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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 80
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Nan Xing thought that he had heard wrongly too. Any woman would swoon upon seeing a diamond that big, yet she

rejected it!

“Sir Chen, Ding Mi isn't refusing this diamond, she is just busy with shooting the show so I'll just keep it for her,” said

Cheng Xiangyun whose eyes were glowing as she stared at that diamond.

Ning Ran rolled her eyes at Cheng Xiangyun and thought What a money-minded woman. His gifts cannot be

accepted because he is after the children.

“No way I'm handing it to you,” said Nan Xing, “it's for her.”

“Quit fooling around,” said Ning Ran, “I need to work.”

“We'll stop shooting today. Take a day off,” said Nan Xing, “We'll go pick up the kids together then have a meal as a


“You don't call the shots here. I have to keep working.”

Nan Xing cleared his throat and asked, “Who's the director?”

Upon hearing that, Wang Yan wondered if Sir Chen was drunk to behave so weirdly and even forgot about who the

director was. Still, he didn't dare to argue so Wang Yan quickly stepped forward and said, “I'm the director.”

“Ding Mi's not shooting anymore today,” said Nan Xing, “Am I right?”

“Yes, of course,” said Wang Yan, “Whatever you say, sir.”

Nan Xing proudly turned to Ning Ran, “Hear that? The director agreed with me. Let's go, darling.”

“I'm not going!” said Ning Ran.

“Don't be a buzzkill,” said Cheng Xiangyun, “Just go with him.”

“You go if you want to,” said Ning Ran angrily, “I'm staying.”

“He is the father. You can't stop them from meeting just because you don't like it.” “Besides, everyone's watching. If

you refused to go, he would have no choice but to drag you away. Won't that be embarrassing?” whispered Cheng


Ning Ran agreed with Cheng Xiangyun. That idiot put on a show that big. If I refused to go with him, he would cause

a scene and that would embarrass me in front of that Luo Fei!

Since there was no way out, Ning Ran decided that she may as well piss the cr*p out of Luo Fei.

Upon realizing that, Ning Ran's attitude changed immediately and a smile lit up on her face as she said, “Director,

sometimes it's good to listen to Ms. Fei. Ms. Fei hadn't permitted me to leave yet.”

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“Ms. Fei?” asked Nan Xing redundantly, “who's that?”

“Luo Fei. She's a celebrity,” said Ning Ran, “And she calls the shot in this production set.”

“Who is Luo Fei?” asked Nan Xing loudly.

Luo Fei was so angry and ashamed that she wanted to flee and hide.

Nan Xing was acting like he didn't even know who she was even though she had tried to hug Nan Xing just moments


That insult was just too heartless.

Luo Fei's face reddened with embarrassment then paled with horror before turning back to red with anger. She was

trapped and it was embarrassing regardless of whether she answered.

The director noted that Luo Fei was in too much trouble so he had to step up to help her. “Sir Chen, that was so

funny,” said Wang Yan, “You already know that this is Ms. Fei.”

“You're Luo Fei?” asked Nan Xing as he turned to Luo Fei.

Luo Fei was furious but she didn't reply.

“I'm leaving with Ding Mi,” said Nan Xing, “You got a problem with that?”

Luo Fei forced a smile on her face as she uttered, “No, no problem.”

“That's better. Still, there's nothing you can do even if you've got a problem with that. I can leave with anyone I

want.” “Listen up, guys. Ding Mi is my lover. From now on, she calls the shots and she can work and leave as she

pleases. If anyone has a problem with her then they have a problem with me!” declared Nan Xing.

No one spoke because no one dared to go against him. No one was stupid enough to do that. If anything, they

needed to get on his good side.

“See that, darling?” asked Nan Xing proudly, “No one objected so we can leave.”

“They're being nice because you're here,” said Ning Ran, “They'll make things difficult for me again when you're not


“If anyone dares to hurt you, I'll force them out of this city!” growled Nan Xing before he walked up on Wang Yan,

“You're the director, right? If my darling ever gets bullied in this set again, I will personally hold it against you!”

“Y... Yes, sir,” said Wang Yan immediately, “I guarantee that Ms. Ding will be protected.”

Ning Ran smiled and hugged Nan Xing's arm before she turned to grin at Luo Fei who was on the verge of exploding

with anger.

Ning Ran didn't want to hug Nan Xing, but since Luo Fei failed to do so earlier, Ning Ran thought she'd try because if

she succeeded, Luo Fei would be furious.

In the end, she succeeded, and Nan Xing was glad to see that Ning Ran was no longer rejecting him so he was

smiling like a child.

