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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 891
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Chapter 891 Level Up Since Alexander would never ask that question, even the most outrageous threats from Emrys would not have any impact.

That was Emrys* analysis, and he was not thinking for Rodney and the others.

Being misunderstood made him feel deeply aggrieved.

Emrys quickly composed himself as he got ready to leave the area and find a safer spot to examine his elixir field.

He could sense schanges happening in his elixir field, but the urgency of the situation had previously prevented him from examining exactly what had transpired within it.

Finally, Emrys found a relatively safe place.

He sat cross-legged with his eyes closed and observed his elixir field using telepathic inner vision.

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The revelations were shocking.

His elixir field resembled the cosmos, with a crimson thundercloud, swirling fake elixir fields, and countless shattered fragments of a sword, evoking a starry sky.

“Is this the illusory body of the Spiritual Control Divine Sword?” Emrys muttered, completely taken aback.

He attempted to join two shards with similar shapes, and they instantly formed a larger blade the moment they combined.

Emrys was overjoyed.

Although he was not sure what would happen once he had pieced together all these fragments of the sword, he was certain of one thing; it would undoubtedly bring him a tremendous surprise.

At that thought, Emrys stopped piecing the blades together and shifted his focus away from the telepathic inner vision. While outwardly continuing his cultivation, his mind remained vigilant, monitoring the changes in his surroundings.

He was worried that Alexander would once again attack him with his sword.

1/3 Chapter 891 Level Up Before that, Emrys had concealed his aura meticulously, remaining motionless among the tree branches. He had no idea fathom how Alexander had managed to locate him and even astonishingly incapacitated him with a single sword strike from a distance.

He figured it was better to play it safe.

Emrys had remained on high alert for almost the entire day, only allowing himself to relax when nothing unexpected occurred.

What followed next was akin to a jigsaw puzzle game.

As tslipped away, night fell and dawn arrived. The morning sun illuminated the earth, infusing everything with vitality.

Suddenly, a burst of hearty laughter echoed.

“Hahaha, what an old fool! You couldn’t handle the gand resorted to a sneak attack, could you? But what you didn’t anticipate, even in your wildest dreams, was that actions inadvertently handeda stroke of good fortune!” The person who laughed was none other than Emrys.

your He had exerted immense effort to piece together the shattered blade that had been broken into thousands of fragments. Now, all the pieces within his clixir field had merged to form a complete sword.

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Indeed, it was the Spiritual Control Divine Sword.

Emrys tensed his fingertips, releasing a surge of astonishing life energy that pierced through hundreds of towering ancient trees in succession, its momentum undiminished.

Emrys’ life energy was not only domineering but also carried a strong sense of sword energy. There was absolutely no need for him to deliberately unleash it.

It was all because the Spiritual Control Divine Sword had already replaced the role of the golden elixir field within Emrys’ current elixir field, tempering his life energy and making its power even more formidable.

In addition, his life energy would also carry a strong sword energy after being tempered by the Spiritual Control Divine Sword.

In other words, Emrys’ true strength had now been restored to the peak of the absolute- phase in the Golden Elixir Stage. Moreover, his offensive power surpassed that of a typical cultivator who had successfully condensed the same.

2/3 It was all thanks to Alexander.

If it had not been for Alexander’ sneak attack using the soul sword, which inadvertently triggered the self- destruction switch of the Spiritual Control Divine Sword, Emrys would have remained unaware of its extraordinary function that it could even substitute for the golden elixir field.

Right then, his elixir field had completely transformed into sword energy clixir field.

“I'm Tigger from the Rabid Gang, and I'm going to bring you an exceptional surprise!” Emrys donned his mask once more, and his physique swiftly altered along with it, transforming into Tigger from the Rabid Gang.

In addition to his disinterest in leading the three sects, Emrys also took into account his own abilities. After all, his golden elixir field had been destroyed, and at that time, he was only at the peak of the Foundation Stage in terms of his cultivation base.