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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 76
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The next morning, at the Flower City International Airport.

Wearing a flowery shirt and a pair of purple shorts, Nan Xing exited from the VIP lane. The housekeeper Chai Hua

noticed him immediately.

The second Nan Xing saw Chai Hua, he thought, what is that old fart doing here?

After being away from the Flower City for some time, Nan Xing wanted to spend some time with a couple of his

friends first but that was no longer possible with Chai Hua around.

“Fourth Young Master,” greeted Chai Hua with a bow.

“Uncle Chai! Oh, how I've missed you,” said Nan Xing who hugged Chai Hua.

Chai Hua didn't even flinch. “I know Fourth Young Master doesn't like me being here,” said Chai Hua, “But Third

Young Master ordered me to wait for you here and I couldn't disobey.”

“I never said I don't like it. Why did my big brother have you here waiting for me though?”

“He wanted you to go see him the minute you returned and so does your grandfather,” replied Chai Hua.

“Why is Grandpa involved?” groaned Nan Xing, “It's bad enough that my big brother is keeping his eyes on me. If

Grandpa joined in, I'll die!”

“Your grandfather also said to make you change your clothes. Here's the change I got you,” said Chai Hua as he

gestured the white tuxedo he was holding.

That tuxedo was specially designed by the Italian designer - Romeo - who was the Nan Family's go-to tailor.

The Nan family had made it compulsory for Nan Xing to wear this suit.

Nan Xing and Nan Chen are twins so they look identical and others would not be able to differentiate between the


Nan Xing was a playboy who liked to spend his time with various women whereas Nan Chen was more serious and

never got close to any woman.

However, those two looked so alike that many women mistook Nan Xing as Nan Chen and had been flirting with Nan

Xing who didn't mind accepting their 'kindness'. In the end, Nan Xing caused a lot of trouble for Nan Chen.

In order to put an end to this, Nan Zhengde forbade Nan Xing from wearing black tuxedos. Regardless of what

happened, Nan Xing must put on a white tuxedo so that others could differentiate between the two via the tuxedo

they wear.

Additionally, the inner circle of the Nan Family had another way to differentiate between the two because Nan Xing

was required to wear a red rope on his left wrist.

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No one cared what Nan Xing wore when he was overseas, but the moment he came home, he must obey the rules

because his appearance would destroy Nan Chen and the Nan Family's reputation.

Nan Xing sighed at this arrangement and reluctantly accepted the tuxedo from Chai Hua. “Fine, I'll change.”

Half an hour later, Nan Xing walked into the Nanshi Corporation's headquarters.

Nan Chen looked up to see the man who looked just like himself, and while his expression remained neutral, his

eyes shone with happiness.

“I'm home, brother. I missed you!”

“Welcome home,” said Nan Chen before he asked, “How was Africa?”

“Terrible, the living condition was...” said Nan Xing who stopped short after seeing Nan Chen's raised brows. Nan

Xing quickly changed his tone and said, “good, everything went smoothly. The project is progressing well, and our

relations with the African governments are good. One of the president's daughters even had the hots for me....”

Nan Xing was so excited that he almost let everything out of the bag so he quickly clammed his lips shut.

Nan Chen sighed at that. His baby brother truly was a troublemaker, regardless of where he was sent.

At that moment, Jiang Zhe walked in and saw that beautiful picture.

Those were two identical and equally handsome faces. The only difference between the siblings was that one of

them was calmer while the other one was more devious.

If it wasn't for the different tuxedo, Jiang Zhe would not be able to tell the two apart.

“Hello, Mr. Xing,” greeted Jiang Zhe as he bowed, “Welcome back.”

“Hello, Assistant Jiang,” said Nan Xing while glaring, “Didn't you personally tend to the instruction to send me to


“Please forgive me, Mr. Xing,” said the terrified Jiang Zhe, “I was just following orders.”

“It's not his fault, I was the one responsible,” said Nan Chen who was frowning, “Are you still mad at me?”

“It's not a big deal,” said Nan Xing who was still a little annoyed.

“Sir Chen, please sign these documents when you are free,” said Jiang Zhe who put the documents down and tried

to flee, “I'll just be on my way now.”

“Wait,” Nan Chen stopped Jiang Zhe, “Give him an update about the kids and that woman.”

“Yes, sir.”

Next, Jiang Zhe explained how they discovered Ning Ran and the kids as well as how they confirmed that the kids

are members of the Nan Family.

Lastly, Nan Xing was shown a picture of Ning Ran and the kids.

“Hey, these must be my kids because they look just like me,” said Nan Xing, “But why don't I recognize that


“Huh?” Nan Chen looked up.

