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Ex-Husband’s Love Dilemma

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33 Cassandra was stunned. She lowered her head and stared at the ground, subconsciously thinking about the fact that Rebecca was still living in Dustmeadow Mansion.

However, she did not tell Peter. She just shook her head and smiled faintly. "No." She did not want Peter to worry about her. Although Peter was hospitalized this tto manipulate Orlando, she would not make any bets with his body.

"If he dares to bully you, just tell me, and I'll deal with him." Peter looked at Cassandra firmly, his eyes filled with the love of an elder.

Cassandra smiled and said, "Okay. I know you treatthe best." She raised her hands and massaged Peter's leg. Without the slightest precaution, she covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom to vomit crazily. It was probably because she had not eaten breakfast, and the smell of disinfectant in the ward was strong.

There was nothing to vomit without eating. However, Cassandra felt a lot more comfortable after that.

She washed her face and walked out.

Peter stared at her and asked in a low voice, "Cassie, what's wrong with you?" She shook her head calmly and said, “I'm fine, Grandpa Peter. I may have caught a cold. Don't worry." Peter did not say anything, but he looked at Cassie with cloudy yet energetic eyes. He asked, “Cassie, are you hiding something from me?" Cassandra was stunned.

She had never been a good liar, especially in front of Peter who loved her unconditionally.

She pursed her lips and smiled faintly. She replied, "Grandpa Peter, what are you talking about? How could I possibly keep something from you?" "Cassie, although we don't spend much ttogether, I know you're a good girl. You can tellwhatever you 1/5 Chapter 33 have in mind. I will always be on your side," said Peter.

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"Grandpa Peter, I'm fine. Please don't overthink," said Cassandra.

fast Cassandra's insistence kept Peter silent. He just looked at her and said after a long time, "You said you're not feeling well. Let's get the doctor to take a look at you, since you're at the hospital already. Otherwise, I'll be worried about you." 45 After saying that, Peter was about to make a phone call. Cassandra hurriedly stopped him with embarrassment and hesitation on her face. "Grandpa Peter, I'm fine. I don't need to see a doctor. Please stop asking me, okay?" "Cassie, don't you believe me?" asked Peter.

Cassandra fell silent.

She sat on one side with her head down. Her face was a little pale and indifferent, and she enunciated word by word, "Grandpa Peter, I am pregnant." With Cassandra's answer, the air in the ward becquiet.

Cassandra pursed her lips and continued, "I found out about the baby after I decided to divorce Orlando. I didn't mean to hide it from you." "Does he know?" Peter asked with a sullen face.

"He doesn't. I didn't tell him. After all, we have decided to divorce." Cassandra looked up at Peter and said, "Grandpa Peter, will you promisenot to tell Orlando? I don't want to use a child to force a marriage. Neither of us will be happy that way. A child who grows up in an unhappy family will not be happy either. Grandpa Peter, I'm telling you because I hope you can supportand believe me. Now that I have told you the truth, I will definitely keep the baby. But I don't want anyone to use my child to manipulate something. You don't want to see such a situation too, do you?" Peter was silent.

Cassandra felt bad to see him like this, but she had no choice.

She could lie to everyone, except Peter.

Even if Peter did not agree to hide her pregnancy, she would not blhim.

2/5 Chapter 33 However, she still hoped that Peter would agree.

Peter said in a low voice, "Cassie, what did Orlando do to make you so sad that you are so determined to divorce?" Cassandra shook her head and said, "Nothing, Grandpa Peter. Don't think like that." "I know it even if you don't tell me. Although I am old, I'm not blind." Peter sighed. His eyes were dim, and his tone was heavy. "If he really divorced you, he would regret it. Rebecca is not a simple woman. If she could be half as good as you, I wouldn't have stopped them from being together at the beginning. Forget it. He is unlucky to let go of a good wife like you, and he will regret it." Peter said, "Cassie, I promise you that I won't tell anyone. But you also have to promisethat you will telleverything. As long as I'm still alive, I will not allow anyone to bully you." Cassandra nodded violently, tears running down her cheeks. "Thank you, Grandpa Peter. Thank you very much." She was not a person who liked to cry, but Peter's unconditional goodwill made her lose control of her emotions.

