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Chasing His Kickass Luna Back by Jane Above Story

Chapter 212
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“I’m just so tired of it, Karl,” I murmur into his chest, a sob quaking my body.

Karl holds me for a few long moments, his hand rubbing my back as I sob into

his chest. But when the sobs finally subside, and I slowly lift my head to look up

at him, his gaze is fixed sternly on the wall behind us.

“I’ll handle this,” he says, his eyes narrowed and jaw set in a way that sends a

jolt of worry through me.

“No, Karl, don’t—” But it’s too late. Extricating himself from me, he tugs his mask

back over his face. Then he’s out the door, the bouquet of flowers still lying

forgotten on the floor.

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My heart pounds in my chest as I race after him, my feet barely touching the

carpet. I round the corner to see him already confronting Daniel, who’s standing

near the food table in the main room where the other contestants, their friends

and families, and various staff are milling about.

There’s a plastic smile frozen on his face, but it fades as Karl storms up to her.

“What gives you the right to badmouth Abby?” Karl’s voice cuts through the air

like a knife, and everyone, contestants and crew alike, turns to look.

“Excuse me? And who might you be?” Daniel sneers, taking in Karl’s surgical

mask and casual clothes.

“This isn’t about who I am; this is about you and how you treat others,” Karl

says, his voice laced with disapproval.

Daniel laughs, a hollow sound that does nothing to hide the edge in his voice. “I

think everyone would like to know who’s hiding behind the mask before we can

take him seriously.”

Karl takes a step forward, undeterred. “Seriously? Maybe you should be taking

your rivals more seriously. Abby is a brilliant chef, and what are you? A high

school bully?”

Daniel rolls his eyes, but there’s a flicker of uncertainty there. “Well, if she’s so

brilliant, why isn’t she defending herself?” he asks, his gaze sliding coolly over

to me. “Why does she need a man to come to her rescue?”

“Abby doesn’t need me to defend her,” Karl counters, “but when someone as

unprofessional and rude as you starts slinging mud, it becomes everyone’s

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problem. Even during your interview, your self-absorption shined through like a

spotlight. You’re a narcissist.”

A hush falls over the room, so heavy it’s almost palpable. I can feel the weight of

everyone’s eyes on me, and my cheeks flush in humiliation. Then, just as I think

I might drown in the deafening silence, another voice speaks up.

“Actually, I’m with Abby and the mystery man,” Vanessa suddenly says, rising

from her chair. Her voice is calm but firm, like the eye of a storm. “As

contestants, I expect all of you to treat each other with respect. Understood?”

“And frankly,” she says, staring pointedly at Daniel, “you’re lucky I don’t give you

a formal warning for gossipy behavior.”

“Hmph,” he mutters, his shoes clicking against the floor as he stalks away, his

exit as dramatic as everything else about him. Coոtent of Drаmаոovels.cоm

And I have no idea what to say.