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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66

“Am | being abrupt?” Emmanuel did not seem to notice her distrust and explained, “My mother also has a slight

pollen allergy, and she also likes. flowers and plants. Therefore, | did more research about this aspect, and | can’t

help but say a few words.”

He was elegant, and when he spoke in a slow tone of voice, he had ssimilarity with Chadwick.

Tabitha gradually let down her guard. She tended to have a good impression of someone filial.

“Does Natal lily bloom all year round?” she asked.

“Natal lily flowers for one, bear fruits for three, and is evergreen for all four seasons. Flowers are not the only

thing to admire about plants. The fruits of the Natal lily are also very beautiful,” Emmanuel said gently, turned

on the phone, and showed her a photo of the Natal lily planted by Lorelai. “Look, this is what my mother


In the picture, the Natal lily had already borne fruits. The red spherical fruits were in clusters and looked very


Tabitha could not help but praise, “It is indeed beautiful.”

Seeing that she was interested, Emmanuel patiently told her the cultivation method of the Natal lily in detail.

Seeing that Tabitha’s expression gradually relaxed, Emmanuel suddenly stopped talking.

His expression changed too obviously, so Tabitha soon noticed it. She asked, “Mr. Sinclair, what's wrong?”

Emmanuel frowned. “Tabitha, | don’t know if | should tell you this.”


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Chapter 665

Then don’t tell me.” “Tabitha said in a wary tone, “If you have time, you can tellmore about Natal lily. If you

don’t want to talk, Mr. Sinclair, please go back.”

Emmanuel’s expression changed slightly as he thought, ‘A woman who's smart and vigilant is not cute at all.”

He started, “Actually, it’s not a big deal. Today, a woman cto the company for Malcolm. | saw that Malcolm

was very intimate with her and even brought her into the car. | was a little worried about you...”

“Don’t bother, Mr. Sinclair!” Tabitha’s eyes were slightly cold as she said, “Thank you for tellingabout Natal

Lily today. I'm a little sleepy and need to go back to rest.”

Although she hated Malcolm being close to Naomi, she also hated Emmanuel’s behavior of talking behind his


Emmanuel hurriedly said, “I'm sorry. This is your family matter. | shouldn't comment too much about it.”

“Mr. Sinclair, if you want to talk to Grandpa Alaric about something, be my guest.” Tabitha said calmly, “Now,

excuse me.”

Then she turned around and went back to her room.

Emmanuel did not speak again. He stared at her back with an

unpredictable expression and thought, ‘This woman turns againstso quickly. It's not easy to fool her.

However, what Emmanuel wanted was to make her angry. This would be his excuse to apologize to her the next

the visited.

The next day, Emmanuel arrived at the perfect time, just in tfor Tabitha to sort out the soil in the garden.

He greeted her and handed her a pot of green plants he had brought.

Chapter 6.



Tabitha, | was wrong yesterday, so | want to apologize. This is the succulents | saw in the flower shop. They're

called houseleek. | thought you might like them.”

Tabitha looked down at the succulents in his hands.

This kind of plant was very common. They had the shape of a blooming lotus flower, dignified and lovely.

“I know you like plants, but I'm afraid you will be allergic if | send real flowers. And jasmines are too expensive. |

have an awkward status and only get a regular salary every month. Therefore, | can only give you an ordinary

plant. | hope you don’t mind it,” he said.

Emmanuel’s expression was too sincere, just like a tactful gentleman. Tabitha also knew she showed a foul

attitude yesterday, so she reached out

to take the succulents.

She replied, “I was in a bad mood yesterday. I'm sorry.”

Emmanuel breathed a sigh of relief and then asked, “Are we still friends. now?”

Tabitha was silent for a moment and said softly, “Yes.”

Not far away, Malcolm stood under a tall tree. The sunlight fell on his face through the mottled leaves and

blurred the emotion on his face.

However, his hands hanging beside him were clenched tightly.

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Alaric looked at his trembling hands and said, “It's not bad that Tabby has a good relationship with Manny.”

Malcolm stared at the figure not far away with his blue eyes and said. coldly, “Isn't Emmanuel frequenting the

Sinclair manor too much recently?”

Alaric responded, “There is a tricky old debt, which is not easy to deal


Chapter 66


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with. Manny has many details to discuss with me. His serious attitude. towards work deserves praise.”

Malcolm was silent and did not reply. Alaric continued, “Why do I think Manny is too friendly to Tabby?”

Malcolm turned to look at Alaric.

If Alaric thought it was inappropriate, he would immediately tell Emmanuel not to cto the Sinclair manor


Unexpectedly, Alaric changed his tone and said, “But Tabby is a good girl. It’s normal for many people to like


With that. Alaric walked away slowly with his hands behind his back.

Malcolm’s expression was somewhat grim.

He wondered. ‘Is there anything to be proud of about such a thing?”

The scene in the distance was inexplicably dazzling, which hurt his eyes a little. He suddenly felt an

uncontrollable irritation at the bottom of his heart and could not help but strode over to them.