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Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 3612: Fierce Yet Silent Lightning
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The Immortal Dreams Palace was a dazzling structure that awed the eyes of the beholder.

It was like a mesmerizing beacon of the Grand Immortal Mountain Peak, its form cloaked in enchanting hues of black and gold, full of elegance and mystique. Its sweeping curves and intricate carvings adorning every surface were filled with opulence and grace.

Most carvings seemed like they were there to increase the artistic value, but most etchings could also be seen as inscriptions, which caused countless immortals to sigh in defeat.

They couldn't assess the grade of this structure's inscriptions or its functions.

Nonetheless, they were filled with awe over the style. The outer walls were bathed in a lustrous sheen of black gold, reflecting the sunlight in a dazzling display.

As they approached the palace one by one, they were greeted by the towering columns adorned with ornate carvings, each detail gleaming with a metallic brilliance that overcame those who were well-experienced in construction.

"What a beauty…"

Founder Rocksunder couldn't help but cry upon seeing this marvel.

Davis and Founder Zenflame looked at each other, unable to relate, but they could still see that the Immortal Dreams Palace was truly special.

The Nine-Treasured Immortal Ordeal Palace and the Immortal Dreams Palace. To Davis, it seemed like the World Master loved creating things, and one of them could very well be palaces as immense detail had gone to beautify them.

Nonetheless, according to the old timers here, the grand entrance, the arched doorway to the Immortal Dreams Palace that was supposed to be open, seemed to be closed.

Therefore, everyone gathered around the Immortal Dreams Palace had nothing to do other than wait until the sun hovers over them all.

There was about forty minutes left.

In the position where he stood, there was a wide gap between them and the other participants, as though everyone was avoiding him like the plague.

'Surely, these fellows aren't still of the thought that they wouldn't become an Anarchic Divergent upon winning this competition, no?'

Davis asked himself.

They weren't naive enough to believe that they would remain normal after inheriting the World Master's inheritance, would they?

If he was the heavens, his target wouldn't only be the World Master but also the freaking cultivation manual that created an entire universe in herself!

It would be just like how the Unfettered Earthly Reincarnation Scripture was bound with karmic burden— only, it wasn't large enough to affect him as he had already been an Anarchic Divergent at that time.

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Nonetheless, he did a count and spotted almost a hundred and fifty powers having gathered.

In the distance, he saw his buddy Fenren Jadelight and his Starlight Jade Wolf Clan's inheritors, Davion Jadelight and Renfa Jadelight. As for their third inheritor, that person was assassinated upon exiting the Heavenly Ice Stasis Valley.

He could see Rea Tyriel representing the Lunar Crow Clan along with two more of its inheritors.

The ones he met at the Central Primesky Alliance meet were also here. They were Daukran of the Dynastic Evernight Phantasm Spirit Tribe, Zenner Darkflame of the Dark Void Flame Spirit Tribe, and Gawain of the Obsidian Crystal Turtle Clan.

Youil of the Cyan Soul Rat Clan and the other inheritors were killed when he chanced upon their mini realm, so the Cyan Soul Rat Clan was out, but he could see Chanon, the golden beauty of the Goldlust Rat Clan.

He only knew a few, but the Goldlust Rat Clan had three inheritors in total, and Chanon appeared to possess King-Tier Blood. The same went for the Obsidian Crystal Turtle Clan, where Gawain was radiating King-Tier aura.

This whole time, the inheritors were laying low, so he didn't find it surprising that at least one of them came in possession of higher-tier blood, giving them an immense boost. That would be the plan unless they were really stupid enough to think their inheritance master's normal-tier blood, even if it was top quality, would be enough to give them an edge.

Unfortunately, he couldn't find anyone with an Emperor-Tier aura on them.

It was either they weren't present or were hiding their aura thoroughly to gain advantage later.

There were as many as five hundred Candidates at the moment, and the number kept increasing as the sun moved closer to the top.

"Seriously? Why are you here?"

"Are you happy to see me? Or are you annoyed?"

Davis made an amused expression at Fairy Thunderblaze, who came alone. She would obviously represent the Blazing Thunderlight Kirin Clan, but time and time again, didn't she say she wouldn't participate in the Candidacy!?

"I'm confused and amused. What, you are a liar now?"

"It's not my fault if you fall for what I say offhandedly." Fairy Thunderblaze sounded unapologetic, her movements sexy as she walked past him, turning to look around.

"But I didn't lie. I did mean it when I said I wouldn't participate, but when I saw you bring your three of your wives here like you're enjoying vacation, I could tell the chances of us encountering death were not high. At least for powerful people like us, it shouldn't be high, making me change my mind~"

"Nope. I don't think you understand that I can revive my people."

