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Ex-Husband’s Love Dilemma

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2 Orlando's eyes narrowed at her words, his gaze icy.

For a moment, they just stared at each other. Then, he uttered, “Cassandra, that's not even remotely amusing." Her hypothetical question regarding his feelings towards her was nothing more than a joke to him.

Cassandra's expression stiffened. "I apologize." There was an odd sensation in Orlando's chest as he saw Cassandra, still meek, tender, and ever reasonable.

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Cassandra's phone suddenly rang. Startled, she swiftly picked it up. Her eyes widened at the caller ID. The fleeting hint of panic didn't escape Orlando.

Seeing her hesitation, he prodded, "Aren't you going to answer that?" After a reluctant nod, she pressed the answer button. "Hello?" "Cassandra, your results are ready. There's absolutely nothing to worry about." The caller paused before continuing, "But, it appears you're a bit more than two months pregnant, and the baby is developing fine. Have you... decided to keep it?" The caller's words echoed in her mind. Cassandra froze. Her face lost color as her mind reeled, 'I'm pregnant!" Instead of responding, she involuntarily glanced at Orlando, scared he might have overheard the conversation. Observing her reaction, Orlando asked worriedly, "What happened?" Upon hearing Orlando's voice in the background, the caller quickly asked if she was with him. "Okay, I understand. Goodbye," was Cassandra's hasty response before she hung up the call.

Orlando's penetrating gaze was still focused on her. Seeing her perturbed expression, he asked, "Cassandra, what was that about?" Cassandra shook her head, unable to discern her own feelings. She mused, 'Why bother telling him? We're getting a divorce soon. Will he reconsider because of the baby? No, that's not right. It's pathetic enough as is. I can't trap him using this unborn child. That would strip away any dignity I have left." 1/3 MetroOpinion OPEN > She suppressed her emotions and tried to sound composed. "It's just swork stuff. I can handle it." Orlando didn't question her further, but observed her closely.

Making an effort to feign a smile, Cassandra acted like a thought struck her. "I need to go to work. Letknow when you're ready for the divorce proceedings." Without waiting for his response, she hastily left Dustmeadow Mansion.

The bitterness in Cassandra's heart surged like a tide, turning into tears that fell from her eyes. Memories from the past made her heart ache so much that she could barely breathe. She painfully thought, "If he didn't intend to see this marriage through, why was he so kind to me? He gets to move on like nothing happened, but what about me?" Cassandra absent-mindedly placed her hand on her belly, muttering, "Little one, this is hardly a good tfor you to arrive. I don't know how to handle this." That fateful night was a whirlwind of confusion. Orlando had cto her, drunk, repeatedly whispering the n"Becca." She tried to resist him, but it was impossible against a drunken man. The following hours were filled with guilt and self-reproach. In her haze, she'd forgotten all about taking any contraceptive pills. Cassandra made her way to the architectural firm that she co-founded with her friend, Michael Collins. Recently, their design drawing had been flagged for suspected plagiarism. She needed to stay on top of the situation-any misstep could result in dire consequences.

Michael was quick to notice Cassandra's ashen face when she arrived. Concern lining his voice, he asked, "Cassie, what's wrong?" Cassandra shook her head and said, "I'm okay." She quickly redirected the conversation. "What about Hawley Real Estate? Any update?" Hawley Real Estate was their partner on the design project that had sparked the plagiarism concerns.

"They're expecting a solid explanation. If we don't deliver, they'll slap us with a lawsuit," Michael relayed..

"When's the meeting? Should we head out?" Cassandra sprang to action.

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"Yeah, sure." Michael nodded. As they prepared to leave, he handed hera plece of paper. "Hey, sbig shot wants you to design diamond jewelry. Offered good money."

Cassandra took a split-second glance at the document before m declining outright, "Not right now. Let's talk about this after i settle my divorce with Orlando." "Wait, you're getting a divorce?" Michael was taken aback, "Yes," Cassandra answered.

"Was it his idea?" Michael probed further.

Cassandra held back the welling emotions in her eyes. A certain calmness to her voice, she said, "Yeah. His beloved has caround. He wants to marry her."

Seeing the melancholy lacing her eyes, Michael scowled. He felt a pang of concern for Cassandra andam resentment towards Orlando. Keeping his voice low, he voiced his thoughts, "Cassie, why on earth are you letting yourself get hurt like this? A year ago, you shouldn't have-"