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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1997: Memorable
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??Emery stood waiting for the Nexus ship at the Moon base hangar, accompanied by a beautiful blond-haired woman who seemed continually amazed. Just hours ago, she had an unimaginable experience, soaring into the sky and reaching the moon—something she had only dreamt of as a child. After an hour-long tour around the magnificent base, she now stood prepared for another journey through the stars.

The moon base itself offered a breathtaking tour, showcasing the marvels of its technological advancements, every sight left Gwen in awe. Now, with the tour concluded, she stood at the hangar, eagerly anticipating the next phase of their cosmic adventure.

"So, where are we heading again?" Gwen asked, a hint of excitement and curiosity in her voice.

Emery smiled at her enthusiasm. "Terra City," he replied.

Earlier that morning, Emery had successfully secured approval for the two-week travel by spending 1000 faction merits. The decision to bring Gwen along on her first space travel was made with certainty. For this space expedition, Emery had selected the Yama and Yami as the escorts. With everything set, the Nexus ship awaited its passengers, ready to propel them into the vast unknown of space.

Before the Nexus ship could embark on its journey, a Dragonfly-type ship descended from Earth. From its doors emerged two beautiful figures: Klea and Morgana, gracefully approaching Emery. Klea wore a smile as she looked at the pair and spoke, "I find myself with some free time... mind if we accompany along?"

Emery, momentarily taken aback, struggled to give a direct answer. However, Gwen, ever-friendly, seized the opportunity, grabbed Klea's arm, and cheerfully exclaimed, "Of course! I'm thrilled that you can join us."

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Meanwhile, Morgana, without seeking permission, shooed away the twin magus with a dismissive gesture, asserting her role as Emery's guardian on this journey.

Understanding that he had no reason to reject, Emery said "Alright then, let's go,"

With Klea joining the group, the three days of space travel transformed into an unexpectedly enjoyable and light-hearted trip.

Klea, with her infectious enthusiasm, teamed up with the other two girls, playfully forcing Emery into various roles—

piloting the ship, showcasing his culinary skills, and even entertaining the group. What was initially meant to be a tranquil trip now became a rare opportunity for bonding and shared laughter.

Klea further livened up the mood by introducing a variety of alcoholic beverages, hoping to create an atmosphere, trying to entice Gwen into a certain playful mischief, albeit without much success.

However, when Emery's presence was needed in the cockpits, to navigate and control the ship, the three females found moments to unwind and engage in conversation.

During one such moment, Klea expressed her sentiment with genuine sincerity, saying, "I hope you really don't mind me crashing your trip like this."

Gwen responded with a warm smile, "No, I don't mind at all. I completely understand."

Klea gazed at Gwen with a meaningful look and remarked, "He still loves you… you know…"

Without receiving a response from Gwen, Klea turned to Morgana and said, "I can't read his mind anymore, but she can… tell her."

Morgana met Gwen's gaze, affirmed in confirmation, and took a substantial gulp of her drink.

Gwen, maintaining a composed demeanor, proposed a faint smile and stated, "No.. it's over for us…"

"Please… don't say that…" Klea implored, aware of the history shared by Gwen and Arthur. The truth was known to all; Gwen never really married Arthur, and Klea believed that lingering feelings still existed between them. However, Gwen maintained her silence.

Klea added, "I just want to say… honestly when I see you two... I feel annoyed…not because I despise you… but because I hate what I did to you 20 years ago,"

She was laden by guilt for her actions two decades ago, misleading Gwen into believing that a future between them was not possible, leading to their separation. Now, she sought to make amends.

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"I want to say... I was wrong... and I hope this wasn't the reason you denied the opportunity to be a magus," Klea earnestly offered.

Gwen, taking a deep breath, responded with gratitude, "Thank you..." She turned to Klea, acknowledging, "I see why he loved you... but please don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault. It was ultimately my decision to leave him that time, and it will also be my decision to choose this time...to choose my path."

A palpable silence settled between them until Morgana interjected firmly in her half-drunken state.

"No... It wasn't any of your fault... it's his fault..." an obvious anger showed on her face.

The words quickly broke the seriousness, transforming their expressions into smiles and eliciting chuckles as they toasted and continued sipping their drinks.

When Emery returned, the three seemed determined to keep their conversation a secret, and Klea issued a playful warning, "Don't you dare read our minds!! Or I will make this trip miserable!"

Observing the camaraderie among the trio brought a certain happiness to Emery.

As the Nexus ship glided through the vastness of space, all marveled at the mesmerizing sight of a celestial nebula, its colors dancing in harmony. The vibrant hues painted a cosmic tapestry that captured the essence of the universe.

At that moment, he couldn't help but reminisce about a certain person from his past, someone whose absence tugged at the corners of his thoughts.

Morgana sensed the shift in Emery's emotions. Her cold gaze met his, and she delivered her trademark stoic observation, "See... It's all your fault."

The playful banter between the trio continued, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared experiences. Laughter echoed within the confines of the ship, carrying away the weight of their concerns and fostering a sense of unity.

As the Nexus ship gracefully descended onto the Terra planet, the illuminated city sprawled before them, showcasing the advancements and improvements that had taken place.