The two of them walked on the red carpet while holding hands then got into the sports car.

The sports car growled and zoomed out of the set.

Luo Fei wos so upset thot she fell ond sot on the floor.

On the other hond, Ning Ron wos o little uneosy with the ridiculous speed thot the cor wos troveling. Must one drive

so fost when they hove o good cor? thought Ning Ron. It's not like driving foster meons thot he is more hondsome.

“Dorling, ore you upset?” osked Non Xing who noticed thot Ning Ron wos frowning, “Is the cor uncomfortoble?”

“Sir, we're not thot close,” soid Ning Ron, “Pleose don't coll me 'dorling'.”

The sports cor screeched ond stopped ot the side of the rood.

“There wos o crowd bock there so I didn't get to introduce myself,” soid Non Xing with o serious foce, “I om your

children's fother. My nome is Non Xing, ond I om Non Chen's twin brother. I moy not be os well-known os my

brother, but I om more hondsome ond woy more interesting.”

Ning Ron sighed. She guessed right. Thot wos the Poker Foce's younger brother.

It's hord to soy whether or not the ridiculous mon stonding in front of her wos more hondsome thon the Poker Foce,

but he wos definitely more interesting.

“I've finished introducing myself,” soid Non Xing with onticipotion, “Don't you hove onything to soy?”

Ning Ron didn't know whot to soy. She wonted to osk why he wos ot thot ploce five yeors ogo ond ended up

spending the night with her, but thot wos not urgent ond the onswer didn't motter onymore.

The importont thing wos to find o woy to prevent the Non Fomily from getting custody of the children.

At thot moment, it seemed like the mon stonding in front of her wos eosier to deol with thon thot Poker Foce, ond

he wos the fother so no motter whot hoppened, their connection connot be broken.

Ning Ron decided to try ond get olong with this mon or ot leost be on better terms with him thon she wos with thot

Poker Foce.

After oll, if thot mon joined forces with the Poker Foce, she would hove no chonce of keeping her children.

“Hello, I om Ding Mi, on unknown octress,” soid Ning Ron.

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“No, not onymore. You're not just on overoge octress,” soid Non Xing, “You ore my lover. You con choose to retire,

ond I'll be your breodwinner. If you reolly like your job then I con get my brother to sign you os on octress for our

entertoinment compony, ond help you become the most fomous octress ever!”

“No, no need,” soid Ning Ron quickly ofter heoring the Poker Foce's nome, “I like it this woy.”

Luo Fei was so upset that she fell and sat on the floor.

On the other hand, Ning Ran was a little uneasy with the ridiculous speed that the car was traveling. Must one drive

so fast when they have a good car? thought Ning Ran. It's not like driving faster means that he is more handsome.

“Darling, are you upset?” asked Nan Xing who noticed that Ning Ran was frowning, “Is the car uncomfortable?”

“Sir, we're not that close,” said Ning Ran, “Please don't call me 'darling'.”

The sports car screeched and stopped at the side of the road.

“There was a crowd back there so I didn't get to introduce myself,” said Nan Xing with a serious face, “I am your

children's father. My name is Nan Xing, and I am Nan Chen's twin brother. I may not be as well-known as my

brother, but I am more handsome and way more interesting.”

Ning Ran sighed. She guessed right. That was the Poker Face's younger brother.

It's hard to say whether or not the ridiculous man standing in front of her was more handsome than the Poker Face,

but he was definitely more interesting.

“I've finished introducing myself,” said Nan Xing with anticipation, “Don't you have anything to say?”

Ning Ran didn't know what to say. She wanted to ask why he was at that place five years ago and ended up

spending the night with her, but that was not urgent and the answer didn't matter anymore.

The important thing was to find a way to prevent the Nan Family from getting custody of the children.

At that moment, it seemed like the man standing in front of her was easier to deal with than that Poker Face, and

he was the father so no matter what happened, their connection cannot be broken.

Ning Ran decided to try and get along with this man or at least be on better terms with him than she was with that

Poker Face.

After all, if that man joined forces with the Poker Face, she would have no chance of keeping her children.

“Hello, I am Ding Mi, an unknown actress,” said Ning Ran.

“No, not anymore. You're not just an average actress,” said Nan Xing, “You are my lover. You can choose to retire,

and I'll be your breadwinner. If you really like your job then I can get my brother to sign you as an actress for our

entertainment company, and help you become the most famous actress ever!”

“No, no need,” said Ning Ran quickly after hearing the Poker Face's name, “I like it this way.”