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Ex-Husband’s Endless Pestering

Chapter 160
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Chapter 160 "Snow's case is a bit special. Jeremy is a teacher, and his wife passed away early. He took a son to live with him. Although he was not rich, they were able to live well. Jeremy wanted to have a daughter, so he adopted Ashley. The dean felt a little sorry- for them. Unfortunately, something bad happened... The police arrested him, saying that he was suspected of assaulting an underage girl. He was imprisoned and his reputation was ruined. However, in my impression, he was not that kind of person When this happened, we were all shocked. As it turns out, we shouldn't judge a book by its cover." "Do you really believe this?" asked Josie, glancing at the dean. “Did she mention this because she has sdoubts in her heart?” Josse wondered.

"At first, we, his old classmates, were indeed shocked. We were angry, and we condemned him. Later, the Women's Union. and the charity sent Ashley back. We were all worried that Ashley would have been traumatized by the ordeal, so we took good care of her. Nevertheless, she was very calm. Ashley even discussed the next adoption withand how much that family needed to have in assets to fulfill her criteria,” the dean said.

"I can understand why she won't want to stay with a poor family after such a traumatic incident. However, one day, I forgot my car keys. When I went back to my office, I found Ashley peeking at the files on my computer. The dean let out a sigh.

She paused a while and continued. “Maybe the sound of the door being opened startled her. As such, Ashley escaped. I turned on the computer and found that the information about Henry's adoption was on the browsing page." Joue nodded. She could infer that Ashley approached Henry on purpose and had been planning it for a long time. "You can ask this person. She is a psychiatrist, and Ashley is very close to her. A few years ago, she suddenly got rich and severed all ties with us, her old friends. Just then, the dean handed a business card to Josie.

"I suspect that her money has something to do with Ashley. As a matter of fact, ten years ago, Henry cback to seeonce. I recommended that he go to her for psychological counseling," added the dean.

Josie listened quietly to everything the dean said. “The dean must have found something out. That's why she said so much today. Otherwise, I doubt she'd have spoken tofor so long, she thought.

Jeremy was probably Zachary's father. The dean and Jeremy were friends, and she had long suspected it "You know who Zachary is, right?" Josie asked in a low voice.

The dean's expression changed as she hesitated. "What?" "It's nothing. Josie smiled at the dean. She knew that the latter was protecting Zachary, "I'll keep what you said in mind. Thank you." Josie did not say anything more as she left with the business card. Today, she had uncovered a lot.

To ensure the dean's safety, she could not ask too many questions. Josie also could not linger for too long.

After leaving the orphanage, Josie did not go home. Instead, she went to the Gibson residence.

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Josic did not know why she wanted to cback. She felt sad and the feeling was indescribable.

Henry was adopted by the Gibson family at the age of eight. It was not his fault that Henry could not learn how to love someone because of what he had experienced in the orphanage.

"It was all my fault, Josie thought It was indeed all her fault. She was self-righteous, insisting that Henry did love her. Josie even begged John to force Henry to 1/3 11:10 Sat, 11 May Chapter 160 marry her After that, Josie eventually forced herself to give up.

Now, she had a better understanding of Henry's hardship but she did not love him anymore.

Josie stared at the courtyard quietly as she sat on the swing.

The Gibson residence, which used to be lively, was now so quiet.

Her family and the people Josie cared about were all gone.

Jo" Just then, a voice broke the silence..

The door was pushed open. Henry stood at the door and was stunned for a moment.

Josie's heart skipped a beat. She did not expect such a coincidence. "Why are you here?" Tcby to have a look. Henry walked toward Josie and squatted in front of her. Jo, are you homesick?" Stunned by Henry's question, Josie did not say a word.

"I was afraid that it would bring back memories if you stayed here. If you'd like to... lettake you back to Reef Village, okay?" Henry asked in a low voice.

Josie clenched her fingers that held onto the swing. After a long while, she shook her head. "Samuel tookthere already." Henry's eyes darkened as he lowered his head without saying anything- "Was Loo late, after all?" he wondered.

During the tJosie loved him the most, he did not take it seriously. Now, it seemed too late to redeem himself. "What would you like to eat tonight? Lettake you out, Henry whispered as he held Josie's fingers. "You mentioned the restaurant that sold crab cake near the hospital. If it's hygienic, let's eat there.” In fact, Henry thought that the food prepared by others was not hygienic.

When he was a child, people found Henry to be quite likable. Many volunteers liked him very much and would often buy him food when they were around. The children in the orphanage were jealous of him and would put worms and stones into the food.

Since then, Henry was traumatized enough to assthat anything not prepared at hwas unhygienic. "I don't want to go. I've already taken Samuel there." Josie looked away, and there were tears in her eyes.. Henry was silent for a long time. He did not know what else to say.

Henry tried his best to make things up to Josie, but he never thought Josie would be so determined. Josie was persistent when she loved him, and she was even more so when she no longer loved him.

It seemed that Josie was the one who had the final say when it cto love.

"Jo..." Henry's voice was hoarse. He held Josie's fingers more tightly. "Well, can we retake our wedding photos, then?" Seeing that Josie wanted to refuse, Henry said nervously, 'Spike must have guessed that we didn't really mean to remarry, so he didn't make a move yet. I want to make our relationship public.

Chapter 160 Henry stared at Josie intensely and added, “Besides, just consider it as making up for the three years of marriage we shared. What do you say?" Josie lowered her head and did not refuse. "Okay..." With a slight smile, Henfy got up to hold Josie. "Let's go home." "Henry, I went to the Sacred Heart Orphanage today," Josie said.

Meanwhile, Henry parked his car in the Gibson residence and took the subway with Josie.

After walking out of the subway station, Josie whispered again, "Ashley was there too." Henry halted his footsteps and said nothing.

"If Ashley is really heinous, will you show mercy to her?" Josie wanted to know what Henry thought about this.

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If she wanted to deal with Ashley, she had to somehow consider Henry.

"If she is heinous and violates the law, then she'll reap what she sows. She will be punished by the law, and I won't interfere." Henry looked at Josie as he stood in front of her. "Jo... No matter what you want to do, don't worry. Just do it." Josie was stunned. She did not expect that Henry would support her in dealing with Ashley.

"Are you sure?" she asked. “Is he not obsessed with Ashley anymore?" Josie thought.

"I understand now. But am I too late? In my heart, there's nobody more important tothan you are." Henry had realized.

this too late.

Since he knew that Josie was sick, he truly felt distressed.

Once, he was truly fearless.

Upon hearing that, Josie, looked down with tears in her eyes.

"Henry, in the past... I often passed by here. Whether I was taking a bus or as taking a the subway, hoften saw your car passing by me, and you never stopped," Josie murmured. Whether she was sick, had sprained her ankle, or something else, Henry was never there for her.

"You know what? No matter what the reason is, once the heart gets cold, it will freeze," Josie said, thoughtfully.

"After the heart freezes, it will becnumb.

She once told Henry things did not turn out to be this way overnight. "We've all had faults in this marriage. I'm reflecting on my faults as well, I kept saying I love you, but never thought of really getting to know you. You're the same. You're doing what you want to make things up tonow, but in those years when I needed you the most, you were too cold to me. In fact, if you had givena single sliver of hope, or even a glance, I might have been able to persevere."