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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 988
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Chapter 988 Involved With Eight Women At Once It would be beneficial for Yelena to gain more combat experience anyway.

However, in Nedley's eyes, this made it seem as if Emrys was a coward hiding behind Yelena.

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Nedley had only subtly implied that Emrys lacked backbone, which was already quite at generous way to put it.

After discovering the reason, not only did Emrys not get angry, but he even held Nedley in higher regard. He had to admit this old man was rather endearing.

Upon realizing his mistake, Emrys swiftly apologized, "So, it was because of this reason that you had issues with me. I'm sorry, Old Mr. Donnelly, it was my fault. If a similar situation arises in the future, I will surely step up. I apologize if I coff as rude carlier; I didn't mean to offend you. I hope you won't hold it againstfor being a youngster who still has a lot to learn." "You shouldn't be apologizing tobut to Ms. Lynch instead," Nedley retorted coldly.

"You're right." Emrys turned to Yelena, sincerely admitting, "I was wrong." Suppressing a chuckle, Yelena mentally sniped at Emrys for his ability to stir things up. Putting on an air of magnanimity, she waved her hand dismissively and said, "Never mind. I've already forgiven you." Nedley spoke to Emrys in a teaching tone, "Young man, your girlfriend is truly exceptional. To find a girl like this is a blessing you've earned over several lifetimes, so cherish her!" "Hear that? Everyone always says that the bystander can see things more objectively. Even Old Mr. Donnelly acknowledges that a decent girl. But you, you're just blind to it. You even have the audacity to be involved with seven women at once!" Feigning the image of a frail woman, Yelena spoke in a pitiful tone.

Upon hearing these words, both Nedley and the other young man's expressions changed simultaneously. One of Emrys' eyes twitched.

You vixen, you just can't resist venting your restless energy by stirring up strouble for me, can you? Initially, Nedley's opinion of Emrys had improved slightly after the latter sincerely. apologized for his earlier cowardly behavior.

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Balance: 518 +0 1 Coins 1 Pearls 10:14 Mon, 29 Apr Chapter 988 Involved With Eight Women At Once Yet, upon hearing Yelena's words, Nedley immediately developed an extremely negative impression of Emrys. "Ms. Lynch, did you just say this young man is involved with seven women at the stime?" 76% "Yes! And that's only the women I know of. Wait, if you include Jacqueline from the Balford family, that would make eight. Yes, I know of eight women. Who knows how many more there are that I don't know about!" At least eight women... Does he have the stamina of a horse? There isn't even enough days in a week to fit all those women in! The short and slim young man was so consumed by jealousy that his eyes turned green. He cursed Emrys under his breath, resentful of his obliviousness to the plight of the less fortunate and for hogging so many women. Such a person should be dragged out and castrated! Nedley could no longer contain his anger as he exclaimed, "Young man, you've crossed the line! This is no way to behave! T-This is utterly immoral!" Suddenly, he remembered something.

He turned his head toward Yelena and said, “Ms. Lynch, since you know that he's unreliable, why do you still stay with him?" What was the point of being with a man who lacked backbone and morals? The short, skinny young man thought to himself, Exactly, why stay with him? You'll do much better with me. Meanwhile, Emrys was cursing Yelena in his head, You despicable vixen, how dare you tarnish my reputation! "You're right, Yelena, I am nothing more than a scumbag. From this point forward, I won't bother you anymore. You should find yourself a reliable man!"

Out of the blue, Emrys spat out those words and abruptly Xukned to leave. He's upset? When did Rys becso unable to take a joke?

Yelena watched Emrys' retreating figure. Clenching her fists, she m shouted, "Dammit, Emrys; I'm giving you three seconds to cback! One, two, three.... Emrys didn't even look back.

Balance: 518 +0 1 Coins 1 Pearls 10:14 Mon, 29 Apr, G Chapter 988 Involved With Eight Women At Once

worth your affection. It's better to let him go. There's no need to keep him no e around! Send Gifts 4.3K Balance: X