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Coolest Girl in Town

Chapter 7
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Actually, Ashlyn didn’t complete her studies. It was just that the Lawsons spent a lot of money to get

her a college degree. The Lawsons and the Griffiths were old family friends. Not only did Ashlyn grow

up loving Alexander, but she had been brought up by the Lawsons as the future Mrs. Griffith ever since

she was a child. She didn’t expect Elise to pop up from nowhere. What entitles this ugly country bumpkin to choose one of the Griffith Family’s five sons to be her fiancé? Ashlyn’s face darkened

slightly. She can lay a hand on any of them—but not Alexander! …… The car slowly made it to the

Griffith Residence. The other three Griffith siblings were at home, and they warmly greeted Ashlyn,

whom they hadn’t seen for a long time. Ashlyn took out the gifts she had prepared abroad and handed

them to everyone. After a pause, she looked at Elise again and said apologetically, “I’m sorry, Elise. I

only got to know you’re visiting the Griffiths when I came back, so I didn’t prepare a gift for you…” Elise

thought this lady was quite a poser, but before she could speak, the talkative Danny cut in, “What are

you apologizing for, Ashlyn? You two aren’t even close.” Then, as he opened his present, he exclaimed

in awe, “Wow, it’s the latest game console—and a limited edition one at that! It’s too kind of you,

Ashlyn.” Elise felt alienated from everyone else, but she didn’t want to blend in either, so she went

upstairs on her own. After a while, she heard a knock on her bedroom door; she opened the door and

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looked at Alexander before her in puzzlement. “The Lawsons are throwing a dinner party tonight to

welcome Ashlyn’s return. Grandpa asked me to attend the party with you,” explained Alexander. Since

it was his turn to escort Elise around today, the rest of her affairs were handed over to him as well.

Elise didn’t feel like going at first when she heard this, but now that Jonah had asked Alexander to go

with her, it would seem improper for her to not attend the party. After giving a sigh, she left for the

boutique with Alexander, as well as Ashlyn. After they arrived at the boutique, Alexander sat down on

the couch and waited for the two ladies. Ashlyn took Elise’s hand like a big sister while saying to her,

“Elise, don’t be too nervous at the party later. Don’t worry; just ask for me if there’s anything.” Elise

could hardly stand the sight of this woman’s affected manners. She replied with a smile, “It’s alright;

Grandpa Griffith said Alexander will be my escort today. I’m relieved to have him around me.” As Elise

had expected, Ashlyn’s face froze visibly, and she unconsciously tightened her grip on Elise’s hand.

However, she resumed her genial countenance soon afterward. “You’re right. Let’s choose our dresses,

then. We’d better not keep Alexander waiting,” she said with a smile. Then, she continued, “How about

I pick a dress for you? I often study these dresses.” “Okay.” “How about this one?” Elise looked at the

dress Ashlyn was holding. It was a strapless dark green evening dress totally unsuited for her age, for it

was typically worn by women in their late 30s. As expected, this woman is a goody two shoes, she

thought. On the other hand, Ashlyn was certain that Elise, a country bumpkin, knew little about these

things. “What’s wrong? You don’t like it?” she asked. Unsurprisingly, Elise nodded. “Okay, I’ll take this

one,” Elise replied. Like hell I’ll care about what I’m wearing when I’ve made my face look like this.

Ashlyn curved her lips in a smile. “Let’s go put on our makeup then.” “No, I’m good. I’ve been having

skin allergies lately.” Ashlyn said nothing much in reply. After all, it pleased her the most if Elise looked

ugly. The two ladies came out of the dressing room when they were done. In striking contrast to Elise,

Ashlyn seemed charmingly tender in her light blue evening dress. Alexander knitted his brows slightly,

but he said nothing. The dinner party was held at the Lawson Residence, and those invited were

Ashlyn’s friends and some of her relatives. After getting there, Ashlyn went to greet the guests. “So that

lady’s Elise Sinclair, huh? How’s such an ugly woman qualified to stand beside Alexander, Ashlyn?”

said Katie Moss, Ashlyn’s cousin. At Jonah’s request, Alexander stayed with Elise after arriving at the

party, and the pair drew a lot of attention as they stood together. Ashlyn looked somewhat displeased.

She’s right. Not even I have ever attended a party with Alexander as his partner; what qualifies that woman to do so? Just then, Katie said viciously, “Since she dares to attend the party, I must teach her

a lesson, Ashlyn.” Ashlyn warned with a slight frown, “Don’t do anything reckless, Katie.” “Don’t worry,

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Ashlyn. I know my limits.” …… At the party, Alexander ran into several of his friends in business circles,

so he chatted a little with them. On the other hand, Elise wandered alone around the swimming pool in

the back garden. I’m bored to death. Why don’t I sneak away and go hang out with Jamie later? she

thought. Before she realized what had happened, someone knocked into her with great force, causing

her to lose her balance and fall into the swimming pool beside her. She struggled in the swimming pool.

She wasn’t afraid of anything—except open water! As the dinner party was held in the back garden,

everyone clamored at the sight of what had happened. Ashlyn curved her lips in a barely imperceptible

smile, but the smile froze on her face when she saw Alexander diving into the water. …… After being

rescued from the swimming pool, Elise and Alexander were taken to separate rooms upstairs to get

changed. Elise looked as black as thunder as she stood in the room wrapped in a bath towel. That person will be dead meat for knocking me into the pool just now! Just then, she heard a knock on the

door, followed by Matthew’s voice. “I’m here to bring you some clothes, Elise. Are you alright?” Coming

to her senses, Elise opened the door, took the clothes from Matthew, and thanked him. “You…”

Matthew looked astounded before her. This face looks worlds apart from her previous looks! In fact, it looks just like the photo Danny showed us before… Only then did Elise realize what had happened.

Her makeup had run a little back when she was rescued, and she wiped it away with a towel just now

because she wasn’t feeling well. Even though her wig was still intact, her face… Argh, I’ve let my anger get the better of me! How could I forget about this?!