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Ex-Husband’s Endless Pestering

Chapter 192
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Chapter 192 The door lock clicked. Jessica stood up from the sofa in panic, grabbed the baseball bat on the table with both hands, and. looked at the door in fear.

The door was pushed open, and Quinton walked in wearing a baseball cap.

Jessica's body stiffened instantly, and the baseball bat fell to the ground as her eyes turned red.

Quinton frowned and looked at Jessica.

Jessica cto her senses and stepped back in horror. "Quinton What do you want? I-I just needed that money..." Quinton's eyes were dark, and he approached Jessica with a dous expression on his face. "You were short of money. Why didn't you mention it to me? You'd rather sellthan askfor it?" Jessica could not retreat and bowed her head in panic.

"Talk!" Quinton's voice was full of menace and anger as he pushed Jessica against the wall.

Jessica was so scared that she cried. Perhaps, it was not solely because of fear.

"I didn't want to... I didn't want to be entangled with you for a long tanymore, Quinton! I can't always be your secret lover. I want to break up with you. It's too dangerous. I can't fall in love with you. I don't deserve it.. I can't like you, I will be doomed. I can save myself only by doing so!" Jessica cried and pushed Quinton away, Quinton was so kind to her that she would fall in love with him.

Once she fell in love with the man who could not give her a proper title, she would fall into hell.

Women had the tendency to be jealous.

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She did not want Quinton to have other women around her. She did not dare to think that Quinton would abandon her one day, not want her anymore, and marry another woman because of the family's business. She did not dare to think about it. She felt she was going crazy.

She was about to be tortured to death by her thoughts.

Jessica had liked Samuel before, but she only admired him.

Quinton was different. He invaded her life and occupied her body and everything.

"As you wish," Quinton said in a deep voice. Tm.... I'm already an abandoned son. He wouldn't lettake over or manage anything in the family anymore, so I have nothing now. Are you still willing to... be with me?" Jessica raised her head in astonishment and her eyes trembled.

Tears gushed out of her eyes, and she bit the corners of her lips harshly.

"I'm not the eldest son of the Taibbi family anymore. I need to start my own business. Maybe I can't afford to support you for the tbeing or buy your favorite bags and jewelry, but I will try my best... Quinton said in a h o ar se voice. Jessica held Quinton tightly. "He... Will he spare you?" Would Spike really let go of Quinton? < Chapter 192 "Yes, I'm useless to him-He has already let go of me. Otherwise, he would not have cto Jessica.

In the end, it was Henry himself who did everything.

Henry picked him up and told him to go to Jessica.

He told him not to have any regrets. "Don't be like me. I didn't cherish her until I lost her," he said.

Quinton did not know why Henry finally chose to help him. Was it because he agreed to cooperate with the investigation and tell the truth, or was it because he called Henry his brother? "Great..." Jessica held Quinton in her arms and cried fiercely. She stood on tiptoe and jumped up to hug Quinton. "Quinton, I'll support you... I'm trying to make money from filming. I'll support you." Quinton smiled, held Jessica, and bit her ear. "Okay, you'll support me." Jessica cried as tears fell from her face, and she could not wait to kiss him. "I like you, Quinton. I like you... I like you so fucking much- "Don't curse." Quinton frowned and slapped Jessica on her butt.

Jessica had many bad habits, such as smoking and drinking, and even sleeping with others for money...

However, for Quinton, it was all in the past.

All he knew was that Jessica was important to him.

She was different from the others.

Meanwhile, at Samuel's house, Josie was full and lying lazily on the carpet, feeling like she turned degenerate. She was too pampered.

"Samuel, I want to drink water." Samuel sat behind Josie and asked her to lie on his lap as he reached to get a glass of water for her.

Josie looked up at Samuel, who was busy with work and was a little fascinated.

It was sunny. Samuel looked at the computer, typed a few words from tto time, and worked hard. He looked very handsome.

Josie leaned on the carpet and stared at Samuel.

The sunlight shone on him, and his well-defined face was glowing and flawless.

It was a waste for a man who looked like him to be single all the time.

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Josie admitted she was a woman who could not resist handsguys. She knew from the moment she fell in love with Henry... Being in love at first sight was merely a matter of liking the other party's looks.

"Are you dumbstruck?" Samuel took off his anti-blue light glasses and put the computer aside. "I'll have a video conference later. Wait here for me. I'll cook lunch for you after the meeting, okay?" *Samuel, if you beca father in the future, you will definitely spoil your child." Josie felt that Samuel treated her as his daughter.

"Do you want to give birth to a baby for me?" Samuel's voice was h oa rse, and he pulled Josie into his arms. "You can't do it now. I can still wait. I have to wait until you get better." ||| 12 11 Wed, May 15 Chapter 192 Josie's ears turned red. "You" "Why is he such a ras all she thought After patting Josie's head, Sammiel got up and put on loose pants that accentuated his slender legs.

"Eat sapples. Don't eat too many cherries, It will cause nosebleeds. Be good" Samuel peeled the apple for fosie, cut it into small pieces, and put them on the plate with a fork.

He almost fed it directly to Josie Seeing Sammel take the computer to the study, Josie could not help but feel dazed.

"This kind of happiness Can it really belong to me?" she wondered.

She always felt it was a little untreal.

Jo, have you heard that the company's stock market and reputation have fluctuated significantly because of Hazel? She went to the psychiatric hospital. Both important characters in A Pond of Reeds are in trouble. Ashley is in a coma, and Hazel is in the psychiatric hospital. They have to re-select the character now a female lead! Rebecca called Josie and was very excited in "I can't tell you are worried about the company's stock market. Josie was at a loss for words.

Good news! I'll suppress the upheaval by letting everyone know that my Jo has an excellent and discerning eye. That's why we have a lot of talents in t Clusia Media Group Rebecca was so confident that it was scary. "How could Hazel suddenly... Josie was a little confused.

How could Hazel suddenly go mad? "Who knows? Rebecca did not know what was going on either.

Josie looked down and ate a slice of apple. "Work hard. If I'm not here, you can't lose momentum. How is Jessica?" "She's sick. I haven't seen her for a long time. She just cback today. She looked a lot more haggard and thin, but she a in good spirits and kept smiling. She also bought coffee for me. Something is wrong. It seems that she's in love." Josie could not help laughing. Rebecca was so funny. "Helpguide her. The newcomer has no experience. "Don't worry. She joined the cast for 'A Pond of Reeds' this ttoo." Josie was shocked. "Is the company taking care of my artists like this?" "Speaking of which, I also have my suspicions. It may be because of Mr. Yancey. Otherwise, I would have wondered whether the big boss behind Clusia Media Group is you, Josie. The welfare is too great. The managers from other groups are jealous of you. Rebecca smiled, "Josie, tellthe truth. Are you the boss of Clusia Media Group?" Josie was amused. "I wish that the company was mine too. Why would I be so rich?" 11/3 SEND GIFT |||