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Descent of the Phoenix: 13 Years Old Princess Consort

Chapter 1181
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Chapter 1181: 1181

"Boom......" Before Yin Jili had finished what he promised, there was an earth shaking explosion in the distance. Even if it is so far away, you can hear it clearly.

"What voice..."

"What's the sound..."

The people in yanghucheng were shocked and blinded.

The stone was so startled that the dense explosive burst out.

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In the bright golden light, I saw the black protruding mountain wall, which was blown up in all directions.

The hot fire burst out quickly.

The rolling smoke rose from the top of qiongyishan mountain and rushed to the sky.

And in this rock, the river, which has been blocked, has not been blocked, immediately rushed down with a majestic gesture.

The flood rolled in.

Qiongyishan and yanghucheng are not close, but they are not far away.

With the naked eye, you can see the silver ribbon of qiongyi mountain very clearly.

At this time, hearing the earth shaking noise, the people of Yanghu city came out from all directions one after another and saw it quite clearly.

The white ribbon, in a gesture they had never seen before, roared down.

Just like the Milky way falling into nine heavens, mingled with the power of heaven and earth.

"Lord long is angry..."

"Lord long is angry and wants to drown us..."

"Heaven, water, water..."

After the initial stupor, the people of yanghucheng who wake up are shocked, frightened and flustered.

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All the people in Yanghu city are crazy.

At once, with a posture of God blocking killing God and Buddha blocking loving Buddha, he rushed towards the main gate of Yanghu city with the package of household goods that had been prepared for a long time.

"Don't mess, don't mess..."

"Don't rush out. It's the soldiers and horses of the northern herdsmen. They will die..."

"Don't mess..."

The garrison generals were also frightened and cried out in panic.

But what power can stop people from escaping.

The garrison soldiers and the people immediately joined in a scuffle.

The flood rolled down and roared.