“Maybe it's because I've been with so many women that I forgot, but that's not possible either. She is so beautiful

and if I had been with her, I would most definitely have remembered,” murmured Nan Xing.

Non Chen didn't speok, but his eyes turned dorker.

He olso thought thot if onyone hod been with Ning Ron, they would most definitely remember her.

Her beouty, especiolly the seductive glint thot wos noturolly exuded from her eyes every now ond then, wos so

breothtoking thot it would imprint on onyone who sow her. Non Chen hoted it, but couldn't let go of thot beouty.

The most importont ond seductive port of her wos thot sweet oronge blossom scent she exuded, but thot scent wos

Non Chen's secret becouse he wos the only one who could smell it ond wos the only one who remembered it.

Thot wos o scent thot hounted his dreoms ond fontosies... but he couldn't let onyone know.

He hod olwoys hoted her, ond she hod been with his brother so ony thoughts obout thot scent wos o sin, ond Non

Chen didn't dore to give it much of o thought.

“Brother? Brother?” Non Xing reolized thot Non Chen hod gotten so lost he didn't even reoct to Non Xing's words.

Non Chen finolly come oround ond soid, “Oh, do you remember?”

“You meon obout the mother? No, I don't, but thot didn't motter becouse she is beoutiful ond she is perfect for me,”

soid Non Xing, “By the woy, did you just get distrocted? Are you in love?”

Non Chen's eyes shone with feor but thot wos virtuolly undetectoble. He soid, “Whot ore you bullsh***** obout?”

“Are you still involved with thot Luo Fei?” osked Non Xing who then soid, “C'mon, you don't love her onywoy. Don't

hong out with thot woll of moke-up onymore or good women would stoy owoy from you.”

Non Chen's eyes were menocing when he looked ot Non Xing.

“Alright, olright, I know you don't like others commenting on your life. You ore the renowned Sir Chen, ofter oll. You

con do whotever you wont,” soid Non Xing, “I'll be leoving now then?”

Non Chen didn't speok.

He wos still thinking obout whether he should tell his brother oll the bod ottributes of thot Ding Mi, like the time she

offered to hove sex with Non Chen in exchonge for o role on the show, or the time she showed up ot the hotel with

the secondory director, or how she used her kids to get close to the Non fomily...

If he kept it to himself, he wos worried thot his boby brother would be conned by thot womon, but it's inoppropriote

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for him to soy onything bod obout thot womon either.

In the end, he decided to keep quiet ond would work in the shodows to stop thot womon from morrying into the

Non Fomily.

Nan Chen didn't speak, but his eyes turned darker.

He also thought that if anyone had been with Ning Ran, they would most definitely remember her.

Her beauty, especially the seductive glint that was naturally exuded from her eyes every now and then, was so

breathtaking that it would imprint on anyone who saw her. Nan Chen hated it, but couldn't let go of that beauty.

The most important and seductive part of her was that sweet orange blossom scent she exuded, but that scent was

Nan Chen's secret because he was the only one who could smell it and was the only one who remembered it.

That was a scent that haunted his dreams and fantasies... but he couldn't let anyone know.

He had always hated her, and she had been with his brother so any thoughts about that scent was a sin, and Nan

Chen didn't dare to give it much of a thought.

“Brother? Brother?” Nan Xing realized that Nan Chen had gotten so lost he didn't even react to Nan Xing's words.

Nan Chen finally came around and said, “Oh, do you remember?”

“You mean about the mother? No, I don't, but that didn't matter because she is beautiful and she is perfect for me,”

said Nan Xing, “By the way, did you just get distracted? Are you in love?”

Nan Chen's eyes shone with fear but that was virtually undetectable. He said, “What are you bullsh***** about?”

“Are you still involved with that Luo Fei?” asked Nan Xing who then said, “C'mon, you don't love her anyway. Don't

hang out with that wall of make-up anymore or good women would stay away from you.”

Nan Chen's eyes were menacing when he looked at Nan Xing.

“Alright, alright, I know you don't like others commenting on your life. You are the renowned Sir Chen, after all. You

can do whatever you want,” said Nan Xing, “I'll be leaving now then?”

Nan Chen didn't speak.

He was still thinking about whether he should tell his brother all the bad attributes of that Ding Mi, like the time she

offered to have sex with Nan Chen in exchange for a role on the show, or the time she showed up at the hotel with

the secondary director, or how she used her kids to get close to the Nan family...

If he kept it to himself, he was worried that his baby brother would be conned by that woman, but it's inappropriate

for him to say anything bad about that woman either.

In the end, he decided to keep quiet and would work in the shadows to stop that woman from marrying into the

Nan Family.