At this time, the door of the ward was opened from outside. Gabriela and Frederick cback from buying breakfast. Orlando also walked in with them.

He was here too.

The three of them saw Cassandra sobbing with her head down and Peter's kind and loving face. Gabriela was the first to ask, "What's going on?" Cassandra wiped her face and said with a smile, "Nothing. I just talked to Grandpa Peter about the past." She calmly changed the subject, but Orlando's eyes were fixed on her.

His face was gentle, and his deep eyes were full of curiosity. 'What was she crying for?' he wondered.

Before he could think too much, Gabriela had already asked Cassandra to cover and said, “Cassie, chere for breakfast." Cassandra stood up and walked over. When she passed by Orlando, her eyes fell on him involuntarily. They lived under the sroof, but they cto the hospital separately.

3/5 Chapter 33 Cassandra laughed at herself inwardly and thought, 'Am I doing a bad job as a wife?' Cassandra sat down and had breakfast. Peter glanced out of the window as if he did not see Orlando. After Frederick coughed slightly, Orlando stepped forward.

Orlando asked, "Grandpa, how do you feel?” "Hmph." Peter glared at him angrily and gave him a stern expression.

Orlando said helplessly, "Grandpa, you're just getting better. Please don't get angry." +5 "If you wantnot to be angry, just leave. I won't be angry if I don't see you." Peter spoke. He looked indifferent and unhappy.

Orlando was disgusted by his grandfather, and no one spoke up for him.

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Usually, Cassandra would help her. But today, her mouth was full with Gabriela's breakfast. Gabriela said, "Don't feel sorry for him. Only when he suffers will he know that he is wrong." Cassandra said nothing more.

After breakfast, Peter said, "You all go and do your work. Since he wants to accompany me, then let his wish be fulfilled." Cassandra looked at Peter, and Peter also looked at her, as if he was telling her, "Don't worry. I won't say anything." Cassandra accompanied Frederick and Gabriela out of the ward. Then, she made an excuse, saying, "Frederick, Cassandra, you go back first. I'm going to see a friend.” "Okay, take care of yourself. We're leaving now." After Gabriela and Frederick left, Cassandra turned to the obstetrics and gynecology department in another building.

Only Orlando and Peter were left in the ward.

Orlando knew that Peter made him stay, as he had something to tell him. So, he sat on a chair beside the hospital bed. Before he could speak, he heard Peter's sharp voice. "Did I let you sit?" Orlando was slightly stunned and looked at Peter. He replied, "Grandpa, if you have something to say, just tell 4/5 Chapter 33 1. me. We are alone here." "What? You won't even listen tonow, will you? Fine. I'm lying in the hospital anyway. If you want to make my blood boil, the doctor can save me," said Peter.

"Okay, I will stand. Is this okay?" Orlando felt extremely helpless, but he had no choice. He could only do whatever Peter said.

Orlando stood up and stared at Peter gently.

Peter said indifferently, "I don't expect you to be nice to Cassie. Since Nants to stop living wom have and di no objection to your divorce. But, remember that I do it for Cassie instead of you." I Peter glared at him with disgust in his eyes. He added, "It's okay to divorce, but you have to promiseone request." Knowing that Peter asked him to stay to talk about divorce, Orlando did not feel as happy as he imagined. Instead, he felt unspeakably upset.

He frowned, looked at Peter indifferently, and asked, "What request do you have?"

"Aren't there many young talents around you? Choose one and introduce him to Cassie, It doesn't matter whether his family is rich or not. The key is that he is kind, treats Cassie well, loves Cassie, and the most important thing is he is better than you," said Peter. Peter spoke meticulously, without the slightest sign of anger or joke.

Orlando was shocked. He asked, "Grandpa, you wantto introduce a boyfriend to Cassandra?"