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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 981
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Chapter 981 Not Interested Emrys decided to observe first, smugly commenting in his mind, That's what you get for flaunting your charms, you little vixen! Indeed, Yelena was waiting for someone and had bent down to take off her high heels because she was tired from wearing them. She was completely unaware of this simple action's profound impact on the men around her.

Two men approached her, chattering away in a language she couldn't comprehend.

Yelena wasn't an unreasonable person. She was mindful not to tarnish Chanaea's reputation, so she responded with a polite smile, "I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying." The two men were initially taken aback at hearing her speak Chanaean, but quickly, their expressions transformed into ones of even greater excitement.

"So, you're a beautiful girl from Chanaea! Hello, nice to meet you. We are... talent scouts, and we would like to invite you to shoot with our media production company. We can offer you... a lot of money." One of the men tried expressing himself in broken Chanaean, nterspersed with a few Anglandurn words. elena roughly understood what was being said but shook her head and responded, "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in making movies. Please don't bother me." Pretty girl, give it smore thought, will you? There's a lot of Balance: 700+1 © 1 Coins 1 Pearls Emergency calls only Chapter 981 Not Interested a big star." With that, the two of them scrutinized Yelena's appearance and figure, growing increasingly exhilarated the more they looked.

Their company's recent focus was on Chanaean women. The woman before them was simply stunning, a real gem. If they could get her to work for their company, their sales would undoubtedly skyrocket.

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Yelena's charming face darkened.

The way these two were looking at her had already rubbed her the wrong way. Furthermore, from their fragmented words, she got the sense that this production company wasn't entirely reputable.

She assumed their work would probably be something that was not suitable for children.

Yelena snapped impatiently, "I've already told you I'm not interested in your company. Don't botheragain!" "Beautiful girl-" "F*cking stop callinga girl! I've told you repeatedly not to bother me. Are you both deaf or what? You're really pushingto lose my temper!" Yelena was known for her fiery temper. She had been trying her best to keep it in check, but the incessant pestering from the two sleazy men had finally set her off.

She swung her slender, graceful leg out in two swift kicks.

Balance: 700+1 © 1 Coins 1 Pearls Emergency calls only M Chapter 981 Not Interested Cultivation Stage. When she kicked out, there was no chance for the two sleazy men to resist.

They immediately clutched their groins and collapsed to the ground, howling in pain.

"What a despicable mess!" With a scoff, Yelena moved elsewhere and continued waiting.

Upon witnessing this scene, Emrys could only offer a helpless wry smile. As expected of Lena; still as fiercely independent as ever.

When those two men first approached Yelena, Emrys had already predicted such an outcome, yet he still broke out in a cold sweat.

Couldn't you have aimed anywhere else? You're risking their ability to have children in the future! Maybe I should give it a try.

Emrys chuckled lightly, striding confidently toward Yelena.

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The men around, who had initially been casting fervent gazes at Yelena, dem taken aback by her fierce were demeanor. None of them dared to act recklessly anymore. Upon seeing another man step forward, they immediately fixed their gaze on him, wondering if he would meet the sfate.

"Hey there, you're quite a wild one, aren't you? I, Aiden Drogo, have m always enjoyed taming someone as fiery and beautiful as you.

Emrys pretended to be a pervert, his face adorned with a ha lecherous grin as he approached Yelena. His use of Chanaean quickly caught Balance: 0 700 - 1 1 Coins 1 Pearls Emergency calls only P Chapter 95 Not kitereste Yelena turned her head to look at him.

In an instant, there was an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Perhaps it was because he was speaking the slanguage as her! But what did that matter, anyway? Send Gifts 4.3K Balance: 0 7001 X