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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2015: Annoucement
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Emery's steps echoed softly against the stone floors as he made his way into the meeting chamber beneath the central mountain. The dim illumination provided by the ethereal glow of the moss on the ceilings cast an otherworldly ambiance over the space, shrouding it in an almost mystical aura.

As he entered, Emery's eyes widened in awe at the grandeur of the chamber. It resembled a miniature half-colosseum, its architecture both impressive and imposing. A central stage dominated the ground level, surrounded by tiered seating that stretched upwards towards the cavernous ceiling. Even in its dimly lit state, Emery could discern the capacity to hold hundreds of individuals, a testament to the scale of the gathering.

The chamber buzzed with energy, the air thick with anticipation as over fifty magus congregated within its confines. Emery's senses tingled with the faint echoes of their spirit readings, allowing him to discern the formidable presence of a few grand magus among them. Though their faces remained hidden in the shadows, their aura spoke volumes of their power and prestige.

Before Emery could fully grasp the magnitude of the gathering, the voice of the deputy headmaster cut through the murmurs, drawing his attention to the central stage.

"This is Instructor Emery, the final addition to our inner halls this year."

Emery stood at attention, acutely aware of the tension that permeated the chamber. The announcement of the inner instructor selections had stirred a palpable unease among the assembled magus. Some appeared surprised, while others seemed openly displeased by the news. The atmosphere crackled with tension, and Emery couldn't shake the feeling that his presence had disrupted the delicate equilibrium of the gathering.

One magus, identified as Servian, stepped forward with a mixture of apprehension and defiance evident in his demeanor. His question hung in the air like a challenge, directed squarely at the deputy headmaster.

"Deputy Headmaster, my deepest apologies, but could you please enlighten us about the new instructor's credentials?" Servian's voice quivered slightly, betraying the tumult of emotions roiling within him. Yet, his words found an echo of support among his peers, emboldening him to press the issue further.

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What surprised Emery was Grand Magus Aurora's silence on the matter. She only turned a glance at Emery, letting him answer the question.

Emery couldn't help but heave a sigh. It took him only a second to realize that the Grand Magus had just thrown him to the wolves. These 50 magus instructors gathered in front of him would be his first colleagues or potential rivals, depending entirely on how he navigated this precarious situation.

Magus Urix's prior briefings flashed through Emery's mind, providing a glimmer of insight into the complexities of academy politics. As the first instructor to hail purely from the lower realm, Emery understood that his presence would inevitably stir controversy. While there were others with similar origins, they had long since been assimilated into larger factions, just like his late Senior Izta.

The exponential increase in lower realm acolytes enrolled in the academy only served to increase tensions, making Emery's status as a lower realm instructor a point of contention among his peers.

As he pondered his next move, Emery knew that he needed to tread carefully, balancing diplomacy with assertiveness. The deputy instructor's silence spoke volumes, a tacit challenge for Emery to prove himself worthy of his newfound position.

"Now, how should I handle this situation?" Emery murmured to himself.

Five years ago, he would have relied solely on his physical prowess to assert his dominance, confident in his ability to vanquish any challenger with sheer strength alone. Even now, he was confident that his formidable abilities could likely best half of the individuals in the room without breaking a sweat.

Yet, as he glanced around at the expectant faces before him, Emery recognized that brute force was not the solution to the delicate situation at hand. He sensed the undercurrent of tension that permeated the chamber, aware that some among his peers harbored ulterior motives, hoping to goad him into a confrontation that would only serve to further complicate matters.

Stepping forward with quiet confidence, Emery addressed the assembly in a tone that was both polite and assured.

"Dear instructors," he began, his voice carrying a note of sincerity, "allow me to introduce myself and provide clarity regarding my credentials."

With a steady gaze, Emery proceeded to reveal the humble origins of his background, recounting his upbringing in the lower realm and the establishment of his grade 1 faction less than two decades ago. He spoke with humility, acknowledging the challenges he had faced along the way and the lessons he had learned through perseverance and determination.

"Truthfully, I have no teaching background, but I have some knowledge as a graduate of the Magus Academy myself."

To add further merit, he disclosed his participation in the last class of the old academy, highlighting his success in winning multiple games and securing third place in the Magus tournament. He believed that these successful experiences could be valuable assets that he could share with the new acolytes.

To Emery's surprise, the older instructor standing next to him, named Reindhart, stepped forward to vouch for him. "Yes, everything Instructor Emery said is true," he affirmed, turning to Emery with a smile. "I witnessed all your games and the tournament from the sidelines. It was truly remarkable. The academy is fortunate to have you as one of its instructors."

Emery quickly realized that Reindhart was likely prepared by the deputy instructor to support him. As an oracle, she likely foresaw the potential resistance he might face and orchestrated Reindhart's intervention accordingly.

The words of the seasoned magus elicited nods of acknowledgment from the assembled instructors, and Emery couldn't help but conceal a small smile as he sensed a shift in their demeanor.

He sensed that some of them were beginning to connect the dots, recognizing him as the enigmatic figure known by his old nickname, "the savage acolyte." It was a reputation forged through daring exploits and fearless determination—a past contribution that had undoubtedly left its mark on the annals of the academy's history.

Though Emery had no intention of delving into the details of his past adventures, he knew that his reputation preceded him. From infiltrating an elf planet to escaping the clutches of demons and achieving top ranks in celestial expeditions, his exploits had become the stuff of legend among the magus community. And while he could have easily flaunted his medals of distinguished valor as a testament to his prowess, he chose instead to reveal a different aspect of himself.

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"I dare to apply for this prestigious position based on my expertise in apothecary, I have had the privilege of meeting with Master Gethel, and she has graciously agreed to allow me to teach some of her classes."

The significance of Emery's words did not escape the magus instructors. They were well aware of Master Gethel's exacting standards, and the fact that she had entrusted Emery with teaching responsibilities spoke volumes about his competence and skill. The mention of Emery's apothecary skills sparked a flurry of murmurs among the magus instructors, their minds abuzz with speculation and newfound respect.

"Could he be a master apothecary..." one whispered in hushed tones, while another nodded thoughtfully. "This means he indeed has some unique value to the academy, even if he is only half-moon,"

As the realization dawned that Emery possessed genuine merit beyond his background, the atmosphere in the chamber shifted perceptibly. More heads nodded in agreement and the general tension that had lingered dissipated, replaced by a sense of curiosity and acceptance.

However, Emery knew there were undoubtedly those among his colleagues who harbored deep-seated prejudices against him due to his humble background. Emery had anticipated this resistance, recognizing that some individuals would never be swayed just by reputation.

He suspected that certain factions, such as the Kronos or Nephilim, may even have dispatched agents with specific agendas to undermine him.

Hence, to fully dispel any lingering doubts and foster a sense of camaraderie, he added, "If there is anyone who still needs convincing, please feel free to come forward. I genuinely hope to get to know you better."

It was a subtle but firm invitation, a gentle challenge extended to those who remained skeptical of his capabilities. Emery turned his gaze towards the deputy headmaster, seeking her silent approval. With a slight nod of her head, he knew he had her blessing to proceed.

As several magus stepped forward and descended to the center floor, Emery remained composed, his demeanor unwavering in the face of their scrutiny.

Among them was Magus Servian, the same individual who had voiced his doubts earlier. Emery made a mental note to learn more about each of them later, but for now, a demonstration of his abilities seemed necessary to quell any lingering skepticism.

With a calm yet confident tone, Emery addressed the group before him.

"I believe all of you are here wishing to test my capability?"