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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 1001
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Chapter 1002 Smacking Her Behind At that moment, the crowd at Vitality Oasis had long been stunned.

Those few young men were clearly no saints. It was obvious that brawling was second nature to them. Yet, surprisingly, they proved to be no match at all.

Even though they were armed with baseball bats, Emrys' swift kicks knocked them to the ground before they had a chance to swing their weapons.

"Is this what they call Chanaean martial arts?" The Jetroinian patients in Vitality Oasis couldn't help but gasp in astonishment.

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Meanwhile, both Nedley and Justin were left stunned for quite a while, unable to regain their composure. How could Emrys' martial arts skills be so impressive? Why did he hide behind Yelena when he encountered those people from the Jagger Association? He's truly a difficult man to read.

Regardless of what they were thinking, Emrys had already picked up a baseball bat and walked over to Tiffany. His presence jolted her out of her daze, and her expression instantly becfilled with sheer terror.

"No-" Tiffany subconsciously crouched down, clutching her head, thinking Emrys was about to strike her. However, in the next second, she heard Emrys slowly say, "Your nis Tiffany, right? Don't worry. I have absolutely no interest in a commonplace woman like you. Considering our shared nationality, I feel compelled to warn you. If you continue to wear that bracelet, demonic energy will consyou soon, one so powerful that not even intervention can save you." "Z-Zack giftedthis bracelet," "Tiffany said, her voice trembling.

divine However, Emrys completely ignored her and strode over to Yelena. His expression suddenly darkened, and he scolded, "You little vixen, always causingtrouble. Get down!" He completely ignored the surprised glances of those around him. Without hesitation, he pushed Yelena onto a long bench and raised his baseball bat, bringing it down with force.

Clap! Yelena's perky bottom jiggled.

Her face immediately turned beet red. She shrieked, "What on earth are you doing, Rys? It was clearly you who stirred up the trouble. How could you possibly blthis on me?" "How dare you continue making excuses!" Balance: 1 Coins 313+0 1 Pearls 10:21 Fri, 3 May Chapter 1002 Smacking Her Behind "Ah. Emrys, you d*mn jerk! How dare you smack my butt in front of all these people! What about my dignity?" "What's wrong with smacking you? How dare you behave so arrogantly? Who do you you're talking to?" think Clap! "Emrys! I'm going to kill you!" Clap! "Rys, I realize my mistake now. I promise I won't be reckless again," Yelena sobbed.

"Your acting skills need improvement!" Clap! The crowd around was left wide-eyed and speechless.

Just then, a sharp, icy voice rang out. "You b*stard. Let Yelena go this instant!" The woman who was speaking was dressed in a sleek black suit complemented by a white inner lining. Her figure appeared well-proportioned and slender.

Her already petite face appeared even more delicate and exquisite after she put on the sunglasses. From the portion of her face visible beneath the sunglasses, it was clear that she was a beauty.

Unlike the typically delicate nature of Jetroinian women, this woman exuded a cold demeanor, from the expression on her face to her gait.

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She bore a certain resemblance to Cordelia in terms of demeanor.

Emrys cast a silent glance at the woman and quickly shifted his gaze away. He raised the baseball bat in his hand, ready to take another swing at Yelena's behind. "I told you to let go of Yelena!" The woman wearing sunglasses was clearly agitated.

The several black-clad bodyguards trailing behind her immediately m stepped forward; their faces expressionless as they fixed their gaze on Emrys. It seemed that if Emrys dared to make a move, they wouldn't hesitate to respond in kind.

"What business is it of yours how I discipline my disobedient girlfriend?" Emrys struck again with his bat, angering the woman in sunglasses. She commanded her Balance: 313+0 1 Coins-1, Pearls Chapter 1002 Smacking Her Behind Thud! Thud! Thud!

The burly bodyguards in black were about to step forward and intervene when they saw Yelena struggling and straightening up. "It's a up." misunderstanding, Chloe. This is just a misunderstanding. Rys was just teasing me!" Send Gifts 4.3K X