Davis chuckled, but Fairy Thunderblaze looked at him straight into the eyes.

"I know you're not the type to send your women to die just because you are capable of reviving them."


Her mesmerizing eyes narrowed like she was smiling teasingly at him before she turned around and left.

"And I don't care about debts like you or your wives do, as I might plunder the ultimate prize for myself~"

A soul transmission with an insanely enchanting tone fell on his mind.

Davis stared at her back, scoffing lightly as he could tell that she made out-of-reach assumptions about him that might as well be true.

Indeed, the World Master didn't warn him about unfair death rates. Considering the relationship they shared where the World Master needed his reincarnation cycle to survive, then she would've at least made that clear but since she didn't, he guessed that the chances of death were not high.

However, this didn't mean that his women wouldn't die.

It only meant that the trials wouldn't unfairly kill them, and it didn't say anything about other participants teaming up to kill them, which worried Davis the most since there was no other way he could see them dying.

Needless to say, he had already warned his three beauties about this and they could already tell such a thing could happen, so when it comes down to it, only time could tell what would happen if they were to be ever besieged.

Funnily enough, he made assumptions that the trial wouldn't unfairly cause deaths, and Fairy Thunderblaze made assumptions that he wouldn't let his wives die easily.

Their decisions, which were made up of assumptions, could severely backfire from what he knew, making Davis shake his head.

At this moment, a commotion broke out within the crowd.

"Isn't that Tahundra of the Lightning Dragon Clan?"

"Woah, he became an Emperor…"

A ridiculously powerful aura burst forth from a certain location, making the air feel prickly. However, this aura also contained the might of an Emperor-Tier entity. It made many beings quiver with fear and rage.

However, once they saw it was from one of the three inheritors of the Lightning Dragon Clan, they quietened down.


Founder Rocksunder clenched his teeth as he didn't think the aggressive Lightning Dragon Clan was able to hide this fiercely. This was bad news for them as he had been thinking they had this in the bag with their fourth inheritor Isabella.

As long as they could support her, then winning the Candidacy would be easier for them, but the appearance of Tahundra changed the shape of the game in their minds.

"Fairy Thunderblaze, when this is over, become my first wife, and I'll treat you well."

At this moment, Tahundra only seemed to have revealed his true prowess for one reason, shocking many people.

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He blocked Fairy Thunderblaze's path, extending his hand out while radiating a stern and prickly pressure on her.

Fairy Thunderblaze's beauty was truly otherworldly. Without even entering King-Tier, she had been the first-ranked Celestial Fairy, but after entering King-Tier, her aura had become so mystical and charming that many kept glancing at her ever since she made her entrance here, having various unhealthy thoughts about her.

However, the first one daring enough to make a move in this hostile environment was Tahundra, a fey who carried Emperor-Tier Blood of the Lightning Dragon.

His six-foot-five tall height, his fierce face, and his fit body clad in purple armor radiating lightning were simply amazing. Many female inheritors who had yet to marry by a stroke of luck since they had many responsibilities couldn't help but eye him.

If it weren't for the Candidacy, they would've definitely thrown an application to him.

However, Fairy Thunderblaze looked unmoved.

She turned away, looking at the skies.

"Please do not look at me. A calamity long ago ravaged my lone heart, and it even devastated a cherry blossom tree recently. It is also said that I greatly lack the quality of being a wife, so I'm afraid that I can't answer your feelings in a positive way."

She said with such coldness as though her heart had been broken a long time ago. It was as though the coldness was a facade for her sadness.

But many who attended the Central Primesky Meet or could see through the intricacies knew just what she was talking about.

"Ahaha!~ This is funny! Can you stop courting such unattainable fairies and leave us some, my friend!?"

The Golden Crow Clan's Patriarch, Soaren Goldsun's laughing voice, echoed throughout the region, stunning the people while also causing embarrassment to Tahundra. He could accept rejection, but someone was laughing at his face.

His expression soared with fury, his blood boiling as it disallowed humiliation to seep in.


Davis scratched his head, thinking Fairy Thunderblaze was at it again, setting him up, but then his friend Soaren Goldsun looked like he was going to get beaten to a pulp.

He eyed his third wife, causing her to look at Tahundra, who was making his way towards Soaren Goldsun.



Tahundra abruptly felt immense pressure fall on him. His heart sank, shocked that he sensed a greater bloodline pressure from a golden-robed woman whom he had his eyes on since she was a hot target whom everyone should be careful of.

It was none other than Isabella Davis, representing the Earth Dragon Clan.

This meant that her prowess was more likely above his!