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Enchanted Nightfall: Falling for Destiny

Chapter 67
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Chapter 67 Quintessa's voice was soft and lingering, the kind that could weave its way into a man's very soul and leaving an indelible mark.

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Every man who had ever heard her speak found himself undone, Intoxicated by the mellifluous tones that seemed to caress the air around them. Yet Tyrone, despite the warm buzz in his ears, was well aware that her words were far from sweet nothings.

They were deadly serious.

Quintessa meant to kill him.

She had every reason to want him dead after all, he'd caught her red-handed the last tshe'd roughed up Matthew. There was no innocence in her; she was as ruthless as they come, and her heart was a shade of pitch black. And Tyrone, for all his bravado, knew deep down that he might never be able to change her, But that very danger and that very challenge made him all the more determined to keep her close.

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Tyrone chuckled, making a low, mischievous sound. "That depends on how you plan to do it. If it's in bed, well, feel free." She had her hand slowly climb his neck as she smiled slyly, "I'll make sure you die a happy man, the envy of every ghost out there." Though she spoke with a smirk, the undertones of her words were lethal, and she was keenly aware of their true intent. She genuinely wanted to end Tyrone's life right then and there.

Without him, she'd be free of the threat he posed.

But in reality, she lacked the means. The disparity in strength between a fit man and a woman was obvious. Tyrone's fingers traced the contour of her waist, then gripped it lightly. "I'm right here. Why not give it a try?" Quintessa raised an eyebrow. "Sure thing!" But in the next breath, she added, "Not tonight, though." His hand lingered on the slender waist beneath her tracksuit. "What, got sdirty deeds to do?" She matched his gaze with a challenging tilt of her head. "My business? You'd do well to stay out of it. Even if you do find out, play dumb. Otherwise, if you know too much, I can't promise how I might treat you in the future." If Tyrone were to uncover too much about Quintessa, she would inevitably craft a flawless plan to dispose of him. She refused to expose herself to someone as unpredictable as Tyrone. Trust wasn't a luxury she afforded to men.

He was mesmerized by her eyes - those captivating, sly fox eyes that held within them an undeniable ferocity. She was a woman who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.

And Tyrone was itching to ther. What did he care about her past misdeeds? He was no saint himself; why should he aspire to be a moral paragon? He gripped her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. "Tsk, aren't you cold-hearted. We have our little secrets, don't We?"