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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 949
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Chapter 949 The Missing ltem A while later, Emrys arrived on an old-fashioned bike, pulling up in front of the two- visitors.

He had taken his tgetting there, his mind preoccupied with Cordelia’s matter. Consequently, he hadn't rushed, causing a slight delay.

Moreover, Osmond had indicated over the phone that the visitors didn’t seem particularly hostile. So, Emrys hadn't felt the need to hurry.

“Greetings, Mr. Lund!” Logan stepped forward respectfully as Emrys arrived.

After parking his bike, Emrys inquired, “What can | do for you?” “Mr. Lund, | cwith a request,” Logan began. “You see, there's something in Gideon's storage pouch that is of no value to you. We hope you might consider returning to us.” Logan dared not ask for the return of everything in the pouch, hoping to only get the book of secret inheritance technique back.

He was telling the truth.

While Emrys might find use in the magical items and pills, the book served no purpose to him without the Lestrange family’s lineage. He wouldn't be able to cultivate that technique without the family’s blood ties, so keeping it would've been useless.

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That was unless Emrys was prepared to gamble with his sanity like Gideon did, risking it all to practice the simplified version.

However, it seemed improbable given his already formidable strength.

Logan sincerely pleaded for Emrys to return the book.

In the past. E storage pouch.

would've denied it on the spot, claiming he didn’t pick up Gideon's However, on second thought, since Logan had sought him out so urgently, that meant he must ve seen him take the storage pouch. Denial could lead to unforeseen trouble down. the line.

Emrysn’t wary of the Judd family; rather, he was concerned about the mysterious young man accompanying Logan.

1/3 Chapter 949 The Missing ltem # 10:23 Although Zephyr hadn't said a word, Emrys could sense that his background was likely more complex than it seemed and was worried he'd descend into madness like Gideon did.

“This is Gideon's storage pouch. | haven't touched a thing inside,” Emrys stated.

He didn’t bother asking them what important item they had lost. Instead, he tossed the storage pouch into Logan’s hands.

Most of the items inside were intact except for the counterfeit edition of the Nameless Divine Art book.

Don’t tellthat’s what they're looking for.

“Thank you, Mr. Lund!” Logan breathed a sigh of relief, visibly grateful. He had anticipated this task to be challenging, but Emrys‘ generosity exceeded his expectations.

As expected of Mr. Lund. How deserving of respect.

Logan handed the storage pouch to Zephyr, saying, “Mr. Lestrange, this is Gideon's. storage pouch. Please check if the item is inside.” However, Zephyr's mind was elsewhere.

Seeing Emrys, who appeared even younger than him, sparked doubts within him.

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Is this kid really that formidable? Did he truly defeat Gideon, or was it a stroke of luck? Perhaps Gideon's powers spiraled out of control, leading to his downfall, with this kid simply capitalizing on the opportunity.

Zephyr's attention was soon caught by Emrys’ old-fashioned bike parked behind him.

Why does that look familiar?

He wasn't familiar with the bike's appearance, but what caught his attention was its unmistakable magicak aura.The core components of the bike retained residual energy.

from the creator when it was forged, and Zephyr found that particular aura oddly familiar

Lost in thought, he was brought back to reality by Logan’ voice, prompting him to momentarily set aside his curiosity about the bike. The crucial task at hand was retrieving the lost secret inheritance technique.

Chapter 949 The Missing ltem Zephyr took the storage pouch, swiftly scanning its contents. His expression darkened the next moment.

“Where is it?" Zephyr's irritation grew as he emptied the bag of its m contents, Among the pills and magical item, the one item missing was the Lestrange family’s secret inheritance technique. Send Gifts