca Cassandra wasn't convinced, though, that Rebecca wasn't the reason behind their divorce. It was so biased of him. Cassandra mused, 'He's afraid I would detest Rebecca, so he kept pressing on that she's not the root cause.

Even though their conversation had cto an end, Cassandra was left feeling deeply disappointed.

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At night, both of them stayed in the sroom as usual. As they lay on the sbed, there was barely any conversation between them.

interaction or Cassandra had consistently been the one who initiated the interaction between them. Therefore, as she ceased making the first moves, their dynamic turned into what it was now.

Yet, Orlando didn't notice that something was amiss.

After a dreamless night, everything returned to normal the next day.

The breakfast for two turned into a breakfast for threé.

Cassandra remained silent as she finished her breakfast. She was relieved she didn't throw up because that would have required her to think of another excuse.

After breakfast, she was the first to head out.

For her, one of the three would always feel left out if they were to stay together. In this case, she was the one excluded as the remainder.

After Cassandra went out, Rebecca asked Orlando, "Landy, Cassandra seems to be angry."

Orlando didn't answer.

Subconsciously, be recalled the silent Cassandra, whose face showed no emotion just now. He then said indifferently. "Your agent has already scheduled a comeback for you, so please put all your efforts into it.

Apart from that, there's nothing else you have to worry about." Rebecca was stunned, and she attempted to ask, "Are you feeling unhappy that I asked about Cassandra?"