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Ex-Husband’s Love Dilemma

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20 Gabriela smiled faintly and answered, "Because you're the only one we approve of." Although this was not to make Cassandra feel better, Cassandra vaguely guessed that there might be something between the Quinn family and Rebecca that Orlando didn't know of.

Before she could mull it over, Orlando and Frederick cin.

Frederick looked at Cassandra gently and fondly, saying, "Cassie, you guys still have to work, so you should head back first. Gabriela and I can take care of things here.” Cassandra wanted to stay, so she turned to Orlando.

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Orlando's expression was impassive as he said emotionlessly, "Let's go. Mom and Dad will stay here." As such, she could only relent. "I'm sorry we have to leave. Orlando and I will cover tonight." "It's all right, silly. Go on ahead," Gabriela smiled.

The duo exited the ward and walked to the parking lot in silence.

It was at this juncture that Orlando's voice sounded. "Cassandra, let's postpone the divorce temporarily until Grandpa's condition is stable." Cassandra froze.

Her soft eyelashes fluttered as she asked softly, "Is it Frederick's idea?" "Mmm, and I agree. What about you? Is there any problem?" he queried.

"No, of course not. Grandpa Peter is so kind to me. I'll do anything for him. But it'll be difficult for you to explain. this to Ms. Spencer, right?" she said.

Orlando frowned, feeling frustrated again. He said flatly, "How many times do I have to say that our matters have no relation to Rebecca?" Cassandra compressed her lips, thinking, 'Of course they're related. Doesn't he want to marry Rebecca? This is the most direct relation. Ultimately, he just doesn't want others to say anything about her.' She sighed on the inside, feeling indescribably bitter.

Emergency calls only R Chapter 20 D70% 17:46 Orlando drove Cassandra to her workplace. Before alighting, she hesitated whether to ask him about the suspected plagiarism of her company but ultimately chose not to.

She didn't know how to bring it up in front of him and was even more afraid that she would feel inferior to him due to owing him a favor.

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In the end, Cassandra said nothing and watched him drive away before walking into the office building. Michael arrived at the stCassandra did. Noticing his solemn expression, she inquired, "What's wrong? Michael kept silent and simply motioned for her to enter the office first before closing the door. "The plagiarism matter has been posted on local forums. Several companies that we used to work with are now asking us to verify whether there was plagiarism involved. Additionally, Hawley Real Estate also wants us to give an answer as soon as possible. If they don't get a satisfactory reply by today, they will immediately sue us." A lawsuit meant they would have to pay liquidated damages to Hawley Real Estate after the contract termination.

Although these consequences had been made known before, Hawley Real Estate hoped that Cassandra's company could communicate and ve reach a settlement with Quinn Group in private. In this way, Hawley Real Estate would not terminate the contract, and the partnership would continue. Even if it was terminated, Hawley Real Estate would not pursue legal liability or compensation.

Troubled, Cassandra pursed her lips and said, after a moment of silence, "Arrange for people to cooperate with the companies seeking verification. The whole process should be completely transparent. Also, how are you doing with the internal investigation?" TI of the company was not big, but its operation was very professional, and its personnel were also outstanding. Most importantly, it had been doing excellently in the whole construction industry in the past six months.

Hence, there would naturally be jealous competitors who believed that a new, small company didn't Ve deserve to do this well and might intentionally sabotage it. Cassandra and Michael had always been prepared for this. Michael responded, "I've checked, but the mole is hiding themselves too well. We can't alert the enemy juncture, either."