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Claiming My Possessive CEO Husband by Qiaoqiao

Chapter 56
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56 Chapter 56: Are You Brain–dead?
She wanted to walk past Moore Mamet, but as she moved to the left, he dutifully blocked her path. When she shifted to the right,
he quickly blocked her again.
Perhaps finding him too annoying, Xaviera Evans stood still and spoke out bluntly, “Moore Mamet, have I ever mentioned how
irritating you really are? If you’re ment*lly unstable, you should seek medical treatment early. Stop bothering me here.”
Moore Mamet’s face darkened, “Xaviera Evans!”
“What are you yelling for? Your father can hear you.”
Xaviera Evans cleaned her ears, her heroic face full of defiance, “Everyone’s acting so kind now, asking you for money when
they’re broke. Who cared about my life when I was dumped in the countryside for all
those years? They weren’t there when I needed them, but now that I don’t, they’re all up in my face, thinking I’m easy to bully?”
“Mag Evans posted that photo on the forum, causing the school to gossip about me, and you’re in front of me nagging, Do you
both enjoy being in this messy
Moore Mamet was dumbstruck, “What did you say? The photo was posted by Mag? Impossible.”
Xaviera Evans looked at him as if she was seeing a dimwit, “Don’t you have hands? Go check the forum yourself.”
Her attitude was so firm that it appeared to be the

Moore Mamet subconsciously defended Mag, “There must be a reason for Mag. I believe she did it for the best, after all, being
someone’s mistress...”
“For my benefit? Moore Mamet, are you out of your

Xaviera Evans cut him off, “Posting a picture and getting the whole school to rebuke me as a mistress, is that for my benefit?
Would you accept this kind of benefit? And furthermore... do you guys have any proof that I’m a mistress? Just based on a
picture of me getting out of a car? Making assumptions in a
virtual world often backfires!”
“But how... how did survive all these years? How did
you make it from the countryside, learn fashion design to become the famous international designer Lohill? Without someone
backing you, you wouldn’t have been able to reach such heights.” It was because of this assumption that Moore Mamet directly
confronted her about rumors of her being kept.
Hearing Moore Mamet’s words, Xaviera Evans now
saw him as no different than an idiot, “An idiot like you, of course, can never understand the ability of a genius.”
The brilliance of a genius couldn’t be dimmed by a simple impoverished environment.
“Genius? You’re saying you’re a genius?” Moore Mamet laughed, laughing at Xaviera Evan’s arrogant

What a moron.
Xaviera Evans couldn’t be bothered to argue with such ignorant fellows. Since Moore Mamet wouldn’t let her pass, she had to
force her way through.
Moore Mamet tried to say something, but the next moment, Xaviera Evans kicked him right at the knee. The knee pain was so
intense that he couldn’t help but
kneel down.
Xaviera Evans patted his head, “Good boy, a well–behaved dog doesn’t block the way.” Then she coolly walked away.
Considering the situation, she decided to skip class for the day. As Gaby Rome caught up to her, she followed him to his private
“Xaviera, that kick you gave Moore Mamet was seriously cool, boss.”
Gaby Rome left his aloof public persona behind, and casually offered Xaviera Evans a cup of coffee, “Do you need me to handle

that forum situation for you?”
“No need, let them jump around.” Xaviera Evans took the coffee and took a sip.
Gaby Rome knew Xaviera had her ways, so he didn’t insist. He took out a cloth package from his drawer and placed it in front of
Xaviera, “Master Uland sent this here by express mail not too long ago. He heard about your situation in Libanan and specially
made this for you.”Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He didn’t mention to Xaviera that Master Uland had
berated him thoroughly over the phone. Xaviera had come to Libanan, Gaby Rome’s territory, and she was being bullied...If it
wasn’t for the fact that Master Uland was occupied and unable to come himself, Gaby Rome suspected that he might have flown
to Libanan just to give him a good beating.
Unfortunately, Xaviera’s position in the hearts of their Master and Master Uland was just too high. If
something were to actually happen to her...Gaby Rome shivered at the thought.
When Xaviera opened the cloth package, there was a row of silver needles neatly arranged inside.
Master Uland took a different path than their master, while their master was a magnate in the world of fashion, Master Uland was
more interested in hidden
These silver needles were Master Uland’s unique hidden weapons. He was usually reluctant to use them and she did not expect
him to give her so many this
“Thank Master Uland for me.” Xaviera Evans wrapped
up the cloth package.
“Wait, Xaviera, don’t put them away yet. Let me touch them!” Gaby Rome knew that Master Uland had mailed something to
Xaviera, but he didn’t know exactly what
it was.
“Master Uland’s unique hidden weapon, during school, I used to cling onto Master Uland’s legs begging him to give me one, but
he not only refused but also kicked me away. But now... he gave you a whole bag! An entire bag!”
Is this the difference between being favoured and
