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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2004: Decision
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"No, no, I have said no. I am not accepting the offer," Emery stood firm in his decision.

Klea arched an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by Emery's refusal. "Why not? Do you even know what the new Academy is like?" she pressed, her curiosity evident.

"Yes... I do... sort of..." he admitted.

It had been two years since the new Academy had opened, and Emery had gleaned some information about it, particularly through Damo's attendance there.

Much of what Emery had learned was beyond his expectations. Surprisingly, rather than reopening the old Academy near Golden City, the new Academy had established three brand-new campuses in three different quadrants of the Magus Alliance: Alpha, Beta, and Delta quadrants.

Emery had grasped that the main rationale for this choice was to scatter the upcoming generations of magi, aiming to avert a repeat of the violent incursion event from 15 years ago. Moreover, these steps aimed to enhance the Academy's influence and power, emphasizing the significance of fostering young talents across the Magus Alliance.

In addition, substantial alterations have been made to the educational approach, where classroom instructors now hold more accountability for their students. This represents a shift away from the previous setup, which focused primarily on the amenities offered in the ten institutes.

Observing Emery's silence, Klea interjected, "With their new system, you'll be instructing chosen prodigies from planets in the Alpha quadrant. This presents a prime opportunity for us to strengthen our connections and influence in the sectors surrounding our home."

"Now, please tell me, why did you pass up such an opportunity?" Klea pressed further, her tone insistent.

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Emery let out a weary sigh before responding, "I just don't have the time... besides I'm not cut out to be a teacher..."

"That's nonsense!" Klea retorted, refusing to accept such a simplistic explanation. Unwilling to engage in a debate, Emery relented, saying, "I... tell you what... Let me think about it"

Emery devoted the remainder of the day to meticulously preparing for the tasks decided upon during the meeting. With every detail sorted and the agenda finalized, he could finally look forward to spending some time with Gwen the next day, exploring the wonders of the Golden City.

Despite his demanding responsibilities at the Merlin shop and the apothecary center, Emery managed to carve out time to share with Gwen, immersing her in the splendor of one of the most technologically advanced cities in the universe.

Emery led Gwen through the vibrant marketplace, where the air was alive with the aroma of exotic spices and the clamor of eager shoppers. They sampled delicacies from different corners of the galaxy, savoring each unique flavor and indulging in culinary delights.

Their excitement soared as they embarked on exhilarating rides aboard flying boats, swooping and gliding through the city's skyline. They marveled at the spectacular performances of acrobats and musicians, immersing themselves in the colorful displays of talent and creativity.

Venturing through the teleportation gate, they found themselves transported to distant planets, each offering its own breathtaking landscapes and wonders. Emery eagerly shared his knowledge of these worlds with Gwen, pointing out interesting landmarks and explaining their significance.

As their time together drew to a close, Emery reserved their final day for a leisurely exploration of the Terra city and settled on the palace balcony as evening descended, gazing up at the twinkling stars overhead.?It was a serene and magical moment, shared between two souls amidst the wonders of the universe.

Gwen's eyes sparkled with wonder as she stretched her hands up to the air as if trying to pick the stars, expressing her amazement. "It's incredible... to reach the stars like this... it's a real dream come true, Emery... thank you."

Emery couldn't help but share in Gwen's joy; seeing her happiness lifted a weight off his shoulders. Fulfilling her dreams had become his own aspiration, and witnessing her delight brought him immense satisfaction.

After a moment of quiet reflection, Emery broached a question that had been on his mind. "Will you consider staying, then?"

The question has a clear meaning; Emery was hoping that Gwen would consider becoming a magus and being part of their group.

She smiled for a moment before replying, "I... tell you what... Let me think about it."

It was the same answer Emery had given to Klea previously about the academy, and it made both of them laugh.

Gwen turned to him and said, "I will tell you my answer... if you tell me yours."

Emery took a deep sigh and began to talk about his reason for rejecting the academy offer. he told a story about his late master Xion, highlighting how amazing he was and expressing doubt that he could ever fill such shoes, especially as a teacher at the academy. That was the real reason beyond the burden of protecting Earth that took most of his mind.

"I really don't think I have the talent," Emery confessed.

Gwen's response was playful, "That Nonsense...!!" mimicking Klea's tone"

After a brief chuckle, she continued, "I am really offended if you feel that way."

Emery was taken aback. "Why?"

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"Silly... don't you remember... I am one of your first students..."

The phrases triggered memories in Emery's mind of the time he spent with Gwen and the Fey sisters at the Fey Forest, teaching them before the girls became known as 'the fairies.'

"Yes... the fairies... such a special time," Gwen reminisces with a smile. "If you decide to be a teacher... I seriously want to be claimed as your first-generation student!"

Once again, both of them chuckled before she gazed at him

"Seriously though... I believe you will make a great teacher."

The phrases indeed seemed to affect Emery's mind. He took a deep sigh and said

"It's your turn... tell me... will you stay?"

There was a palpable tension in the air as he awaited her responsebefore Gwen finally spoke in a calm but serious manner.

"Emery... The truth is, as amazing as all of these experiences are... my heart is still at home... in Britannia..."

Her phrases hung in the air, carrying with them a weight of sincerity and truth.

Turning to face Emery directly, Gwen added "Thank you... thank you for helping me understand what I really want."

With a heavy heart yet a newfound sense of clarity, Emery responded, "I understand."

The next day, while Gwen preparing to return home, Emery decided to contact the academy to inquire further about the teaching position.

Meanwhile, Klea, ever perceptive, approached Gwen. Her expression was a mix of respect and disappointment as she addressed Gwen's decision. "It's too bad, though. I definitely could use your persuasion skills in the future."