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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 59
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“Don't get the police involved!” Ning Ran stopped Cheng Xiangyun immediately.

“There's no need to call the police. This is but a small case, and it's difficult to gather evidence. Moreover, once the

police are involved, everyone would be terrified.”

“And if the media caught wind of this, it would be exaggerated which would cause trouble for everyone involved. I

don't want that to happen.”

Cheng Xiangyun nodded in agreement, but said, “I understand where you're coming from, but are you really going

to let whoever the culprit is get away with it?”

“I knew things like this would happen. That's why I've been careful, but I guess I couldn't prevent it all.” “I wasn't

careful enough this time, I'll just be extra cautious from now on.”

“As for finding out who the culprit is... Well, the answer is obvious so we don't actually need the police to help us

figure it out.” “It's fine, just let it be. I'll find a way to deal with it in the future.” “Besides, I was treated in time, and

am fine now. We'll just take this as a lesson learned.”

Ning Ran acted calmly like she didn't care.

The truth was, she did care, but her past experiences had taught her that hatred and jealousy were the most

worthless emotions.

All those years ago, her mom died with hatred in her heart. Ning Ran left the country while being pregnant and was

consumed by hatred for the longest time.

In the end, that hatred tortured her day and night like toxic worms feeding off of her and becoming stronger as she

grew weaker in a world of hopelessness and pain.

It wasn't until her children were born that she understood that the hatred was only torturing her, while the man she

hated was just fine.

If that was the case, why even bother hating at all? Why not just make the best out of your life and be happier than

the person you hate. That was the true path of salvation.

Having survived those horrifying experiences, Ning Ran was able to let what happened on the set go.

Ning Ran was trying to pacify the furious Cheng Xiangyun when Beauty Zheng entered.

Beauty Zheng was Zheng Lunlun's nickname given to him by his online fans. The nickname was rather fitting for his

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He was holding a bag of food as he entered. They had all been so busy that none of them had had dinner yet.

“Feeling better? Since you're up, let's have dinner then after that, we can close the doors and do it again,” said

Zheng Lunlun.

Cheng Xiangyun was stunned by Zheng Lunlun's actions and words. Not only did he treat her like she was invisible,

but he used phrases like 'do it again' in the hospital, a public place! Does he have no shame at all?

What made her even more upset was the fact that she could hear her heart beating faster and her face turning red

whereas Ning Ran was completely immune to it. “Nope, we're not doing that,” said Ning Ran.

Cheng Xiangyun wanted to hide her face and flee the scene. Those two were just too much! Using shameless and

easily misinterpreted phrases like that.

In order to prevent any awkward situations from arising, Cheng Xiangyun chimed in and said, “Let's eat. We can

have a private conversation later.”

Ning Ran was feeling better and had become hungry.

The takeout was surprisingly delicious, and both Ning Ran and Cheng Xiangyun couldn't help but praise it, “Wow,

this takeout is delicious!”

“Pfft~ these aren't ordinary takeout, ladies. This is prepared by the head chef of the Phoenix's Heaven restaurant. I

had someone pick up the meal and deliver it over. The head chef is internationally renowned so the meals he

prepared are excellent,” said Zheng Lunlun.

“Prepared by an internationally renowned chef? No wonder it's so good,” said Cheng Xiangyun.

“He's lying. It's probably from the stall on the streets. We only find it especially delicious because we're hungry,”

said Ning Ran as she chowed down.

“See that? This woman is annoyingly stubborn. It's my least favorite part of you,” complained Zheng Lunlun.

“Like I care what you think of me? I would've completely ignored you if it isn't for the fact that I owe you money,”

said Ning Ran.

“See what I mean? I saved your life today. If it wasn't for me, you'd never get treated in time and would probably

be lying dead on the street right now! I can't believe how ungrateful you are.” “Damn, I'm angry,” complained

Zheng Lunlun.

“Right? This woman has always been ungrateful. She lives in my place, eats my food, and sleeps on my bed. Yet, I

have never gotten a 'thank you' from her before.” Cheng Xiangyun joined in the protest.

“She sleeps on your bed?” Zheng Lunlun's eyes widened with astonishment, “so the two of you...?”

“You think too much. I'm not into her. She's just my manager. We have no personal attachment whatsoever and

coexist only to exploit one another,” joked Ning Ran.

The three of them were having a great time together inside the hospital room, creating a warm atmosphere.

That was when they heard loud noises from behind the door. Cheng Xiangyun stood up to look outside, and d***!

The corridor outside the room was crowded.

The doctors, nurses, and patients - even the ones holding a walking cane and the ones attached to an IV drip - were

all standing outside Ning Ran's room.

The moment the door was opened, a middle-aged woman barged into the room and shouted, “Lunlun! It really is

you! I finally got to meet you in person!”

That was the moment Zheng Lunlun realizes that he had forgotten to put on his mask before he entered the

hospital and had been recognized.

Once the news that the superstar Zheng Lunlun was inside the hospital got out, everyone and their family members

came over to sneak a peek at that celebrity.

It was not possible to avoid it so Zheng Lunlun had no choice but to face them. “Let's talk outside,” said Zheng

Lunlun, “My friend is sick and it'd disrupt her recovery if we talk here.”

“Request whatever you want. I'll be sure to fulfil...”

Zheng Lunlun hadn't even finished his sentence before the middle-aged woman planted a kiss on his cheek.


Nanshi Corporation

Nan Chen was reading the article that Jiang Zhe had shown him and was clearly annoyed.

“I called Director Wang to ask about what happened. Turned out, the reason Young Master Lun was in that hospital

with the actress was because the actress was sick and he had to take her to the hospital.”

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“It happened very suddenly so he probably forgot to put on a disguise and was recognized by his fans, which is


Jiang Zhe was in the middle of reporting the incident when his phone rang.

“It's Ms. Fei,” reported Jiang Zhe.

Luo Fei knew that she would likely be ignored if she called Nan Chen's number directly so she called Jiang Zhe


Nan Chen signaled Jiang Zhe to pick up the call.

Jiang Zhe swiped on his phone and put her on the speaker.

“Hello, Ms. Fei.”

“Assistant Jiang, is Sir Chen busy? I would like to talk to him.” Luo Fei's voice rang from the phone.

Jiang Zhe turned to Nan Chen who gave the orders with his eyes.

Jiang Zhe understood instantly and replied, “Sir Chen is in a meeting at the moment. Is there anything I can help

you with, Ms. Fei?”

“Okay then, here's the deal. The production was disrupted today because of the actress named Ding Mi.”

“The first male lead - Zheng Lunlun - came in today and that Ding Mi kept flirting with him, even went so far as to

feign her sickness and insisted that Zheng Lunlun take her to the hospital.”

“Zheng Lunlun is a superstar so he refused but that Ding Mi kept pushing so he had no choice but to take her to the


“Worse still, Zheng Lunlun was photographed at the hospital so the production had to be delayed. Everyone was

furious. I thought there's a need to report this to Sir Chen since this is his investment project.”

After Luo Fei finished, she paused to check if there was any reaction from the other side.

“No problem, I'll report this to Sir Chen later. Is there anything else?” asked Jiang Zhe.

“That Ding Mi is too troublesome. If this goes on, the whole plan would be disrupted. Assistant Jiang, please advise

Sir Chen to replace the actress when the timing is right,” said Luo Fei.

“Well, I'm only an assistant so I'm in no position to make any decision.”

Jiang Zhe's reply was very political because he was merely looking to survive, and his employer was fuming while

listening to this report.